General Surgery Coding Alert

CPT 2011:
11042-11047 vs. 97597-97602: Focus on Depth to Distinguish Codes
Resolve wound care questions with this advice. Confused about when to choose a debridement... Read more
CPT 2011:
99224-99226: New Observation Codes Solve 'Middle Day' Dilemma
Use new codes with caution -- the OIG is watching. When patient observation lasts lon... Read more
Denials Management:
Bust 4 Common Myths to Overcome MUE Denial Challenges
Ignore medically unlikely edits at your peril for claim rejection. Medicare denials could ... Read more
Reader questions:
99202-99205 Take PFSH to a New Level
Question: I'm new to E/M coding, and I have a question about past, family, and socia... Read more
Reader questions:
Hernia Terminology Key to Code Selection
Question: What is the difference between umbilical hernia and ventral hernia? What do I n... Read more
Reader questions:
Pick Inpatient E/M for Admission Date
Question: If our surgeon sees a patient, and later that same day, another physician admit... Read more
Reader questions:
153.3 Vs. V10.05 -- Get the History Right
Question: We have a patient who had a colon resection for cancer over six months ago. Two... Read more
Reader questions:
10021 and 19100 Could Trip Bundle Trap
Question: If the surgeon performs both a fine needle aspiration and a core needle biopsy ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
44204-44208: Count Procedure(s), Not Bowel Section(s)
Question: The surgeon laparoscopically identified a segment of the small bowel that appea... Read more
CPT 2011:
New 49418 and Related Codes Expand Your Catheter Insertion Choices
Plus: 37220-37235 add specificity to your revascularization coding.CPT 2011 is just around... Read more
CPT 2011 Clip and Save Chart:
Master General Surgery Changes -- Start Today
Put this at-a-glance tool in your coding toolbox for the new year.Avoid denials in 2011 by... Read more
Lesion Removal:
11443 or 11441? Measure Correctly and Add $54 to This Excision Claim
Timing is everything for coding accuracy.Waiting for the pathologist to measure an excised... Read more
Mind your Modifiers:
62 Is Your Ticket for Clean Co-surgeon Claims
Match up surgeon claims or risk missed payment. Watch your surgeon's op note for s... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifier 80 Allows Assistant Surgeon Coding
Question: Our surgeon assisted another surgeon from a different practice on a laparoscopic... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill Consultations With a Referral
Question: When another doctor refers a patient to our surgeon, who meets with the patient ... Read more
Reader Questions:
99441- 99443: The Hard Truth about Phone Call Pay
Question: Another physician told my surgeon that he's receiving payment from his contracto... Read more
You Be the Coder:
44120 Has Two Ends
Question: The surgeon performed a small bowel resection, placing bowel clamps at proximal ... Read more
CCI 16.3:
44602-44605 Account for Hundreds of New Edits You Need to Know
Look for 0228T, 0230T bundles, too.Make sure you keep your general surgery practice in com... Read more
CPT 2011:
43332-43337: 6 New Codes Bring Home Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia Repair Pay
Also get ready for 5 new/revised codes for your debridement claims If you've been ... Read more
25 or 57? Use This Handy Tool to Pick the Right Modifier -- Every Time
Your modifier 25 claims should meet all of the following criteria:The E/M occurs on the sa... Read more
Coding Basics:
Follow 3 Rules to Capture Separate E/M Pay
Avoid modifier 25 scrutiny with proper 'separately identifiable' documentation.Reporting a... Read more
Reader Questions:
49560-49566 Hernia Codes May Bundle With Bowel Excision
Question: I read your You Be the Coder about a hernia repair and bowel repair in the Vol. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
49080 Lavage is Part of Catheter Insertion
Question: A surgeon places a peritoneal dialysis catheter (49421) and at the completion of... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Documentation to Distinguish Consultation, Co-Surgery
Question: Our surgeon has documented that he received a request from another surgeon for a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Add Modifier 24 For Treatment Discussion During Global
Question: A patient came in for the biopsy report after a 90-day global procedure. Th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
11403 and 21930: Should You Measure Lesions the Same Way?
