Endonetics, the medical device company that developed the Bravo pH Monitoring System, was recently acquired by Medtronic. For the prolonged test, 91033 (Esophagus, acid reflux test, with intraluminal pH electrode for detection of gastroe-sophageal reflux; prolonged recording) can be billed with a date of service when the test is completed. It is not necessary to report the code with the date the device is placed. Using the date the data was retrieved assures that indeed the analysis can be done and the 91033 service was provided. This is true for both the Bravo device and for other prolonged monitoring probes. For more on the test, see the September issue of Gastroenterology Coding Alert. For information on the device, contact Mark Traffas, therapy manager, Medtronic Gastroenterology, at (888) 638-7627 or visit