Gastroenterology Coding Alert

CCI 18.3 Update:
CCI 18.3 Includes Skin Repair With Almost Every Gastroenterology Procedure
Add-on codes also face these edits through bundled primary procedure. The l... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Gastric Ulcers Morph to K25 in ICD-10
Observe minor changes to list of inclusions and exclusions. When you report gastric ul... Read more
Practice Management Tips:
Follow These 3 Expert Tips to Ease Out of Network Pay
Keep patients in the loop regarding out-of-pocket expenses. If your gastroe... Read more
Reader Question:
Capture Same Colonoscopy Codes Regardless of Technique
Question: What is the appropriate CPT® code for a colonoscopy when documentatio... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Your State Laws and Payer Policies to Deal With Delinquent Accounts
Question: My work in our gastroenterology practice is to handle the collection o... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Appropriate EGD Code For Nasogastric Tube Placement
Question: What is the CPT® code for an EGD with Naso-gastric tube placement for... Read more
Reader Question:
Base Level of E/M on Counseling/ Coordination Time
Question: If our gastroenterologist documents: "Time spent in the evaluation of ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Choose Foreign Body Removal Code For PEG Tube Removals
Question:If one of my doctors does and EGD with a PEG (43246) on a patient and at a ... Read more
CPT® 2013 Update:
New Code Additions Redefine Optical Endomicroscopy Reporting
Check new codes for fecal bacteriotherapy and capsule endoscopy too.Starting Jan.1, you ca... Read more
E/M Coding Corner:
Get Ready to Make These E/M Verbiage Adjustments
Descriptor changes likely to improve scope of reporting E/M services.Your gastroenterology... Read more
News You Can Use:
Mark Your Calendar as CMS Announces ICD-10 Implementation Date
New implementation date will enable practices to make a smooth transition.If the suspense ... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Achalasia Glides Smoothly to K22.0 in ICD-10
Note minor changes to the descriptor for Achalasia.When your gastroenterologist arrives at... Read more
Reader Question:
Report EGD Separately When Used to Place Pill Cam
Question: Can you please tell me what code I should report when our gastroenterologist pla... Read more
Reader Question:
Note that Hemoclips Aren't Reported Separately
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a colonoscopy during which he removed ... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Subsequent Incomplete Colonoscopy Using Appropriate Modifiers
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed incomplete colonoscopy on a patient for three... Read more
Reader Question:
Reach for Unlisted Code for Tattooing During Enteroscopy
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a double balloon enteroscopy. During t... Read more
Reader Question:
Observe That Primary Payer Determination Uses Birthday Rule
Question: We recently made a claim for services provided to a minor patient by billing his... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Append Appropriate Modifier to Discontinued Colonoscopy
Question: My doctors have a couple of Medicare patients that they performed a routine low ... Read more
Coding Strategies:
Nail Your Proctosigmoidoscopy Coding With These 5 Easy-to-Use Tips
Use appropriate modifiers to unbundle codes, when necessary.To assess a patient with recta... Read more
Coding Tactics:
Strategies Help Improve Your Endoscopy Through Stoma Reporting
Multiple endoscopic rules don't apply for simultaneous sigmoidoscopy. When your ga... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
K61 Brings Location Specificity to Anorectal Abscess
Pay more attention to patient documentation to clinch the right location.When your physici... Read more
Check These Anorectal Abscess Types
Based on location of the abscess in the anal and rectal regions, anorectal abscesses can b... Read more
Review These Basics on Stomal Procedure
A stoma is an opening in the abdominal wall that is created to connect a resected end of e... Read more
Reader Question:
Observe That Stent Placements Include Fluoroscopy and Dilations
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a sigmoidoscopy with stent placement. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Capture EGD Codes for Status Post Gastric Bypass Assessment
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed an EGD to assess complaints of abdomin... Read more
Reader Question:
Provide Adequate Documentation to Ensure Reimbursement for Unlisted Procedures
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a laparoscopic procedure on a patient ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Report Gastrojejunostomy Separately During Cholecystojejunostomy
