General Surgery Coding Alert

CPT 2012:
49082-49084 Separate Peritoneal Procedures for More Accurate Coding
Get ready for vascular and skin changes, too. Have you ever been baffled trying to disting... Read more
Switch from 567.22 to K65.1 for Peritoneal Abscess
Little changes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 for this condition. Your surgeon may diagnose a pe... Read more
CPT® 2012:
99218-99220: Observation Time Guidelines Could Help You Gain Pay
Also watch for modifier 33.When CPT® 2011 debuted the subsequent observation care co... Read more
Medical Necessity:
3 Steps Focus Diagnosis Coding for Your Surgical Claims
Add these tips to your ICD-9 toolbox.You won't get paid for your surgeon's work if you onl... Read more
Hone Your ICD-9 Coding Skills With This Example
You just studied tips for accurate ICD-9 coding in "3 Steps Focus Diagnosis Coding for You... Read more
Reader Question:
49321: Stick to Anatomic Site for Code Selection
Question: Can we use 49321 for a laparoscopic liver biopsy to avoid using an "unlisted" co... Read more
Reader Question:
Know GC Rules for Resident Surgical Assists
Question: When a resident assists a surgeon in a teaching hospital, do we need to add modi... Read more
Reader Question:
10021/21011 Bundles Limit Coding
Question: Our surgeon performed a fine needle aspiration followed by an excision of a 1.5 ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Inclusive Code for Whipple Resection
Question: Our surgeon performed a "Whipple Resection," which included creating an opening ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Anatomy Answers Cecectomy Question
Question: The surgical note says that the surgeon performed a laparoscopic "partial cecect... Read more
CCI Edits:
44950, 44970 Appendectomies Catch More Restrictions Under CCI 17.3
Plus: CMS reverses some venipuncture and catheter placement edits. Your general surgeon ma... Read more
5 K38 ICD-10 Codes Expand ICD-9 Appendicitis Specificity
Some conditions gets one-to-one crosswalk.When your surgeon removes an appendix, you'll ha... Read more
CPT® 2011 Errata:
47490 Modification Shakes Up Your Cholecystostomy Coding
Pull out the red pen to correct a dangerous error in your manual.With a 2011 code revision... Read more
Do This When DOS Spans ICD-9/ICD-10 Implementation Date
Distinguish "from" and "through" dates.You know you'll need to start using ICD-10 diagnosi... Read more
'Unlisted Laparoscopy' Allow Co-Surgeons, Thanks to Fee Schedule Change
Don't forget the modifier for distinct services.You'll no longer have to forfeit pay when ... Read more
Reader Question:
44202 Hinges on Medical Necessity
Question: Our surgeon performed a complex repair for a recurrent ventral hernia that invol... Read more
Reader Question:
Does Friction Count as a 'Burn'?
Question: A patient presented with multiple friction "burns" from a treadmill. He had part... Read more
Reader Question:
Span Body Site -- Not CPT® Code
Question: Our surgeon excised a very large lipoma located primarily in the upper back, but... Read more
Reader Question:
Established Patients Last 3 Years
Question: We saw a patient over a year ago for a hemorrhoidectomy, and now the patient cam... Read more
Reader Question:
Re-Excision Depends on Timing
Question:  The surgeon performs a lesion re-excision for margin removal because the p... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Define Partial Colectomy Procedure by Reconnection
Question: What defines a low-pelvic anastomosis as opposed to a partial colectomy -- ... Read more
Skin Replacement/Substitutes:
15002-+15431 Revealed: Revised CPT® Instruction Clarifies Coding
No fixation means no separate service. The codes and rules for reporting skin replacement ... Read more
Clip and Save:
Simplify Graft Coding With This Handy Organizational Chart
Source defines code families.CPT provides over 50 codes for surgical fixation of skin repl... Read more
728.86 to M72.6: Expect Direct Crosswalk for Necrotizing Fasciitis
Continue to add additional microorganism code.Converting your necrotizing fasciitis coding... Read more
ICD-10 Countdown:
Get Ready or Get Fined -- That's the CMS Message
Explore 6 FAQs to ramp up your ICD-10 coding know-how. Denials aren't the only thi... Read more
Reader Question:
45380 vs. 45383 Hinges on Documentation
Question: We have general surgeons at our office who perform many colonoscopies. We're unc... Read more
Reader Question:
43760 Service Might Warrant Additional Codes
Question: Our surgeon sometimes changes a gastrostomy tube in the office. Should we code 4... Read more
Reader Question:
99360 is One to Skip for Medicare Billing
Question: Our surgeons sometimes "standby" for other surgeons in some high-risk procedures... Read more
Reader Question:
46418: Global Days Give E/M and Modifier Clues
