Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Describe Abnormal Feces Fluidity With 787.91

Question: A patient says she has had chronic bowel problems for the last 10 years, with diarrhea or loose stool for two to three days in a row, then constipation for another week. Diagnostic tests are being ordered. Because the diagnostic tests are only covered for certain conditions, what diagnosis should be listed? Since this has been her way of functioning for so long, it cannot be considered a change in bowel habits.Colorado SubscriberAnswer: Your ICD-9 report should include: 787.91 (Diarrhea), which describes the patient's abnormal frequency and fluidity of feces. This ICD-9 does not specify chronicity but best describes her symptoms with a code that should justify testing to rule out conditions which can cause similar bowel patterns and that can be treated.
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