General Surgery Coding Alert

Battle Biopsy Coding Challenges and Unlock Reimbursement With 3 Essential Tips
Tip: Pathology won't change your CPT code, but may change your ICD-9 choice. If you don'... Read more
Quick Quiz:
Ensure Your Skills Are Up to Par Before the New Diagnosis Codes Hit
5 questions reveal if you need an ICD brush-up. October 1 is just around the corner, and ... Read more
Unlock Payment for Screening to-Diagnostic Colonoscopies
Polyp treatment will affect your CPT code choice, but not necessarily the dx. Even vetera... Read more
Quick Quiz Answers:
Ensure Your Skills Are Up to Par Before the New Diagnosis Codes Hit
Answer 1: A. ICD-9 2010 will offer you 12 new chronic venous embolism and thrombosis code... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose Modifier 59 in 3 Circumstances
Question: When I code for a bilateral mastectomy, I use modifier 50. But in some cases th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Stick With 11600 for Repeat Excision
Question: My doctor removed a malignant mole last week, which I reported with 11600. The ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Not Every Component Is Separately Reportable
Question: One of our physicians is doing the following procedure on a patient: "Exam unde... Read more
Reader Questions:
Sometimes 'Unlisted' Is the Only Option
Question: We did a laparoscopic gastric wedge excisional biopsy and I cannot find a code ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Let Payers Reduce Your Multiple Procedure Fees
Question: Are insurance companies allowed to reduce our fees for multiple procedures perf... Read more
Reader Questions:
Save 21557/24077 for Malignant Neoplasms
Question: Codes 21557 and 24077 describe radical excision for the neck and arm, respectiv... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Which Modifier for Failed Central Line Insertion?
Question: My doctor attempted placing a central line on the left side. This was not succes... Read more
ICD-9 2010 Update:
Start Preparing Now for Neoplasm, Embolism Dx Changes in October
Plus, you can also look forward to additional personal history V codes. In just a few mon... Read more
News You Can Use:
CMS Proposes Elimination of Consultation Pay on Jan. 1
The goal: Eliminate confusion over transfers of care. If you cringe every time you see th... Read more
Calculate How the Fee Schedule Changes Affect Your Pay
Your surgeon will likely feel the pain more than his internal med colleagues. As you read ... Read more
Reader Question:
You Won't See $$ For Clip Placement
Question: I have a general surgery coding companion book which says that we can bill +192... Read more
Reader Question:
Skip VAC Code With 11005
Question: When I billed a wound VAC code to Medicare along with a debridement (11005), Me... Read more
Reader Question:
Geography Affects Your Payments
Question: My physician has asked me to explain how to figure out what our reimbursement w... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Payer Bundling Rules Before Coding
Question: My doctor did a lap hernia repair and placed a mesh. While in there, he found a... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Modifier 51 vs. Modifier 59
Question: I am coding four different debridement sites on the foot but they are all at di... Read more
FollowThis 4-Step Path to Ensure Proper CV Access Coding
Digging into the operative report is the only way to find the right codes. With 13 codes ... Read more
Get to Know the CV Access Placement Codes
CPT provides 13 codes to describe placement of central venous (CV) access devices: •... Read more
Capture Separate CV Access Radiological Guidance
Be sure you follow modifier rules to prevent denials. Don't miss out on $20 per procedure... Read more
Save 17000 for Premalignant Lesions
A reader question, "Don't Ignore Patient Status for WC Claims" (General Surgery Coding Al... Read more
Ask Your Surgeon to Clarify Hiatal Hernia Repair Procedures
Hint: General surgeons typically also perform a Nissen procedure. When your surgeon perfo... Read more
Reader Questions:
50 Percent is the Modifier 22 Rule of Thumb
Question: If the surgeon states a large area was debrided and the debridement codes are r... Read more
Reader Questions:
Patient BMI Determines Bariatric Coverage
Question: I heard that Medicare made some changes about diabetic patients' eligibility fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Base Bilateral Coding on Payer Preference
Question: What is the correct way to code the treatment of multiple varicose veins by end... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Lap Ventral Incisional Hernia Repair
Question: When a patient undergoes a laparoscopic ventral incisional hernia repair, would... Read more
Confused by Recent Lesion Coding Directives From NGS? Here's the Scoop
Stick with what you know about lesion excision coding, experts say. ... Read more
Unlock Breast Reconstruction Secrets With This Mythbuster
Tip:Watch for the AlloDerm coding changes coming on July 1. Surgeon... Read more
News You Can Use:
Experts Lament CMS's Virtual Colonoscopy Coverage Decision
Youll now have to turn to ABNs to see payment on these procedures. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Separate E/M and Debridement
Question: Can you charge for an inpatient consult and a bedside debridement on... Read more
Reader Questions:
Adding Lesion Sizes Equals Bad Coding
Question: When the surgeon shaves multiple lesions in the same general area&nb... Read more
Reader Questions:
Overusing Modifier 25 Will Cost You
Question: Can I charge for a 99213 and a 17250 on the same day at the same vis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Let Medicare Set Your Fees
