Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

574.50 Points to Retained Bile Duct Stones

Question: What CPT and ICD-9 codes should I use for the following Ttube cholangiogram report?Clinical indication: Bile duct stoneFindings: Water-soluble contrast was administered through the patient's existing T-tube for performance of a T-tube cholangiogram under fluoroscopic visualization. These images demonstrate good contrast opacification of the intra and extra hepatic biliary tree with free spill of contrast into the duodenum. A few filling defects, felt most compatible with bubbles of air, are seen in the common bile duct and appear to dissipate over time. No filling defect suspicious for residual stone is observed.Impression: Unremarkable T-tube cholangiogram without evidence of filling defect to suggest retained stone within the biliary tree and with good free spill of contrast material into the duodenum.Answer: Because the physician performed this cholangiogram injection procedure through an existing T-tube to search for residual stones, you should report 47505 (Injection procedure for cholangiography through an existing catheter [e.g., percutaneous [...]
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