Question: If our surgeon removes a sebaceous cyst from the back that measures 2.5 x 1. 5 x... Read more
Wound Repair:
Differentiate Wound Repair vs. Tissue Transfer To Achieve Proper Coding in Just 3 Steps
Tip: Don't count on separate lesion removal payment. When your surgeon performs a ... Read more
Diagnosis Coding Primer:
Eliminate 'Uncertain Behavior' Confusion With Expert Tips on 238.2 Use
Hint: Wait for the path report to avoid payer scrutiny. If you always use diagnosis co... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Limit Add-On Code Use Without Specific Instructions
Question: I read your You Be the Coder in the July 2010 issue of General Surgery Coding Al... Read more
Reader Questions:
Lap-to-Open LAR Warrants an Open Code
Question: What codes would you use for lower anterior resection with anal anastomosis and ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Altering Coding Just to Get Paid Is a Big No-No
Question: When coding a mastectomy for gynecomastia in a male, what CPT code should I use?... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Return to OR Charges With 78
Question:  On August 4 a patient had a total colectomy (44150). He developed an anast... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include Exploration in Main Laparoscopic Procedure Code
Question: The surgeon performed an exploratory laparoscopy with laparoscopic drainage of a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bilateral Done On 1 Side Means 52
Question: A patient underwent a laparoscopic total pelvic lymph node dissection. The code ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Medical Necessity Before Coding 31575
Question: A surgeon does a thyroid lobectomy (60220) and following the procedure, the an... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Get Individual Payer Coding Rules in Writing
Question: One of our patients had a laparoscopic partial omenectomy. I chose the unlisted ... Read more
Endoscopy Coding:
Unlock Injection Payment With Endoscopic Procedures By Following 5 Expert Tips
Hint: Look at the reason your surgeon is performing the injection.When you general surgeon... Read more
Start Prepping Now for ICD-10 With 3 Mythbusters
You'll need to implement the new 5010 claim form first to be ready for ICD-10.While the fa... Read more
Catch a Glimpse at ICD-10 Codes for Breast Cancer, Inguinal Hernia, and More
Get used to using letters in your diagnosis coding.In the previous article, you've learned... Read more
Reader Questions:
Tissue Expander Exchange Doesn't Equal Subsequent Expansion
Question: How should I code the exchange of a tissue expander for a different type of tiss... Read more
Reader Questions:
Tackle Consultations on a Payer-By-Payer Basis
Question: I am still a little confused about the consultation codes 99241- 99245 and 99251... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include H&P With Surgical Code, Skip Separate Billing
Question: I have a pre-op H&P that my surgeon performed in the office on the day prior... Read more
Reader Questions:
Stop Omitting 25 Because of Same Dx
Question: I was recently told in a class that you do not need different diagnosis codes to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consult Your Doc For Clot Procedure Details
Question: My physician performed an excision due to a painful clotted vein in the lower ex... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Hernia Repair Plus Bowel Resection
Question: A patient had a right inguinal incarcerated hernia. When the doctor dissected th... Read more
Case Study:
Tackle Challenging Multiple Hernia Repair Procedures With 4 Expert Tips
You may need to appeal to make your case and get proper payment.When your general surgeon ... Read more
Evaluation and Management:
Scope Out Potential Level 4 and 5 E/Ms By Knowing Crucial HPI Facts
Watch out for CPT/Medicare differences when counting HPI elements.If you're not accurately... Read more
Clip and Save:
Use These Questions to Capture HPI for Full Reimbursement
Get your physician to collect the information you need, with this handy list. In the p... Read more
News You Can Use:
Welcome a 2.2 Percent Medicare Pay Boost For the Rest of This Year -- Finally
But the news isn't all good -- first, you faced a week of lower payments, and second,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Catch Up on Incomplete Claims
Question: Our surgical practice has a few claims that have missing or incorrect informatio... Read more
Reader Questions:
Straighten Out Your Modifiers For ER Admit
Question: Our doctor saw a patient in the emergency room and decided to admit him and perf... Read more
Reader Questions:
Collect Surgical Deductibles Up Front
Question: We often have patients who don't pay their deductible after surgery. Is there a ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill All Scopes If No Parent
