Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Gastros Gain a Code for Enteryx, but You'll Face New Challenges
Recall means you won't likely access 0133TCPT 2006 adds 0133T to describe implant injectio... Read more
Fill the E/M Gap With Rest Home Service Codes
You'll need 3 of 3 key components to choose a service level for new patientsYou might be t... Read more
CPT Update in Brief:
Now's the Time to Update Your Consult Coding
Access modifier 32 for mandated servicesThe deletion of follow-up inpatient (99261-99263) ... Read more
CPT Clarifies Conscious Sedation Billing
Look to Appendix G for a complete list of services that include CSPhysician offices have s... Read more
Get to Know Your New Conscious Sedation Codes
Be sure to document medication and dose when reporting CSRevisions in CPT 2006 mean you wi... Read more
Medicare Still Won't Pay for CS
In years past, Medicare considered conscious sedation procedures 99141-99142 bundled servi... Read more
Reimbursement 'Heads-up!':
Medicare Cuts Conversion Factor 4.4 Percent for 2006
You can expect your payments from Medicare to shrink in 2006.CMS released its 2006 Physici... Read more
The Future Of Gastroenterology:
How To Prosper Despite Coming Changes
Presented by Joel V. Brill, MDThe following supplement to Gastroenterology Coding Alert is... Read more
The December 2005 Gastroenterology Coding Alert included a typographical error on page 96 ... Read more
Call on 44385 for Pouchoscopy
Question: My gastroenterologist's documentation states that he performed a -pouchoscopy.- ... Read more
Modifier 78 Helps With Complications
Question: Can we gain reimbursement if our gastroenterologist performs a flexible sigmoido... Read more
Separate Documentation Important for Modifier 62
Question: Recently, our gastroenterologist performed an EGD during the same session in whi... Read more
Charge Outpatient Consult for Observation
Question: Another doctor asked my GI physician for a consult with a patient who had been a... Read more
Stick With 99218-99220 for 8 or Fewer Hours
Question: When is it appropriate to report initial observation (99218-99220) with discharg... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Argon Plasma Call for a Special Code?
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an EGD with Argon plasma coagulation for contro... Read more
5 Field-Tested Ways to Cinch Your Hemorrhoid Removal Claims
Hint:  Use combined code for internal/external hemorrhoid procedures, not 1 internal ... Read more
Clip and Save:
Quick Chart Makes Finding the Correct Hemorrhoid Code Easy
Here's the fastest way to choose the correct hemorrhoid treatment code: Just match the hem... Read more
Injection/Destruction Provide Alternatives
Gastroenterologists won't turn to ligation in every hemorrhoid case. Although less frequen... Read more
Modifier 22 Can Reward Extra Physician Effort
Demonstrate the unusual nature of the procedure and ask for paymentGastro coders can gain ... Read more
Modifier 22 'Do's and Don'ts'
Before sending that modifier 22 claim out the door, take a quick look to be sure you-ve fo... Read more
Consider Control of Bleeding Code Carefully
At times, critical care may best describe the physician's services Dealing with e... Read more
NCCI Update:
Nix Esophagoscopy/Upper GI Scope Combo
Modifiers can't save you from this bundling editYou-ll no longer get separate reimbursemen... Read more
Forget 'Prolonged' pH Monitoring
Question: How should I report a seven-hour pH electrode test for GERD? I can't find a code... Read more
Supplies Are Included in GI Procedures
Question: One of our physicians recently asked if we could charge separately for brushes u... Read more
Report 1 Biopsy Code for Multiple Lesions
Question: How should I report multiple biopsies and/or polypectomies during the same sessi... Read more
Stent Is Independent of ERCP
Question: Can we report a separate procedure code to describe pancreatic stent placement a... Read more
Category III Code Your Only Choice for ELGP
Question: One of our GI physicians is using ELGP to treat GERD. How should we code for thi... Read more
Choose Either 45378 or G0105
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a colonoscopy for a rectal bleed on a Medicare ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Will 'New' or 'Established' Affect E/M Level?
