Gastroenterology Coding Alert


Heartburn Takes On R Code For ICD-10

Tip: Separate codes apply to dyspepsia symptoms. Heartburn, also known as pyrosis or waterbrash, usually poses as a symptom of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The chest pain caused by GERD has a distinct 'burning' sensation, occurs after eating or at night, and worsens when a person lies down or bends over. Presently, you report heartburn using the ICD-9 code 787.1 (Heartburn).ICD-10 difference: When ICD-9-CM shifts to ICD-10-CM in Oct. 1, 2013, code 787.1 will change to R12 (Heartburn). Bearing the same descriptor, you will treat your R12 the same way as you do ICD-9 787.1.Documentation: According to ICD-10-CM, R12 will exclude dyspepsia NOS, which you would report with R10.13 (Epigastric pain), and functional dyspepsia, which you should code as K30 (Functional dyspepsia).Coding tips: A new patient presents with complaints of heartburn and difficulty swallowing. Because of the symptoms the patient exhibits, the physician decides a complete evaluation is necessary to [...]
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