Gastroenterology Coding Alert

Take the Sting Out of Coding Nurse Injections
When a nurse gives an injection in a gastroenterologist's office, the coding world isn't a... Read more
Attention to Detail Solves the Consult-Versus-Referral Riddle
Strategies to help you avoid denials Difficulty differentiating consults and referrals wo... Read more
Write Off Denials With This Intrapractice Referral Checklist
Although checking for a request, a written report and a reason for the request is always a... Read more
6 Must-Have HIPAA Training Skills
You can have all the HIPAA training in the world, but if you're not enforcing and practici... Read more
Don't Let Home Coding Turn Into a Code Red
Just because you're coding from home doesn't mean you don't have to be HIPAA-compliant. M... Read more
12 Ways to Minimize Fax and E-Mail Risks
If you want to stay out of the courthouse and the newspapers, follow these personal health... Read more
Fax and E-Mail Confidentiality Disclaimer
Providers who fax or e-mail protected health information should place disclaimers in their... Read more
Reader Question:
Roll In-Office Service Into Hospital Admit Code
Question: When we admit a patient to the hospital directly from the office, should we bill... Read more
Reader Question:
Reimbursement Realities for 0008T
Question: Why do some carriers reimburse for 0008T and others don't?Maryland Subscriber&nb... Read more
Reader Question:
Get What You Can for EGD/Bougie Procedure
Question: Our physician performed an EGD with biopsy before the insertion of a Maloney bou... Read more
Reader Question:
Coordinate Documentation for In-Office Referrals
Question: For a patient interested in taking the M2A capsule to diagnose her small-bowel p... Read more
Reader Question:
Check NCCI Before Billing Multiple Endoscopies
Question: My gastroenterologist performed a colonoscopy with a polypectomy and balloon dil... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Between 2 Guide-Wire Insertion Codes
Question: Our physician performed an esopha-goscopy using a guide wire to ensure proper pl... Read more
Reader Question:
Initial Observation Codes Are for the Admitting Doctor Only
Question: If one of our doctors is called in to consult on a patient who was admitted to o... Read more
Reader Question:
Save Yourself Construction Costs
Question: Are physical barriers available to prevent patients and visitors from viewing co... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Beware Billing Pre-Op Clearance on Auto
Question: When can a gastroenterologist bill for a preoperative consultation prior to a pr... Read more
Make Sure the Newest NCCI Edits Don't Upset Your Clean Claims
Do you bill twice when replacing a PEG tube? If so, you should take a close look at the la... Read more
Get the Payment You Deserve When You Go Back to the OR
Modifiers -78 and -79 make post-op services pay up Practices can avoid forfeiting rei... Read more
Think You Can Handle NCCI's Latest Bundles? Test Yourself
To make sure you know how to incorporate the latest National Correct Coding Initiative edi... Read more
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
In the sixth paragraph of "Don't Let Modifier -25 Headaches Take Over" in the October issu... Read more
Reader Question:
Expand Your Use of Control-of-Bleeding Codes
Question: My gastroenterologist performed a stomach biopsy on a patient, which also requir... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier -51 for Presurgery Manipulation
Question: My physician performed an esophageal endoscopy with biopsy, a procedure that req... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Report Off-Site H. Pylori Analysis
Question: Our gastroenterologist used a C-14 breath analysis to test for H. pylori in an e... Read more
Reader Question:
Area Is Key to Endoscopy Codes
Question: A patient underwent an endoscopy of the ileoanal J pouch (pouchoscopy), in which... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Once for Hemorrhoidectomy
Question: A physician performed a flexible sigmoidoscopy on a patient in our office, durin... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding Urgent ED Care
Question: Our physician met an established patient with severe gastrointestinal bleeding i... Read more
Don't Let Modifier -25 Headaches Take Over
If you don't use modifier -25 correctly, you could face a long appeal process, refusal of ... Read more
6 Suggestions for Foolproof Modifier -25 Coding
Who knew that one little modifier could cause so many headaches? Put modifier -25 on your ... Read more
Avoid OIG Scrutiny While Increasing Revenue By 15%
'Incident-to' services: from confusing to profitableThe U.S. Health and Human Services Dep... Read more
NCCI Edits All Around - Free of Charge
CMS posts Correct Coding Initiative edits on web CMS has made it easier for physician... Read more
Reader Question:
Pay Extra Attention When Coding Ultrasounds
Question: My physician performed an endoscopic ultrasound on a patient to measure the dept... Read more