Question: During an office visit, our gastro-enterologist performed an expanded problem-fo... Read more
Endoscopy vs. Manipulation:
Here's Your Guide To Upper GI Dilations
You may report fluoroscopic guidance in many casesWhen reporting upper GI dilation procedu... Read more
Expect a New Year Makeover For Consult Coding
Turn to 99231-99233 and 99311-99313 for same-stay follow-ups The AMA will streamline consu... Read more
Billing Consults? Here Are the Requirements
Before you report any consult service in the range 99241-99255, the physician must documen... Read more
Easy Inpatient Consult Coding In Just 3 Steps
Re-admission can mean another -initial- consultationWhen reporting inpatient consultations... Read more
Look for a '1' Indicator to Unbundle NCCI
Question: How do I know if I can -unbundle- NCCI edits? Do I need to use a modifier?Georgi... Read more
Expect Reduced Payment for Multiple Endoscopes
Question: How should I report sigmoidoscopy with tumor removal, followed by control of ble... Read more
Stretta Coverage Is Still Spotty
Question: My Stretta claims face inconsistent coverage from payers. Is there a reason for ... Read more
Count Out Conscious Sedation
Question: I-ve heard rumors that CPT now bundles conscious sedation to endoscopic procedur... Read more
Keep This List Handy for 'High Risk'
Question: Which ICD-9 codes prove medical necessity for Medicare's high-risk colorectal ca... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can We Code PEG Tube Removals?
Question: How can I report removal of a PEG tube? North Carolina Subscriber An... Read more
Improve Your Lower GI Endoscopy Coding With These Stratigies
Hint:  Details on scope insertion determine GI code familyWhen you're  reporting... Read more
Put the Right ICD-9 Codes on Your GI Endoscopy Claims
Check with insurer for a complete listYour lower gastrointestinal endoscopy claims will st... Read more
Consider Dates of Service Before Filing Discharge Claim
Discharge is bundled into most observation codesIf your gastroenterologist performs a proc... Read more
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BMI Codes to Begin Oct. 1
V85.xx will signify patient body mass indexStarting Oct. 1, gastroenterology coders can us... Read more
9 Revenue-Boosting Billing Strategies for Incident-To Services
Presented by Trish Bukauskas-Vollmer, CMM, CPC, CMSCSThe following supplement to Gastroent... Read more
Splenic Flexure is Colonoscopy Cutoff Point
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a diagnostic colonoscopy on a patient with regi... Read more
Consider V Codes If BMI Affects Procedure
Question: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has added 18 new V codes to tes... Read more
Hydrogen Tests Can Check for Several Conditions
Question: When a gastroenterologist performs a hydrogen breath test, what are some accepta... Read more
Use Modifier 25 on E/M With Procedure Claim
Question: A patient with esophagitis reported for a scheduled esophagoscopy with biopsy. O... Read more
Expect More Money From In-Office Procedure
Question: What is the difference between facility and nonfacility relative value units (RV... Read more
You Be the Coder:
'Savary' Dilators and EGDs
Question: My gastroenterologist's notes indicate that he performed an upper gastrointestin... Read more
Keep Your EGD Coding in the 'Family'
Don't confuse biopsies with other procedure codesFor upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (EGD... Read more
Post-Visit Care Is a Vital Piece Of Consult/Referral Puzzle
If your doctor assumes care for the condition, it's a referralWhen a gastroenterologist se... Read more
Check With Providers, Then File Confirmatory Consult Codes
Documentation hard to track down for 'second opinion' codesWhile CPT 2005 does contain cod... Read more
NPP Vital to Hepatitis Follow-Up Care
Question: I have a claim in front of me that states a patient with acute hepatitis C repor... Read more
Take Advantage of PDT-Specific Codes
Question: My operative notes indicate the gastroenterologist performed 75 minutes of photo... Read more
Rules Vary on Conscious Sedation With EGD
Question: Can we get paid separately for conscious sedation administered during an upper g... Read more
Remember to Include EGD Code on Bravo Claim
Question: Our gastroenterologist inserted a Bravo capsule over a standard pH probe on a pa... Read more
No G Codes When Screening Becomes Procedure
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently began a screening colonoscopy on a low-risk Medi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Is Pre-Stretta ABN Still a Good Idea?