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed an exploratory laparotomy, liver biops... Read more
Reader Question:
Base Angiodysplasia Diagnosis on Location and Hemorrhage
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently diagnosed a patient with angiodysplasia. Can you... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Abstain From E/M Codes for Visits Prior to Screening Colonoscopies
Question: We have a new gastroenterologist in our practice and he wants to see the patient... Read more
CCI 18.2 Update:
Factor in These Bundles Affecting Intubations and GI Endoscopies
And watch these chemodenervation bundles. If you're reporting duodenal intubations with ... Read more
CPT® 2013 Update:
Sneak Peek: Capture Fecal Bacteriotherapy Using New Code in 2013
Get ready for new changes to evaluation and management codes, too. The CPT® Editori... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
K58 Adds More Specificity to Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Presence or absence of diarrhea aids in diagnosis selection. Your gastroenterologist m... Read more
Reader Question:
Capture Approach and Extent for Accurate Enteroscopy Reporting
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a spiral enteroscopy procedure. Are t... Read more
Reader Question:
Observe Date of Admission to Correctly Report ER Patient
Question: One of our patients came through ER at 1 p.m. in the afternoon and was admitted... Read more
Reader Question:
Note That Tube Removals Don't Signify the Level of E/M Codes
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed EGD on a patient on one day and colonoscopy al... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Rules for Reporting Consultations Prior to Performing a Procedure
Question: If our gastroenterologist performs a procedure, can we bill for a consultation ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Botox Can Mean Reimbursement When Used as a Chemodenervating Agent
Question: Our gastroenterologist has recently begun using Botox in patients who are seen ... Read more
Coding Tactics:
Conquer The Ins and Outs of Esophageal Dilations With This Expert Advice
Optimize payments by looking specifically for the use of fluoroscopy. If your gastroen... Read more
E/M Coding Strategies:
Base Your Critical Care Services Coding on Patient Criticality
Different specialties can claim critical care services when non-duplicative. When your... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Cheer for Eosinophilic Esophagitis' Smooth Transition in ICD-10
Observe minor changes to the inclusion lists for esophagitis.Acid reflux and heartburn are... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When it is Appropriate For Hospitals to Use Same CPT® Procedural Code
Question: We have been getting denials from Medicaid and other insurance companies for pro... Read more
Reader Question:
Avoid Getting Perplexed Over Diagnosis and E/M Codes
Question: An internist performed evaluation and management for a patient and referred him ... Read more
Reader Question:
Append Appropriate Modifiers For Incomplete Capsule Endoscopy
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed capsule endoscopy but the capsule did ... Read more
Reader Question:
Capture The Right Code For Manual Disimpaction of The Rectum
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a manual disimpaction of the rectum un... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Capture Fluoroscopy Separate From ERCP When Appropriate
Question: If our gastroenterologist takes the aid of fluoroscopy during an ERCP procedure,... Read more
Coding Tactics:
Master the Essentials of FOBT With This Advice
Hint: Concentrate on intent of the test for better coding efficiency. When your gastr... Read more
Modifier Use:
Explore These Modifier 78 Possibilities When Addressing Surgical Complications
Tip: Check for "return to OR" phrasing to support reporting. You might be l... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Crosswalk to K Codes With Better Specificity For Acute Appendicitis
Tip: Watch for peritoneal involvement as in ICD-9 codes.Abdominal pain is one of the most ... Read more
Reader Question:
Take Control of Multiple Techniques For Polyp Removals
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently removed three polyps in the cecum from a patient... Read more
Reader Question:
Continue Screening Dx Usage For Repeat Screening
Question: If a patient comes in for a screening and during the procedure our gastroenterol... Read more
Reader Question:
Clarify Appropriate Use of Modifiers
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently attempted a colonoscopy through the stoma after ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Capture Simple Specimen Collections as Part of E/M Services