Question: I have a procedure code that one insurance allows $185.00, yet Medic... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Critical Care Involving a Resident
Question: One of my surgeons, who is a teaching physician, and a resident treate... Read more
Confused About Coding Gastric Band Adjustments? Here's Expert Clarification
Avoid common pitfalls like coding based on supplier recommendations. ... Read more
CCI 15.1 Update:
Navigate Over 300,000 New CCI Edits With This Rundown
Good news: The edits wont be a big drain on your practices reimbursement. ... Read more
Quick Quiz:
Is Your Practice Suffering From Modifier Misuse? Find Out Fast
See if you need to hone your modifier coding skills with this quiz. ... Read more
Quick Quiz Answers:
Quick Quiz Answers:
Find out if youre a modifier coding pro by checking your answers to the five q... Read more
Reader Questions:
Just 1 Code Covers Parathyroid Surgery
Question: My doctor excised the left upper parathyroid gland by excision, whic... Read more
Reader Questions:
CPT Left Out Lap Hiatal Hernia Repair
Question: In accordance with the new laparoscopic hernia codes listed in Gener... Read more
Reader Questions:
Complex Wound Repair Warrants 13160
Question: My surgeon performed an excision of chronic draining right groin sin... Read more
Reader Questions:
Turn to 53 for Attempted Procedure
Question: My surgeon was performing a diagnostic EGD. While inserting the endo... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Screening Procedure With Treatment
Question: A patient presented for a screening colonoscopy. The surgeon found p... Read more
Choosing Between 19301 Plus 38500 Vs. 19302 Can Be as Simple as 1, 2, 3
Tip: Know when to include a lymph node excision code, or pay the price. ... Read more
Overcome Consultation Coding Conundrums With This FAQ
Caution: Avoid adding a consultation to every surgical procedure. C... Read more
Clip and Save:
Lock Down Consultation Requests With This Form
Sending this in every case will help eliminate your transfer-of-care issues. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow Payer Preferences for Destruction Billing
Question: My physician removed 14 premalignant lesions from a patients face, n... Read more
Reader Questions:
Reserve +49568 for Incisional,Ventral
Question: I have a question about 49505 and 49568. I am billing these codes to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Beware of 11406 and 14000 Bundling
Question: A man has presented with a keloid from a cyst in sternal area of the... Read more
Reader Questions:
Unlisted Isn't Always the Best Answer
Question: Is there a code for an excision of an anorectal ulcer and Y-V anopla... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Face-to-Face Matters When Billing on Time
Question: My surgeon met with an elderly patients family to discuss treatment ... Read more
Cut Away the Confusion of Lesion Excision Code Choices
Coding from the pathology report alone could lead you to downcoding or upcoding errors. ... Read more
Keep Your Scope Coding All in the Family To Avoid Errors
Are you missing out on hundreds? Now's the time to find out. Coding scope procedures, s... Read more
Identifying Base Codes Doesn't Have to Be Tedious
Use this handy chart to quickly find the codes you need. Knowing how to apply the multi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Documentation For Malfunction Specifics
Question: I would like to know the correct coding for malfunctioning of a port-o-cathete... Read more
Reader Questions:
Let Anatomy Guide Your FBR Coding
Question: A patient came to our practice with pain in his shoulder. During the visit, th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Base Total RVU Calculations on 3 Details
Question: How do I determine which RVUs to use in the Medicare fee schedule for reimburs... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Gastric Band Adjustments
Question: How should I code for in-office adjustments of gastric lap bands? Arkansas Su... Read more
CCI 15.0 Update:
Ease the Burden of the Latest CCI Edits By Mastering 4 Points
Good news: Edits shouldn't take a serious toll on your reimbursement bottom line. The C... Read more
Learn When You Can Override CCI Edits, Legitimately
Get reimbursement for bundled codes in 3 simple steps. There are times when you can ov... Read more
Clip and Save:
Here's Your Handy Guide to the 15.0 CCI Edits
Save this useful list to help troubleshoot when you-re dealing with these changes. If y... Read more
Case Study:
Mind Your Modifiers When Your Surgeon Works With Others
Automatically appending modifier 52 could be costing you hundreds. When your surgeon wo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Differentiate Ileostomy From Feeding Tube
Question: What is the difference between a tube and non-tube ileostomy? When can we char... Read more
Reader Questions:
Avoid Losing $20 Per Excision
Question: I just received a pathology report back that reads: "The largest segment measu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Hospital Discharge After Consultation
Question: A family practice physician admitted a patient for treatment of severe abdomin... Read more
Focus on Method to Ensure Proper Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Coding
Watch out for the 77031 pitfall if the radiologist participates during surgery. When co... Read more
Master Internal Hemorrhoid Excision With 3 Coding Options
Don't fall victim to the 46934 coding pitfall, especially in 2009. When it comes t... Read more
Wake Up Your Reimbursement By Capturing Sedation Pay
Reporting CS with a -targeted- service puts a denial bull's eye on your claim. If you-r... Read more
Due to a layout error, a portion of the article "Cele-brate the Addition of 6 New Lap He... Read more
