Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Reach for Unlisted Code for Tattooing During Enteroscopy

Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a double balloon enteroscopy. During the procedure, he used India ink to perform tattooing at the most distal site of the ileum (different site). What codes should I use to report the procedures that my gastroenterologist performed?

New Jersey Subscriber

Answer: The first thing that you need to be aware of when you are reporting an enteroscopy procedure that your gastroenterologist performed is to know that there is no separate CPT® codes for the different enteroscopy procedures namely, single balloon enteroscopy, double balloon enteroscopy and spiral enteroscopy.

The next thing that you need to be checking for is to see the approach that your gastroenterologist used for performing the procedure. The usual approach is through the mouth and has specific CPT® codes for the procedure. If your gastroenterologist used an approach through the rectum, you do not have specific CPT® codes and you will have to reach out to the unlisted procedure code 44799 (Unlisted procedure, intestine).

When your gastroenterologist performed a double balloon enteroscopy through the mouth, you will have to check the extent to which your gastroenterologist viewed the small bowel. If your gastroenterologist performed an enteroscopy beyond the second portion of the duodenum but not the ileum, you will have to report 44360 (Small intestinal endoscopy, enteroscopy beyond second portion of duodenum, not including ileum; diagnostic, with or without collection of specimen[s] by brushing or washing [separate procedure]).

Since your gastroenterologist performed a tattooing procedure in the most distal portion of the ileum, the enteroscopic visualization includes the ileum. So, you will report the double balloon enteroscopy with 44376 (Small intestinal endoscopy, enteroscopy beyond second portion of duodenum, including ileum; diagnostic, with or without collection of specimen[s] by brushing or washing [separate procedure]). Since there is no specific code to report the tattooing procedure that your gastroenterologist performed, you will have to settle for 44799 to report this.

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