Question: Our surgeon was called to consult for an inpatient with ascites. The surgeon per... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Remember Distal Vessel for Selective Catheterization
Question: Please help with coding for the following scenario:Surgeon entered the left brac... Read more
Burn Treatment:
16035: Use 5 Tips to Give Your Escharotomy Coding the Third Degree
Don't double up on wound care.When your general surgeon treats serious burns, you'll need ... Read more
Distinguish 'Burns' from 'Corrosions'
You'll still need additional TBSA code.Reporting burns by body site/"degree" plus an addit... Read more
Version 5010:
Make Sure Your Electronic Transactions Don't Bomb on Jan. 1
Compliance, payment, and ICD-10 hang in the balance.Say goodbye to forms 4010/4010A1 for e... Read more
Don't Confuse Fasciotomy with Escharotomy
Reserve 20000 incisions for fascia covering muscle. The procedure is similar -- y... Read more
Reader Question:
Catch Up to ICD-10 Timeline
Question: We just learned about ICD-9 2012 changes that go into effect Oct. 2011. How ma... Read more
Reader Question:
59, 79, 24, 57: Too Many Modifiers Don't Clarify the Case
Question: Our surgeon scheduled an initial repair of an incarcerated inguinal hernia for a... Read more
Reader Question:
Clean Up Tru-Cut Liver Biopsy Coding
Question: Can you please clarify correct coding for a Tru-Cut liver biopsy performed throu... Read more
Reader Question:
3 'Vitals' Make 1 Bullet
Question: Would you please explain how taking the vital signs contributes to determining t... Read more
Reader Question:
238.2: Code Original Excision Dx
Question: A patient comes in for a re-excision of a dysplastic nevus. Do I bill the re-exc... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Modifier 22: Capture Infection's Extra Work
Question: Our surgeons often encounter complicated recurrent ventral hernia repairs that i... Read more
CCI 17.2:
11021, 11022: You'll Find More FNA Bundles Than Ever
Beware gastric restrictive procedure bundles, too. Already hemmed in by prior Correct ... Read more
455 to I84 Moves Hemorrhoid Dx From 4 Digits to 6
Look for complication first in 2013.You'll have three more hemorrhoid codes to choose from... Read more
ICD-9 2012:
539: Quit Using 997.4 for Bariatric Surgery Complications
Update skin cancer dx and more with CMS's final proposed change to ICD-9-CM code set.Gener... Read more
You Must Use New Form by Nov. 1, CMS Says
Don't expect major changes, but you are required to switch.You should be used to the combi... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch for Separate Closure Rules
Question: Following a melanoma excision, our surgeon performed a layered closure. I've hea... Read more
Reader Question:
Seek RNFA Assistant-at-Surgery Rules
Question: We have some Registered Nurse First Assistants (RNFAs) in our group, and we've b... Read more
Reader Question:
V72.83 Often Won't Stand Alone
Question: Our surgeon performs a pre-bypass surgery EGD and notes acute esophagitis. What ... Read more
Reader Question:
44363 Goes the Distance
Question: Our surgeon performed an endoscopy, viewing the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum... Read more
Reader Question:
Skip 'Form Letters' if You're Hoping for Appeals Success
Question: After checking to be sure we haven't made a coding or billing entry error, our p... Read more
You Be the Coder:
44620 -44626 Choice Depends on Anastomosis
Question: When reversing a colostomy, the surgeon resects the ends of the colon to prepare... Read more
Intestinal Resection:
44202 Family: Hone Your Enterectomy Coding Skills With This Case Study
Plus: Watch for unlisted service you can't afford to miss.Challenge yourself with this rea... Read more
555 to K50: Get Specific About Complications With Sixth Digits
Surgeons will need to document more detail. When you start coding Crohn's disease ... Read more
Surgical Repair:
13100: Layers Plus Complexity Brings Home More Pay
Dig deeper to find the key to 'simple,' 'intermediate,' and 'complex... Read more
Practice Management:
Smash 4 Common Myths to Overcome MUE Claims Denials
Hint: You can't report more than 3 abdominal needle biopsies per day.If you're getting mys... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Consultation, Transfer of Care
Question: We commonly see patients referred by another physician for conditions such as in... Read more
Reader Question:
'Complete' ROS Considers All Systems
Question: For a level 4 or 5 new patient E/M, I've heard mixed reports about what constitu... Read more
Reader Question:
Gynecomastia Earns 19300
Question: Our surgeon performed a mastectomy on a male patient with a suspicious breast ma... Read more
Reader Question:
Beware Upcoding to Anal Excision