Question: The surgeon performs a biopsy with sigmoidoscopy followed by an endoscopic remov... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Identify Tru-Cut Method to Select Proper Code
Question: The op note states Tru-Cut liver biopsy. Is this a laparoscopic, percutaneous, o... Read more
Summer Healthcare:
Don't Get Burned by Missing 16000s with E/M Pay
Pick Dx first to zero in on local treatment codes.Grills, fireworks, lightning, sunburn ..... Read more
Snare an Extra $29 With 45385
Let method lead you to the right polypectomy code -- every time.When your general sur... Read more
Limit 1 Code Per Colonoscopy -- Unless You Use 2 Methods
Multiple endoscopy rule reduces pay.You shouldn't report polypectomies "per polyp," but ma... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Turn Words into Numbers for Accurate ICD-9 Coding -- Here's How
Extract code from surgeon's narrative description.If your surgeon fails to indicate the IC... Read more
Reader Questions:
You'll Get Mixed Signals on Complex Closure With Soft Tissue Tumor
Question: Based on the CPT description and notes, it appears that the new soft tissue tumo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Clarify 'New' Versus 'Established' Patient
Question: Our practice performed a test on a patient who was referred to us by another doc... Read more
Reader Questions:
You Can't Assume Separate 'On-Q' Pay
Question: Our surgeon inserted a paraspinal On-Q pump for pain control for multiple rib fr... Read more
Reader Questions:
Wide Excision Leads to Various Codes
Question: What is the appropriate code for a procedure that the surgeon describes as "wide... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Bone Up on Separate Procedure Rules
Question: I'm having trouble getting paid for 44180 with any other procedure -- ... Read more
ICD-9 2011:
Rev Up Your BMI 'V' Codes to Validate Bariatric Surgery
Show medical necessity with new 'supplemental factors' codes.Your general surgery practice... Read more
Nonadjacent Tissue Transfer:
Follow 4 Steps for Perfect Pedicle Flap Pay
Distance is key for 15570-15650. Missing just one intermediate step when your surgeon ... Read more
Upper GI Endoscopy; Support EGD or Enteroscopy Choice With Medical Necessity
Don't upcode incidental jejunum peek.Not every endoscope that goes beyond the proximal duo... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Most Specific 'Unlisted' Code
Question: How should I code laparoscopic Meckel's diverticulectomy? Should I use 44238 or ... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When 'Current' Becomes 'History'
Question: Could you please provide some direction about when I should use "history of" cod... Read more
Reader Question:
Related Surgery Takes 58
Question: Our surgeon performs a breast biopsy. The pathology report comes back malignant,... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to Access Point for CVA
Question: If the surgeon's documentation refers to a "PICC" line terminating in the subcla... Read more
Reader Question:
Report One Biopsy Per Lesion
Question: Our billing department reported two units of 27613 when our surgeon took two pun... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check Your Appendectomy Add-On Savvy
Question: When the surgeon discovers appendicitis and performs an appendectomy during the ... Read more
4 Tips Eliminate Your Breast Implant Coding Challenges
Don't lose 19342 pay for delayed insertion. Your general surgeon may perform breast recon... Read more
You Might Use 'Subsequent' Care -- Even When it's Not
Absent consult codes, CMS offers this solution for low-level initial care. What should... Read more
Use This At-a-Glance Hemorrhoidectomy Selection Tool
Choosing the right code will bring in the $$ your practice deserves. Incorporating notes ... Read more
Reader questions:
Look for Takedown Ancillary Work
Question: Is a "takedown" ileostomy the same as a "reversal" ileostomy? How should I code... Read more
Reader questions:
Choose 25 or 57 With These Guidelines
Question: I'm confused about the distinction between modifiers 25 and 57. Could you pleas... Read more
Reader questions:
Make 948 Your Burn Coding Constant
Question: Our general surgeon treats burn victims, and I'm wondering about diagnosis codi... Read more
Reader questions:
Solve Flaps and Grafts Together
Question: The surgeon excised a basal cell carcinoma from the patient's right ear. To clo... Read more
Reader questions:
Depth Drives Foreign Body Removal
Question: A patient presented with a metal filing embedded in his shoulder from an earlie... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decide on Sentinel or Regional Lymph Nodes
Question: If the surgeon performs a partial mastectomy and an open axillary sentinel lymp... Read more
Apply 4 Tips to Direct Your Hemorrhoid Coding
Ignore CPT 2010 changes and risk choosing the wrong code.With a  (revised) symbol mar... Read more