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a Buccal Colaris genetic test for a pa... Read more
Coding Tactics:
Need Help With Esophageal Motility Studies? Look to These Coding Options
Check for clues in the documentation for improved accuracy. When your physician treats gas... Read more
Coding Tips:
Nail Your Coding For H. Pylori Testing With This Guidance
Check method of choice to guide your coding. Like in any other gastroenterology practi... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
New Codes Mean More Specificity For Barrett's Esophagus
Look at dysplastic changes to guide your code choice.Barrett's esophagus is a common condi... Read more
Reader Question:
Avoid Medicare Denials For Hospice Care
Question: We recently received a denial from Medicare for a patient in hospice care. Can w... Read more
Reader Question:
Observe Guidelines Before Applying Critical Care Codes
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently had to spend a lot of time and effort to control... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Sweat Over Multiple Procedures During EGD
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently used a Maloney bougie dilator during an EGD with... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Capture Technique For Multiple Polyp Removals
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a proctosigmoidoscopy. During the proc... Read more
Coding Tactics:
Tips Help Unscramble Your Endoscopic Ultrasound With EGD Coding
Hint: Let the location of ultrasound probe guide your choices. If your gastroenterolo... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Let Complications Guide Your Ulcerative Colitis Coding
Look beyond location to arrive at the right codes.Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflamma... Read more
Refresh Your E-Prescribing Know How With This Advice
Look at these incentives for adopting eRx.If your gastroenterologist's practice hasn't alr... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Sweat Over Discontinued Colonoscopy Procedure
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a diagnostic colonoscopy but was unable to ge... Read more
Reader Question:
Clear Documentation Helps in Defusing Denial Scenarios
Question: Of late, we have been getting several calls from our patients saying that their ... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand Different Methods of Reporting Esophageal Dilation
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a dilation of the esophagus over a guidewire. H... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Clear About After-Hour Coding Rules
Question: Our gastroenterologist's office is usually closed at 5:30 p.m. But once a week, ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Beat the Screening Vs Diagnostic Colonoscopy Dilemma
Question: A patient came to our gastroenterologist for a screening colonoscopy. During t... Read more
CPT® 2012 Update:
Revisions Broaden Your Prolonged Services Reporting Scope
CPT®2012 opens opportunity of using code by every specialty. When your gastroenterol... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Nail Down Crohn's Disease Complications
Capture complications and add more precision to your reporting.As Crohn's disease is a fai... Read more
Category III Codes:
Turn To 0226T, 0227T To Describe High Resolution Anoscopy For Screening
Your claims could get a boost from these placement codes.If your gastroenterologist perfor... Read more
What are Category III Codes?
To accommodate advancements in technology, CPT® has created Category III codes. Thes... Read more
Get to Know More About Anoscopy
Anoscopy is a procedure where your gastroenterologist will introduce an anoscope, a short ... Read more
Reader Question:
Know How to Correctly Report Pouchoscopy With Additional Procedures
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a pouchoscopy. The operative report re... Read more
Reader Question:
Learn the Correct Use of Modifier 73 For ASC
Question: Recently at our ASC, our gastroenterologist planned a diagnostic endoscopic proc... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand the Meaning of Separate Procedure in the Descriptor
Question: I am new to gastroenterology coding. Can someone clarify for me what the wording... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Method Overrides Numbers While Reporting Polyp Removal
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a colonoscopy. The operative report re... Read more
Coding Tips:
Assess Diagnosis and Management to Complete Crohn's Claims
Concentrate on the full picture for maximum ethical reimbursement. If your gastroenterolog... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Look For Appropriate K Codes for Duodenal Ulcers in 2013
Obstruction is no longer vital for correct coding. When reporting duodenal ulcers in 2... Read more
What's a Duodenal Ulcer?
