Gastroenterology Coding Alert

CCI Edits:

CCI Edits 17.0: 91117, 91013 Get Their Own Share of Fresh Edits

Mind your gastric intubation coding, too, for conditional pairings. Watch out when coding two new codes for manometric study with other procedures: 91117, and 91013. Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) Edits 17.0 -- which took effect Jan. 1 -- does not allow simultaneous reporting of 91117 (Colon motility [manometric] study, minimum 6 hours continuous recording [including provocation tests, e.g., meal, intracolonic balloon distension, pharmacologic agents, if performed], with interpretation and report) and 88 other procedures; 91013 (Esophageal motility [manometric study of the esophagus and/or gastroesophageal junction] study with interpretation and report; with stimulation or perfusion during 2- dimensional data study [e.g., stimulant, acid or alkali perfusion] [List separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) and two other procedures. These edits mean you won't get paid for both, so get the lowdown on how to adhere or risk giving away your profits. For the 17.0 version, "19,822 new edit pairs have been added [...]
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