General Surgery Coding Alert

CCI 16.3:

44602-44605 Account for Hundreds of New Edits You Need to Know

Look for 0228T, 0230T bundles, too.Make sure you keep your general surgery practice in compliance by implementing Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) fourth quarter changes, which went into effect Oct. 1. CCI version 16.3 introduces 19,667 new edit pairs, as well as changes to the modifier indicator for 83 edit pairs, according to Frank D. Cohen, MPA, MBB, senior analyst with MIT Solutions, Inc. But don't worry; you won't have to sort through all those changes. We've done it for you. To keep your general surgery practice on the up and up this quarter, here's what you need to know.Include Intestinal Sutures, Diagnostic Lap in Abdominal Procedures CCI 16.3 includes many additions that will impact your surgery practice by creating over 500 edit pairs involving the following codes:44602 -- Suture of small intestine (enterorrhaphy) for perforated ulcer, diverticulum, wound, injury or rupture; single perforation44603 -- ... multiple perforations44604 -- Suture of large intestine (colorrhaphy) [...]
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