General Surgery Coding Alert

CCI 17.2:

11021, 11022: You'll Find More FNA Bundles Than Ever

Beware gastric restrictive procedure bundles, too. Already hemmed in by prior Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits, you'll find even fewer times you can report fine needle aspiration (FNA) with other surgical procedures, based on third quarter changes. CCI version 17.2, which takes effect July 1, offers 2,367 new edit pairs and deletes 336 bundles, according to an analysis by Frank Cohen, MPA, MBB, principal and senior analyst with The Frank Cohen Group, LLC. The majority of edits impact codes from the musculoskeletal code range (20000-29999), but you'll find new bundles for codes throughout the CPT® manual. Nix FNA With Soft Tissue Tumor Codes Although CCI previously appeared to do a thorough job of bundling FNA codes 10021-10022 (Fine needle aspiration; ...) into most biopsy, excision, and resection codes, the new version of CCI takes it a step further. Effective July 1, you'll find 10021-10022 bundled with scores of additional codes [...]
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