CCI Edits 9.0:
New CPT Codes Bring Bundling Mayhem
Published on Sat Feb 01, 2003
You may think you can find your way through the bundling maze for the new CPT Codes on your own, but the latest Correct Coding Initiative version 9.0 makes sure you are not left in the dark by spelling out which procedures are components of the new endoscopy codes.
Also, if you are used to coding for any anesthesia other than conscious sedation with your gastrointestinal procedures, you are out of luck. This edition bundles nerve blocks into your codes and makes sure you do not code separate procedures or "less extensive" procedures with their comprehensive codes. Component Procedures Assigned to New Endoscopy Codes CPT 2003 blessed the gastroenterology coding community with six much-needed endoscopy codes to report submucosal injections and dilations. CCI Edits several common procedures into each of these new codes. For example, take a look at the codes bundled into 43201 (Esophagoscopy, rigid or flexible; with directed submucosal injection[s], any substance): 36000* Introduction of needle or intracatheter, vein Venipuncture (36410) 37202 Transcatheter therapy, infusion other than for thrombolysis, any type (e.g., spasmolytic, vasoconstrictive) 43200 Esophagoscopy, rigid or flexible; diagnostic, with or without collection of specimen(s) by brushing or washing (separate procedure) Spinal cord injections (62318-62319) Nerve blocks (64415, 64417, 64450-64475) Add-on code +69990 Microsurgical techniques, requiring use of operating microscope (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 90780 Intravenous infusion for therapy/diagnosis, administered by physician or under direct supervision of physician; up to one hour. Of special interest concerning the new codes is the fact that the submucosal injection codes are not bundled into the polypectomy codes, says Michael Weinstein, MD, a gastroenterologist in Washington, D.C., and former member of the CPT advisory panel. "Therefore, physicians should bill both codes when it is necessary to raise up a polyp with submucosal injections to safely remove it with the snare," he says. CMS threatens to bundle this procedure if it sees that these codes are being used in a higher-than-expected percentage of cases. You will find listed in the chart of page 11 all additional bundles for each new CPT endoscopy code. Simply flip through a copy of the CCI to find more detailed information. Stick to Conscious Sedation for GI Procedures Gastroenterologists commonly use conscious sedation for most of their endoscopy procedures. However, CCI makes sure to limit any use of other forms of anesthesia with most gastrointestinal procedures. You cannot report 64416 (Injection, anesthetic agent; brachial plexus, continuous infusion by catheter ...) with most GI codes, and general anesthesia codes (00520, 00740, 00810, 00902) cannot be used for the new endoscopies and the new code 46706 (Repair of anal fistula with fibrin glue).
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