Anoscopy is a procedure where your gastroenterologist will introduce an anoscope, a short and rigid hollow tube with a light source, through the anal canal of the patient. It is usually used to examine the terminal 2-4 inches of the anal canal. For a high resolution anoscopy, your gastroenterologist will use the anoscope to access the distal rectal mucosa and will use a colposcope to obtain high resolution images with magnification of the viewed surfaces. Colposcopes have been used for many years by gynecologists to screen women for early cervical cancers during vaginal speculum examinations. High resolution anoscopy helps your gastroenterologist examine the anal area in more detail than previously possible. Standard anoscopy is generally done with direct visualization without the aid of any magnifying lens. This is usually adequate for the evaluation and treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. In order to improve the ability to screen for any early cellular dysplastic lesions, your gastroenterologist will coat the area with Lugol's iodine and use 3% acetic acid for cell washing.