Question: Our office is about to begin administering the Stretta procedure to some patient... Read more
EGD With EUS Evolution:
Choose From 4 Codes Now
Last year's revision to code group makes reporting EGD  with EUS more accurateThanks ... Read more
Nurse Injection-E/M Combo Not Always Allowed
E/M and injection claim must prove nurse provided separate serviceReporting nurse injectio... Read more
Doctors Usually Treat Post-Polypectomy Bleeding With Cautery
Question: The gastroenterologist saw a patient for a colonoscopy. During the visit he foun... Read more
If Your Gastroenterologist Assumes Care, Code Follow-Up Visit
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a level-two inpatient consultation on a patient... Read more
Coding EGD on Gastric Bypass Patients Can Get Tricky
Question: How should I bill an endoscopy for a patient who has had a gastric bypass proced... Read more
No Symptom Present, No 799.9
Question: We're having trouble reporting our screening colonoscopies lately and could use ... Read more
Sometimes You Can Up E/M Level Based on Time
Question: A patient who was diagnosed with Crohn's disease three weeks ago reports for a f... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Can You Report Botox Separately On a 43236 Claim?
Question: A patient reported to the office complaining of vomiting, nausea and heartburn. ... Read more
Code Most GERD Tests With 91034, 91010
" Make sure you document other treatments on manometry, pH study claims When yo... Read more
ICD-9 in the News:
Get Ready to Meet the New BMI Code Family in 2006
V85.xx will signify patient body mass index starting Oct. 1 The latest revision of th... Read more
Manage Risk Requirements Before Filing G0105
 Medicare will deny high-risk screenings if you don't meet guidelines No gastroenter... Read more
News You Can Use:
Some Drug Admin Edits Revoked Retroactive to April
Use modifier -59 to overturn edits before July 1 If your gastroenterology office is repor... Read more
Mining the Gold in Care Plan Oversight
Presented by Trish Bukauskas-Vollmer, CMM, CPC, CMSCS The following supplement to Gastroe... Read more
Reader Questions:
Brushes Bundled Into Most GI Procedure Codes
Question: I am about to file one claim for a diagnostic colonoscopy and another for a diag... Read more
Reader Questions:
Stop Before Coding Kenavac IV
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (EGD), duri... Read more
Reader Questions:
Crohn's Diagnosis Covered for M2A Tests
Question: If one of our gastroenterologists offers a patient with Crohn's disease the opti... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Observation if It Leads to ERCP
Question: One morning, our gastroenterologist admitted a patient to the hospital for obser... Read more
Reader Questions:
Do Payers Like New pH Study Code?
Question: Our gastroenterologist met a patient with esophageal reflux at the hospital and ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Dx Codes and High-Risk Patients
Question: What are some of the common ICD-9 codes that prove medical necessity for Medicar... Read more
Multiple EGDs? Don't Overlook Your 43239 Billing Opportunities
Reviewed on May 13, 2015 Modifier -59 may not be part of every multi-EGD claim When ... Read more
Modifiers -52, -53 May Be the Ticket for an Unfinished EGD
Opt for -53 if procedure is stopped for safety If your gastroenterologist has to put the ... Read more
Don't Fret Over Setting When Coding Critical Care
Focus your attention on time, documentation requirements A gastroenterologist can provide... Read more
Reader Questions:
Mark India Ink on Claim With 45381
Question: While the gastroenterologist was performing a colonoscopy on a patient, he notic... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Let Lingo Trip You on Occult Tests
Question: I've got a puzzling encounter form in front of me. The operative notes indicate ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Scope Type Affects Endoscopy Coding
Question: Last week, a patient presented with diarrhea and anemia. The gastroenterologist ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Ready for External Hemorrhoid Coding
Question: I just learned that gastroenterologists sometimes treat external hemorrhoids as ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Brush Up on Screening Colonoscopy Payer Rules?
Question: If a patient with a commercial insurer has a screening colonoscopy, I should rep... Read more
Crohn's Disease Patients Get Remicade After All Else Fails
G codes for Medicare infusions add another coding twist This year, reporting your gastroe... Read more
Consider Using -78 for Surgical Complications
Experts: Codes with the modifier pay about 80 percent of full value When complications fr... Read more
Is Place of Service an OR ... or Not?
There's some wiggle room in the definition of 'operating room' When reporting your gastro... Read more
No Fooling:
NCCI Version 11.1 In Effect April 1
Edits available in cyberspace The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) has relea... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Formalin Infusion With E/M-Prolonged Services Combo
Question: One of the gastroenterologists in our practice was recently treating a patient w... Read more
Reader Questions:
'Gut Cam' Gets New Name, Code
Question: Our physician performed gastrointestinal tract imaging with a "gut camera." We h... Read more
Reader Questions:
CPT Alters Acid Reflux Test Code Set
Question: I've got a rejected claim in front of me that I'm just not sure how to appeal. T... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Pre- and Post-PDT Services Separately
Question: Our office recently began performing photodynamic therapy (PDT), and we were won... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Modifiers or No Modifiers for Endoscopy With Esophageal Manometry?
