Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Diagnosis Coding:

Rely On G Codes When Coding High Risk Colonoscopy

A hemorrhoid's location should lead you to the appropriate ICD-9. Want to get your hemorrhoid report right and stress-free? You can start by knowing the difference between internal and external hemorrhoids, but you can learn more from this sample physician's report: PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: History of colon polyps and partial colon resection, right colon. POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES: 1. Normal operative site. 2. Mild diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. 3. Internal hemorrhoids. PROCEDURE: Total colonoscopy. PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: The 60-year-old patient presents to the office to be evaluated for the preprocedure diagnosis. The patient also apparently had an x-ray done at the hospital and it showed a dark spot, and because of this, a colonoscopy was felt to be needed. She was prepped the night before and on the morning of the test with oral Fleet's, brought to the second floor and sedated with a total of 50 mg of Demerol and 3.75 [...]
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