Question: Patient presented with anal bleeding from a large vessel underneath a site whe... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decide if Diagnostic Laparoscopy Stands Alone
Question: Sometimes for patients who have had prior abdominal surgeries, our surgeon will ... Read more
Foreign Body Removal:
10120 or Beyond: Site, Depth, Complexity Drive Code Choice
Follow 3 pointers to snag maximum pay.From just under the skin to deep within the bowels, ... Read more
ICD-9 'Retained Foreign Body' Additions Mirror ICD-10
ICD-9 2011 creates one-to-one ICD-10 correspondence.When your surgeon removes a foreign bo... Read more
HCPCS Level II 2011:
G0440, G0441: Level the Skin Substitute Playing Field With These Codes
Halt 15340, 15360 'global days' prejudice.When your surgeon applies a tissue-cultured skin... Read more
Evaluation and Management:
Don't Let ROS Errors Cost You Level 4 or 5 E/M Pay
Check for documentation of each system -- or prepare to assign a lower code.Your surg... Read more
Reader Questions:
60210 Thyroidectomy May Involve Additional Services
Question: How should we code the following note: Diagnosis: Locally advanced neoplasm ... Read more
Reader Questions:
37229-37233 Warrant Multiple Charge Codes
Question: Our surgeon performed an atherectomy and PTA in the PT, AT, and peroneal arter... Read more
Reader Questions:
43246: PEG Tube Removal, Replacement, Relocation
Question: Sometimes our surgeon removes a previously-placed PEG tube during an office visi... Read more
Reader Questions:
99304-99306 Require Three Key Components
Question: How do I bill if our surgeon went to the nursing home to see a Medicare patient ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
11400s Max Out With Margin Measurements
Question: If our surgeon removes a sebaceous cyst from the back that measures 2.5 x 1.75 x... Read more
CCI 17.1:
49491-49580: Include 'Usual and Necessary' Services in Hernia Repair
'Standards of surgical practice' lead edit pairs for many procedures.Infusions, punctures,... Read more
Inguinal Hernia Dx Still Depends on Obstruction, Gangrene, and More
Watch tricky hierarchy switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10.You'll have the same number of code cho... Read more
CPT 2011:
37228-+37235: 4 Steps Garner TP Trunk Services Pay
Make sure you identify initial and additional vessel procedures. With a new section fo... Read more
Practice Management:
Distinguish Facility's Documentation Rules From Surgeon's Report
Concentrate on your physician's thorough note. Myth: When your surgeon performs su... Read more
Reader Questions:
Separate Office Visit/Hospital Admissions -- Sometimes
Question:Our physician saw a patient in the office, then admitted her to the hospital late... Read more
Reader Questions:
Update Your 2011 CPT Modifier Choices
Question:We read lots of information about CPT 2011 code changes, but are there any modifi... Read more
Reader Questions:
24200, 23330: Anatomy Solves FBR Denial
Question:Our surgeon used a scalpel and tweezers to perform complicated splinter removal o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
E/M: Service Drives Critical Care
Question:After a patient with chest pain "coded" in the ER and was admitted to ICU, our su... Read more
CPT 2011:
49324, 49418-49422: 5 Tips Clarify Revised Intraperitoneal Catheter Coding
New options replace 49420 for tunneled catheter.Choosing an intraperitoneal catheter inser... Read more
789.5 Expands to Ascites R18 and K70
Alcoholic ascites diversifies ICD-10.When you start using ICD-10 in 2013, the new code set... Read more
+49412, +49327 Add Interstitial Device Specificity
Clarify billing for radiological guidance.When your general surgeon placed interstitial de... Read more
CPT 2011:
37224-37227: Capture Pay for Femoral/Popliteal Revascularization
Don't miss the 'single vessel' exception.Make sure your surgery practice is ready to imple... Read more
Medicare Fee Schedule:
CMS Is Already Changing Part B Payment for 2011
You win some and lose some with updates.Don't get too comfortable with the nearly brand-ne... Read more
Reader Questions:
58 Modifier Marks Staged Surgery
Question: My surgeon does a vein transposition as a staged procedure after creating a dire... Read more
Reader Questions:
44238 Captures Lap Intestinal Hernia Repair
Question: If the surgeon performs a laparoscopic release and repair of an incarcerated int... Read more
Reader Questions:
43246 Includes Removal
Question: How should we bill for an EGD with PEG removal?Pennsylvania SubscriberAnswer: Th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch for Distinct Atherectomy Category III Code
Question: If the surgeon performs an iliac atherectomy in the same vessel as a stent or an... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Disease Counseling Earn Post-Op Pay?
