General Surgery Coding Alert

Part 2:
Reporting Associated Procedures With Wound Repair Doesnt Have to Hurt
Any number of procedures, including debridement, blood vessel and nerve repair(s), lesi... Read more
Use It, Dont Abuse It:
How to Append Modifier -59
Modifier -59 (Distinct procedural service) is a powerful tool to increase payments, bu... Read more
News Brief:
Look for Revised Place-of-Service Indicators in 2003
As part of CMS' proposed revisions to the 2003 Physician Fee Schedule, the agency has re... Read more
37720/37785 and Modifier -59
The November 2002 General Surgery Coding Alert (Article 4) incorrectly stated that when ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifiers -GA and -GX
Question: I've heard that guidelines for Medicare modifiers -GA and -GX have changed. H... Read more
Reader Questions:
Hemorrhoid Removal With Fissure
Question: During hemorrhoid removal, the surgeon also treated an anal fissure. How shou... Read more
Reader Questions:
Billing for Treatment to Relatives
Question: Recently, our neurology practice began treating an aunt of one of the group p... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Foreign-Body Removal
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking ... Read more
Part 1:
Step-by-Step Approach Simplifies Even Complex Wound Repairs
Several variables govern coding for wound repair and, especially for wounds of differe... Read more
Medicare Treats Tissue Adhesives Differently
CPT treats tissue adhesives identically to stitches or staples, allowing 12001-13160 to... Read more
Documentation Is Crucial for Wound Repair
Because of the many variables involved in choosing wound repair/closure codes, and becau... Read more
CCI 101:
Understanding the Edits
The national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI), first issued in January 1996 and updated... Read more
Massive CCI 8.3 Injects New Edits Into Surgical Practice
CMS, along with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), has released version ... Read more
After-Hours Codes With On-Call Status
Question: Is it appropriate to report the after-hours codes if the physician sees the pa... Read more
Billing for RNFA Surgical Assist
Question: Our office employs a RN who assists our surgeon with surgical procedures. She ... Read more
Laparoscopic Fundoplications
Question: I recently encountered two different situations with laparoscopic fundoplicati... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Aspiration During Global Period
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Vascular Coding, Part 2:
Vascular Coding, Part 2:
Improve Your Reporting of Vascular Access Procedures for Hemodialysis Vascular access... Read more
Modifier -57 Gains Payment for Preoperative Exams
Medicare guidelines stipulate that evaluation and management services provided the... Read more
ICD-9 Update:
ICD-9 Update:
Prepare Now for Revisions in the New Year Although the New Year is still months away, ... Read more
Reader Question:
Time-Based Consult
Question: Our surgeon spent 85 minutes providing a consultation for a patient in the hos... Read more
Reader Question:
Reporting Hyperalimentation
Question: What is the appropriate code to report hyperalimentation or TPN? The only code... Read more
Reader Question:
Discontinued Surgery
Question: During a recent surgery, the patient developed uncontrolled bleeding, and the ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Post-Op Debridement
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Vascular Coding Part 1:
Dont Get Stuck When Reporting Central Venous Catheter Procedures
Coding for vascular access can be complicated by varied and superfluous terminology, w... Read more
Venous Access:
Reporting Related Procedures
Coding for venous access often involves the reporting of related procedures. First among... Read more
Stop Overlooking CPO and Boost Your Bottom Line
Physicians supervising complex and multispecialty patient care can often recoup paymen... Read more
Vein Ligation Bundling Edits
The August 2002 General Surgery Coding Alert (page 58) incorrectly stated that when repo... Read more
Care Plan Oversight:
Medicare Does It Differently
Medicare payers do not follow CPT guidelines for CPO and will not accept codes 99374-993... Read more
Reader Question:
Liver Biopsy
Question: On several occasions while performing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (47562) ... Read more
Reader Question:
Laparotomy and Decompression With Adhesions
Question: How should we report an exploratory laparotomy, lysis of adhesions and decomp... Read more
Reader Question:
Professional Component
Question: What are the guidelines for reporting the professional component for services?... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Graham Patch
Reviewed on May 20, 2015 Question: What is the correct code for a ... Read more
Contact Payer First to Determine Medical-Necessity Guidelines for Vein Ligation
Medicare and third-party payers will not pay for vein ligation and stripping procedures ... Read more
Preauthorization Bolsters Payment Odds for Vein Ligation
Although payers often classify vein ligation (e.g., 37720, 37730 and 37785) as cosmetic... Read more
Modifier -22:
Use Cautiously for Compliance and Reimbursement
Correctly appended, modifier -22 (Unusual procedural services) can significantly increa... Read more
CCI Update:
Minor Changes Mean Few Worries for Version 8.2
National Technical Information Services (NTIS) has released version 8.2 of the national... Read more
News Brief:
An End to E/M Documentation Guidelines?