A duodenal ulcer is one form of peptic ulcer that is caused by gastric acids eroding the p... Read more
Incident-to Billing:
4 Criteria You Must Meet Before Filing an Incident-to Claim
Miss these items and you'll be in the OIG's hot seat.If you don't know how to correctly bi... Read more
Reader Question:
EUS and Diagnostic Endoscopy -- Report Separately or With a Single Code?
Question: I am facing a reporting dilemma over here. My question is if a diagnostic endosc... Read more
Reader Question:
Place Your Focus on Bleeding Control When Different Techniques Are Used
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an EGD. During the procedure, a lot of bleeding... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Multiple Endoscopy Rules for Multiple Endoscopies
Question: Whenever our gastroenterologist performs an EGD with balloon dilation and EGD wi... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Tips to Decipher Modifiers With CCI
Question: What advice can you offer for finding a particular code-pair when I am checking ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know if Bravo Capsule Placements are Part of EGDs
Question: I wish to know more about billing for a Bravo capsule. I understand that if a Br... Read more
CPT® 2012 Update:
49082-49083 Redefines The Way You Report Paracentesis
Checking for imaging guidance now helps improve reporting accuracy. If accurately repo... Read more
Don't Let Complications Complicate Your Hemorrhoid Dx Coding in 2013
Heads up: Single ICD-9 code spans to eight codes in ICD-10When ICD-10 goes into effect in ... Read more
Coding Tips:
Brush up Your ERCP Coding Skills With This Guidance
Intent and method guide you to appropriate codes. When your gastroenterologist performs an... Read more
Don't Report Imaging Guidance as Separate Procedure
Learn the rules that govern reporting imaging guidance with ERCP.CPT® does not allow... Read more
Reader Question:
Confusion Over Screening Criteria? You Are Not Alone
Question: We have a 39-year-old patient who is asking for a routine screening of the colon... Read more
Reader Question:
Address the Keofeed Reporting Dilemma
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a Keofeed feeding tube placement at ou... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Whether Observation Patients are Inpatient or Outpatient
Question: For all patients under observation admitted in our facility we have been using o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reporting Different Techniques for Polypectomy
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed a colonoscopy. During the procedure, u... Read more
Colonoscopy Screening:
G0105, 45378: Apply This Coding Combo For Your High-Risk Patients
Regardless of findings, stick to V10.05 to describe condition.Accurately reporting colorec... Read more
Coding Tips:
Finesse Your Internal Hemorrhoid Removal Claims With These Pointers
Removal method notes help guide you to the right code.When your gastroenterologist perform... Read more
ICD-10 Taps Z85.038 For Personal History of Colon Cancer
Don't expect any changes in the code's descriptor when new system kicks off in 2... Read more
Reader Question:
Do Not Ignore Colonoscopy with Negative Findings
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a colonoscopy on a patient with a prior history... Read more
Reader Question:
Epinephrine Injections with Colonoscopy? Not So Fast
Question: Prior to taking biopsy samples of polyps, our gastroenterologist injected epinep... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Unsuccessful Snare for Polyp Removal
Question: Our gastroenterologist attempted polyp removal using a hot snare. However, the p... Read more
Reader Question:
Identify Site, Procedure for Banding Hemorrhoids
Question: At our ASC, our gastroenterologist is planning to attempt banding of hemorrhoids... Read more
Reader Question:
99238 Without a Face-to-Face? Think Again
Question: Our gastroenterologist could not provide a face-to-face discharge for a patient.... Read more
Reader Question:
Should Tube Removals be Conjoined to The E/M Service
Question: In the examination room of our hospital, if our gastroenterologist performs a tu... Read more
Reader Question:
Base Billing Order on RVU Order
Question: I know that as a general rule the highest RVU has a higher billed amount an... Read more
Reader Question:
Avoid Automatically Writing Off Secondary Insurance Deductibles
Question: We have many patients with secondary insurance, some of which have deductibles o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Get Around Coding GAVE with Coagulation
Question: If our gastroenterologist is treating a condition of gastric antral vascular ect... Read more
Available Years:  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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