Question: We had a breast biopsy patient with a breast cancer diagnosis who had an offic... Read more
CPT 2011:
43327, 43328 Lead the Way for Fundoplasty Overhaul
New open codes acknowledge hiatal hernia repair, too.Open or laparoscopic, through chest o... Read more
CPT 2011:
37220, 37221 Overhaul Your Iliac Vascular Intervention Choices
+37222, +37223 add on ipsilateral iliac vesselWith an entire new section for endovascular ... Read more
Hiatal Hernia Still Hinges on 'Congenital'
Here's what you should look for in your physician's documentation.When ICD-9 becomes ICD-1... Read more
+43283 Adds New Twist for Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair
Maintain status quo for lap fundoplication coding.CPT 2011 adds nine new codes for open hi... Read more
Clip and Save:
2 Handy Tools Make Iliac Intervention Coding a Snap
Use flow chart to ease transition to 2011 codes.Applying a new coding system can be confus... Read more
Reader Questions:
Separate IV Charge Might Not Fly
Question: Our surgeon recently did an emergency room consult and administered intravenou... Read more
Reader Questions:
Distinguish Partial/Total Colectomy
Question: Does the following note for a laparoscopic procedure describe a partial or total... Read more
You Be the Coder:
153.3 Vs. V10.05 May Not be Clear
Question: Our surgeon placed a Medi-port for chemotherapy four months ago for a patient wh... Read more
CCI 17.0:
43753, 43327 and More -- 3 Tips Help You Navigate CCI 17.0 Bundles
Include standard surgical services, radiology, in single surgical code.Just about the time... Read more
45378, G0121, G0105: Score Medicare Pay with These FAQs
Check diagnosis, risk level for medical necessity.Colonoscopy for cancer screening won't g... Read more
Resolve 52, 53 Modifier Ambiguity for Incomplete Scope
Avoid frequency trap in 2011.Suppose your general surgeon performs a procedure on a patien... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Follow 5 Steps for Audit-Proof Medical Necessity
Keep current and accurate training and records.With a solid ICD-9 coding policy, your gene... Read more
Reader Questions:
Explore CCI, Fee Schedule for Modifier Details
Question:We sometimes get denials that appear to be related to bundling issues but I can't... Read more
Reader Questions:
19125, 19301 Distinction Needs Margin Documentation
Question:We had a patient with a breast cancer diagnosis, and the surgeon identified the p... Read more
Reader Questions:
99238 Rarely Stands Alone
Question: If our surgeon is the admitting physician for surgery, can we charge for hos... Read more
Reader Questions:
278.01, V53.51 Vie for Lap-Band Post-Op Visits
Question:Our lap-band rep told us not to bill morbid obesity as the diagnosis when a patie... Read more
Reader Questions:
Infections May Transcend Global
Question:A patient receives oral antibiotics in the office nine days after an incision and... Read more
You Be the Coder:
537.4 Trumps V55.1 for Old PEG Site
Question:Our surgeon closed a "gastrocutaneous fistula," which is actually the site of an ... Read more
Available Years:  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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