Question: Our gastroenterologist recently performed an esophageal manometry and a diagnost... Read more
Reflux Test Redux:
Report Procedure With 1 Code in 2005
Also, include documentation of other treatments doctor triedIf you're now reporting gastro... Read more
Check Reflux Reports for Manometry, Bravo Procedures
Sometimes, a reflux test is only half the claimWhen your gastro administers a reflux ... Read more
Punch Up Your E/M Claims With Prolonged Service Codes
But make sure you're abreast of all the rules before using codesReporting an evaluation an... Read more
Are You Ready to End Your E/M-Guideline Confusion? We Can Help
Use CMS' responses to our questions to report correct E/M levels Like many coders... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Should You Factor Patient's Status?
Question: During an office visit, my doctor performed an expanded problem- focused history... Read more
Bonus Question:
Improve Your Prescription Drug Documentation
Find out what CMS has to say about the management options categoryCalculating a patient's ... Read more
Lack of Guide Wire Changes Dilator Code
Question: If our gastroenterologist places a dilator during an endoscopy without using a g... Read more
If Doctor Caused Bleeding, He Must Stop It for Free
Question: Our gastroenterologist removed three polyps using hot biopsy forceps during a pr... Read more
EGD With Endo Clip: The Code That Wasn't There
Question: I'm stumped. The operative notes for this encounter indicate that my gastroenter... Read more
Let the Elements Drive
Question: The chart that physicians use to select the level of history includes identifier... Read more
You Be the Coder:
EUS Limited to Esophageal Areas
Question: Our doctor performed an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (EGD) on a patient and ... Read more
All Non-Medicare Screening Colonoscopies Are Not Created Equal
Some private payers may prefer G codes for the test When a Medicare or private-pay patie... Read more
While Doctor's Away, Incident-to Reporting Still Possible
'Supervising physician' does not have to be the plan author Most gastroenterology coders ... Read more
News You Can Use:
New Reflux Code Gets Mixed Reviews
 ... but new Bravo code draws applause This year, gastroenterology coders have a sli... Read more
NCCI Update:
Latest Edits Now Available Online
Remember to look out for No. 1 The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) released it ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Observation Discharges Not Always 1-Code Affair
Question: If a patient is admitted and discharged from observation status on the same day,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Ab Distress Can Signal Diagnostic EGD
Question: I am having trouble recognizing diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopies (E... Read more
Reader Questions:
Using Modifier -62? Remember These Tips
Question: The December issue of Gastroenterology Coding Alert featured an example of a PEG... Read more
You Be the Coder:
How Are Payers Reacting to New Stretta Codes?
Question: Since the 2005 CPT manual included a permanent code for the Stretta procedure, o... Read more
Stick to New G Codes When Reporting Infusions, Injections to Medicare
Report first hour of Remicade infusion with G0359 This year, gastroenterology offices mus... Read more
Clip N Save:
Ease Adjustment by Posting These G Codes
Watch out for per-day restrictions when reporting starred (*) G codes Gastroenterology of... Read more
Get the Most Out of Hepatitis Coding With NPPs
Injection instruction usually a low-level E/M service While your gastroenterologist must ... Read more
August 2004 Issue of Gastroenterology Coding Alert
The article "Find Polyp Removal Methods, Avoid Colonoscopy Coding Quandaries" in the Augus... Read more
Reader Questions:
MALT Lymphoma Brews ICD-9 Uncertainty
Question: Our office began seeing a new patient with MALT lymphoma last month, but I've ne... Read more
Reader Questions:
Decompression Bundled Into Colonoscopy Code
Question: A patient presented with a pseudo-obstruction in the colon. The gastroenterologi... Read more
Reader Questions:
2 Out of 3 Ain't Bad - for Established Patient E/M Services
Question: I have a claim sitting in front of me with the following info: Established patie... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dilatation, Stent Placement Cannot be Reported Separately
Question: A patient presented for a stent placement, which the gastro inserted while perfo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can You Code Consult, Cauterization Separately?
Question: My gastroenterologist typically provides E/M services and consultations in the o... Read more
Available Years:  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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