Recently, the AMA announced on its Web site that on May 16, Health and Human Services (HH... Read more
Reader Question:
Wound Debridement
Question: We have always used the 11000-series codes for wound debridement, but recently... Read more
Reader Question:
Postsurgical Complications
Question: Our surgeon preformed a cholecystectomy (47600) on a Medicare patient. A week... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Open J-Tube Placement
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at ... Read more
Go Beyond the Obvious When Coding Colon Resection With Fistula Closure
You risk losing out on your rightful reimbursement if you limit yourself to CPT&#... Read more
Simple Questions Cut Through Consultation Confusion
There is more to reporting consultations than ensuring the general surgeon has fulfilled... Read more
Test Your Consultation Know-How
Now it's your turn to apply the three R's and ask the simple questions that help you s... Read more
Reader Question:
Insertion of Vascular Catheter
Question: How would the following vascular catheters be coded: ASH, Tessio, double lumen... Read more
Reader Question:
Examined in Office, Admitted to Hospital
Question: Occasionally, the surgeon sees a patient in the office and then immediately se... Read more
Reader Question:
Mesh Excision
Question: The surgeon excised Prolene mesh from an inguinal hernia site for chronic pain... Read more
Reader Question:
Completion Thyroidectomy
Question: The surgeon performed a "completion thyroidectomy." Another physician had prev... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Axillary Lymphadenectomy
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Fluoroscopy Is Separately Payable If CVC Placement Is Difficult
General surgeons may use fluoroscopy with many procedures. The prospect of payment, how... Read more
CCI Version 8.1:
Edits Reinforce General Surgery Coding Protocols
Although many new code combinations have been added with version 8.1 of the Correct Cod... Read more
10 Tips to Ease Unna Boot Billing
Latest on Unna Boot Code from Codify's General Surgery CoderUnna boots... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Childs Sutures
Question: A child is returned to the operating room for suture removal under anesthesia.... Read more
Reader Question:
Pain at Trocar Site
Question: After undergoing a laparoscopic cholecys-tectomy, the patient returned to t... Read more
Reader Question:
Resection of Zenkers Diverticulum
Question: The surgeon performed cricomyotomy with diverticulectomy to resect the Zenker'... Read more
Reader Question:
Stand-alone J-tube
Question: Should I code a stand-alone J-tube as 49000 (Exploratory laparotomy, explorato... Read more
Reader Question:
Diagnosis for Prophylactic Mastectomy
Question: The patient had a breast biopsy that revealed atypical ductal dysplasia. The s... Read more
Reader Question:
Diagnosis for Diagnosis for Swan-Ganz Catheter
Question: Our surgeon is monitoring cardiac pressure with a Swan-Ganz catheter. What is ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Debridement of Pressure Ulcers
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Intent,Depth Determine Code for Removal of Foreign Body
Although any object or substance that is not part of the human anatomy can be consider... Read more
Pathology Report,Table Essential to Coding Cancer Diagnoses
Improper coding of cancer diagnoses can negatively impact reimbursement and the patient'... Read more
Bariatric Surgery:
Obesity-Related Conditions Key to Reimbursement
Bariatric surgery, typically performed on morbidly and super-obese individuals, includes... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Abdominal Mass
Question: A patient who underwent several abdominal surgeries in the past present... Read more
Reader Question:
Groin Exploration without Hernia
Question: Our surgeon suspected the patient was suffering from an inguinal hernia, bu... Read more
Reader Question:
Hartmann-Type Partial Colectomy
Question: How should we code the following: exploratory laparotomy with drainage of mult... Read more
Reader Question:
Ileostomy Closure
Question: How should we code an ileostomy closure? Kansas Subscriber Answer: It all depe... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -26 and FNA Codes
Question: Why are our claims for fine needle aspiration (FNA) performed in the office bei... Read more
Reader Question:
Laparoscopic Liver Biopsy
Question: My surgeon did a diagnostic laparoscopy on the liver. He drained a cyst and di... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Intraoperative Consult Denied
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Stomach Surgeries:
Procedural Notes, Anatomy and Terminology Are Vital
Reviewed on May 6, 2015 Coding for stomach surgery requires detailed procedural notes ... Read more