Internal vs. external hemorrhoids:
Internal vs. external hemorrhoids:
Internal hem-orrhoids are those that occur proximal to the dentate line. External hemorr... Read more
Reader Questions:
Offer Additional Info for Lap to Open Conversions
Question: What is the correct code for an exploratory laparoscopy converted to an open c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Prove Separate Service Before Billing E/M in Global
Question: If my doctor is charging an E/M and a FNA, is modifier 59 appropriate? Our pay... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consult CPT Errata and Update Your Manual
Question: My CPT manual says that the definition for modifier 22 is "unusual procedural ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Keep +11008 for 11004-11006
Question: Can I only report +11008 with codes 11004-11006? Or can I use it with other su... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Carcinoma Excision With Tissue Transfer Closure
Question: My surgeon excised a carcinoma of the face. He closed the excision using adjac... Read more
CPT 2009 Update:
Celebrate the Addition of 6 New Lap Hernia Repair Codes
You won't have to rely on unlisted procedure codes -- and unpredictable reimburseme... Read more
CPT 2009 Update:
Prepare to Get Specific With Prolonged Services Coding
You-ll have one less modifier to contend with in 2009. If you-re used to adding modifie... Read more
News You Can Use:
Medicare Lowers Conversion Factor to $36.0666 for 2009
But you won't feel as much of a crunch, thanks to a budget neutrality adjustment. CMS h... Read more
Capitalize on Assigned Payment Values For New Repair Codes
The new CPT 2009 codes you-ll have for laparoscopic hernia repair will mean that you-ll ... Read more
3 Questions Determine Which New Code to Use
1. What is the location? For all hernia repairs, you must know what type of hernia (such... Read more
Reader Questions:
Support Appendectomy With Medical Necessity
Question: During bariatric surgery (43846) on a patient, the surgeon removed the patient... Read more
Reader Questions:
E/M Is Your Best Bet for Suture Removal
Question: I have a case where the patient went out of state for surgery (a 90-day global... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Supporting Information With E Codes
Question: I-ve never really understood E codes and when I should use them. Would you exp... Read more
You Be the Coder:
What Warrants a Level-Four Consultation?
Question: I have a question regarding E/M coding for our office, a general surgery pract... Read more
Choose Either Nissen or Hernia Repair, Not Both
Look to -unlisted- code for laparoscopic hiatal hernia repairs. You should never report... Read more
A typographical error appeared in the article "Watch Your Dx. for Liver Bx. Success," in... Read more
4 Pieces Help You Solve the Unlisted Code Puzzle
Key: Include an explanatory report to get the payment you deserve. Just because your g... Read more
News You Can Use:
Mark Your Calendar: ICD-10 Could Hit in 2011
The new code set will quadruple the diagnostic codes you can choose from. You-re busy u... Read more
Know When to Appeal for Separate Procedures
Question: I submitted a claim for the removal of a pd cath from right side of abdomen (4... Read more
Reader Questions:
2 Surgeons Don't Always Lead to 62
Question: One of my doctors was called into the operating room to do a vascular repair. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Make Sure You Prove Your Modifier 22 Case
Question: My surgeon performed an excision of a benign 6 cm lesion, including margins. S... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consult Documentation for Simple Vs. Complex
Question: What is the difference between codes 46255 and 46260? My doctor performed a he... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Multiple Procedures Plus a Conversion to Open
Question: My doctor did a laparoscopic cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiogram... Read more
Make the Most of Colostomy Closures:
Here's How
Waiting for pathology results helps to optimize payment When reporting an enterostomy ... Read more
3 Questions Clinch Your Decision to Apply 78
Surgeon must return the patient to the operating room If you want to be sure when to ap... Read more
Consider These Alternatives to Modifier 78
When the service you wish to report doesn't quite meet the standards for applying modifier... Read more
Reader Questions:
Surgeon Can Admit Patient From the Office
Question: If our surgeon sees a patient in the office and sends that patient immediately... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include Adhesive Band in Lysis of Adhesions
Question: The surgeon performed an exploratory laparotomy with division of adhesive band... Read more
Reader Questions:
You Can Separately Bill Sentinal Biopsy
Question: When can we code separately for sentinel node biopsy with lymphadenectomy? Wil... Read more
Reader Questions:
Separate E/M Requires Complete Documentation
Question: Our surgeon admitted a patient but did not dictate an H&P. On the same day... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Sure of Separate Appendectomy Dx.
Question: During diagnostic laparotomy for abdominal pain, our surgeon found a ruptured ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Documentation Distinguishes Consultation
Question: What's the difference between a consult and a referral? How, for instance, wou... Read more
You Be the Coder:
44139 Doesn't Apply to Lap. Takedown
Question: If my physician performs colectomy (44140) and takes down the splenic flexure,... Read more
Available Years:  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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