Navigate Your Way to Proper Internal/External Hemorrhoid Coding
Don't miss CPT 2010 'either/or' instruction for hemorrhoid location.You can't choose a hem... Read more
Work Around Consult Codes When Medicare is Secondary Payer
Only shrewd payment calculation can salvage lost pay.As if it's not confusing enough using... Read more
Check for Separate Capsulectomy
Question: When our surgeon performs second stage breast reconstructions, he often performs... Read more
Reader Question:
Discover Payer Supply Rules
Question: Can I use 99070 to report the use of supplies at our surgical office?Iowa Subscr... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Overstate Debridement
Question: When the surgeon performs a wound VAC or cleans a wound by scraping with a shar... Read more
Reader Question:
Keep Flaps Straight for Proper Code Selection
Question: Our surgeon performs an abdominal closure using left and right myofascial advan... Read more
Reader Question:
Inventory Steps for Arcuate Ligament Syndrome
Question: The surgeon performed an open celiac artery dissection with lysis of the arcuat... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Specific Colonoscopy Stoma Code
Question: Operative notes indicate that the surgeon performed a colonoscopy through a cre... Read more
You be the coder:
Follow Hernia Bundling Rules
Question: During an open hernia repair for a reducible umbilical hernia, the surgeon find... Read more
Avoid Missing Multiple Scopes That Could Cost You Plenty
Distinct lap cholecystectomy could add $348 to your claim. When your close reading of the... Read more
Seize Tissue Transfer Opportunities -- and Shun Pitfalls
Learn CCI 16.0 limits for 14301-14302. Get ready to dust off the adjacent tissue-transfer... Read more
Absent Consult Codes:
Let These 4 Tips Guide Your E/M Choice
You can still have multiple docs with modifier AI. Get used to a two-tiered system for 20... Read more
Report Perforation Repair During Global
Question: My surgeon performed a laparoscopic gastric sleeve procedure. Three days later... Read more
Learn the Ins and Outs of Chest Tubes
Question: I believe CPT 2010 has a new code for chest tube removal -- 32552. Could w... Read more
Take Care to Select Hemorrhoid Destruction Method
Question: When billing 46930, is it appropriate also to bill 46500? California Subscriber... Read more
New or Old Tube not Relevant
Question: Our surgeon went to the hospital to treat an admitted patient whose gastrojejun... Read more
Diagnosis Doesn't Change Re-Excision
Question: How should we code the re-excision of a benign (as opposed to malignant) lesion... Read more
Laser Requires Medical Necessity
Question: How should we code a pulse-dye laser used to treat a patient's surgical scar? L... Read more
Don't Let 'T' Confuse You
Question: Our surgeon performed an oncoplastic modified radical mastectomy with inverted ... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Ensure Pyloroplasty is Separate
Question: The surgeon documented a Jaboulay pyloroplasty: The third and fourth portions o... Read more
3 Tips Help You Navigate CCI 16.0 Lap, Excision Limitations
Distinguish skin and lymph procedures from new soft tissue codes to ensure payment. Befor... Read more
Don't Get Your Hopes Up for CCI Deletions
Removed edit pairs won't change how you code. Most of Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) 16.... Read more
Earn Every $ You Deserve with Proper Excision Measurements
Use the table matrix and decision tree to pick the right code -- every time. CPT 201... Read more
CPT 2010 Clip-N-Save Chart :
Put This Table in Your Soft Tissue Tumor Toolbox
You could waste a lot of time flipping pages to find the right soft tissue tumor code, sin... Read more
Interpret Detailed Note for Central Line Code
Question: What code should we bill when we remove a central venous pressure (CVP) line an... Read more
Focus on Total Work for Shared Visit
Question: When our surgeon splits an inpatient visit with a non-physician practitioner (N... Read more
Zero In on Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Code
Question: I'm having an issue with an insurance company overpayment for a laparoscopic di... Read more
Clarify ICD-9 Role for Medical Necessity
Question: We are not supposed to bill for an incidental appendectomy, so how would I indi... Read more
Breathe a Sigh of Relief for Conversion Factor
Question: I'm very confused about what Medicare will pay for physician services starting ... Read more
Beware Anesthesia Bundles
Question: If the surgeon performs a hernia repair on a two-month-old infant that requires... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Can You Seek Multiple Lap Fees?
Question: Following an intraumbilical incision and entering the abdominal cavity with a l... Read more
Available Years:  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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