Consider Patient, Surgical Factors in Coding Tonsillectomy
General surgeons who perform tonsillectomies may find coding them particularly challe... Read more
Facilitate Billing:
Use Modifiers, Diagnosis Codes Properly
Thorough knowledge and use of modifiers and diagnosis codes are key to efficient billing... Read more
Reader Question:
Cholecystectomy and Hepatectomy
Question: To perform a liver resection, our surgeon performed a cholecystectomy. Can we b... Read more
Reader Question:
Wide Excision Biopsy
Question: Our surgeon's card merely noted that he performed a "wide excision" biopsy of ... Read more
Reader Question:
Leg Amputation
Question: How do leg amputation codes differ from each other?New Hampshire Subscriber &nb... Read more
Reader Question:
Wedge Biopsy of Liver
Question: An exploratory laparotomy and wedge biopsy of the liver were performed. The mas... Read more
Reader Question:
Pediatric Shunt Insertions
Question: Some of our surgeons have worked with pediatric neurosurgeons to insert ventric... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Guidelines for Modifier -22
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Continue to Use Unlisted-Procedure Code for Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
General surgeons who expected CPT 2002 to include a code for reporting laparoscop... Read more
Modifiers Key to Coding Physician Visits, Global Periods
A surgeon visits a patient in the hospital during the global period for that person's su... Read more
Dispelling the Myth of V Codes and Primary Diagnoses
"Coding myth: V codes should never be used to report primary diagnoses. Although it i... Read more
Reader Question:
Bypass Graft
Question: The surgeon performed a right common femoral artery to left common femoral arter... Read more
Reader Question:
Harvesting Saphenous Vein
Question: Is there a code for harvesting the contralateral saphenous vein before performin... Read more
Reader Question:
AV Fistula Follow-Up
 Question: The surgeon sees a patient in the office after creating an arteriovenous (... Read more
Reader Question:
Surgical Dressing of Burns
Question: Is there a code for the surgical dressing of a partial-thickness burn? &nbs... Read more
Reader Question:
Dressing Changes
Question: A patient who had a thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) graft replacement in another... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Miscellaneous Service Codes
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before look... Read more
Fine Needle Aspiration Edits Top List of Latest Coding Initiative Changes
Correct Coding Initiative version 8.0 (CCI 8.0) includes more than 8,000 new edits valid... Read more
CCI, Medicare and CPT Weigh In on Abdominal Endograft
The road to coding endografts for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) has been ... Read more
Distinguishing Rectal I&D from Anal I&D Codes
Reviewed on May 15, 2015 Coding the treatment of rectal and anal abscesses presents ce... Read more
Reader Question:
Takedown of Splenic Flexure
Question: CPT states that 44139 can be billed with 44140 to 44147. Are these the only proc... Read more
Reader Question:
Excision of Gastrostomy Tract
Question: A boy with cerebral palsy who had a gastrostomy in 1994 recently complained... Read more
Reader Question:
Groin Exploration
Question: The surgeons procedure notes state: Right groin postoperative incision explorati... Read more
Reader Question:
Transverse Colectomy
Question: How should I code an "en bloc" transverse colectomy with distal stomach, distal... Read more
You Be the Coder:
History of Cancer Diagnosis
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before look... Read more
Thoracic-Related Procedures Offer Legitimate Opportunity for Additional Payment
Surgeons who perform thoracic-related procedures may not be obtaining all the  reim... Read more
Simplify Coding of Tissue Adhesive Repairs
Tissue adhesives hold many advantages for the general surgeon and patient. They a... Read more
Anthrax Coding Report Free on Web
Physicians and other healthcare professionals who provide services to any patients with ac... Read more
Important Changes Clarify Modifiers, Endoscopic Billing
General surgeons and their coders will want to pay close attention to Correct Coding Manu... Read more
Reader Question:
Breast Biopsies
Question: The surgeon performs three ultrasonic biopsies on the right breast and two ultra... Read more
Reader Question:
Diagnostic Arteriogram
Question: The patient has a diagnostic arteriogram followed by balloon angioplasty of the ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Available Years:  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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