Reader Question:
Report ERCP, EGD Separately
Question: During a single visit with a patient, my physician performed an endoscopic retro... Read more
Reader Question:
Make Use of Modifier -59 With Colonoscopies
Question: A patient in our office had a colonoscopy during which two lesions were treated;... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Code Presurgery Manipulation
Question: My physician performed an esophageal endoscopy with biopsy, a procedure that req... Read more
5 Steps to Foolproof Hemorrhoid Coding
Coding Tips to Help Increase Your Confidence and Reimbursement Gastroenterologists fre... Read more
Coder to Coder:
10 Tips for 'Getting It Right' Every Time
Use This Field-Tested Checklist to Make Your Work More Efficient and More Effective Gastr... Read more
Think You've Made Your Case for Modifier -22? Not if You Haven't Done These 5 Things
If you're submitting claims for unusual procedural services without first determining how ... Read more
Test Yourself:
Opt for -22 Over an Unlisted-Procedure Code
Question: Our physician asks us to report procedures that take extra time and effort wit... Read more
Reader Question:
Signs, Symptoms and E Codes - Oh My
Question: A primary-care physician (PCP) sent a patient to us for a consult. The request i... Read more
Reader Question:
A Screen Is a Screen Is a Screen
Question: We screened a Medicare patient for colorectal cancer with a fecal-occult blood t... Read more
Reader Question:
FYI on NCCI: Use the Right Edits
Question: Which National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits should we use - Medicare's... Read more
Reader Question:
Render an Opinion on Confirmatory Consults
Question: Can a transfer of service take place when we conduct a confirmatory consult? How... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Your Coding Poison Based on Documentation
Question: How should I decide whether managing excessive bleeding that requires extra phys... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Multiple Techniques Equal Multiple Payments?
Question: A patient comes into the office and wants a colonoscopy screen. He cites a famil... Read more
Sharpen Your Focus With 3 New ICD-9 Codes
Gastroenterology coders will finally be able to specify "Barrett's esophagus" (530.85) and... Read more
Learn the Fine Points of Coding Critical Care
Get More out of 99291 and 99292Insufficient physician documentation - not your coding skil... Read more
Quick Key:
NCCI Rolls Out New Bundled Codes
Check the chart to the right to find the National Correct Coding Initiative's ... Read more
NCCI 101:
Navigate the Edits' Lingo
Tired of bungling bundles and misinterpreting mutually exclusives? Brush up on your Nation... Read more
News You Can Use:
Take the Money and Run
CMS Has Change of Heart on Proposed 'Mass Adjustment'Good news for your practice: Gastroen... Read more
The July 2003 Gastroenterology Coding Alert (Reader Question: Learn Requirements for Lower... Read more
Quick Key:
NCCI Rolls Out New Bundled Codes
Check the chart to the right to find the National Correct Coding Initiative's ... Read more
NCCI 101:
Navigate the Edits Lingo
Tired of bungling bundles and misinterpreting mutually exclusives? Brush up on your Nati... Read more
News You Can Use:
Take the Money and Run
CMS Has Change of Heart on Proposed Mass AdjustmentGood news for your practice: Gastroente... Read more
Reader Question:
Who Specified What
Question: What do "NEC" and "NOS" mean in ICD-9 coding? How should I select between them?F... Read more
Reader Question:
Cover Your Bases With a 'Transfer of Service'
Question: An on-call physician treated one of our patients. The next day, our doctor took ... Read more
Reader Question:
Sigmoidoscopy Is Not 'Reduced' Colonoscopy
Question: Our physician performed a colonoscopy to 80 cm for tumor marking. Should I repor... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding a Discontinued Acid Reflux Test
Question: One of our technicians administered a 24-hour acid reflux test (91033) for a pat... Read more
Reader Question:
Who Specified What
Question: What do NEC and NOS mean in ICD-9 coding? How should I select between them?Flori... Read more
Reader Question:
Cover Your Bases With a Transfer of Service
Question: An on-call physician treated one of our patients. The next day, our doctor took ... Read more
Reader Question:
Sigmoidoscopy Is Not Reduced Colonoscopy
Question: Our physician performed a colonoscopy to 80 cm for tumor marking. Should I repor... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use Place of Service With Nursing Home Consult Code
Question: One of our physicians was asked to consult on a patient who was in a nursing car... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use Place of Service With Nursing Home Consult Code
Question: One of our physicians was asked to consult on a patient who was in a nursing car... Read more
Get Comfortable With Colonoscopy Coding, Find the correct codes, add the right modifiers, and elude denials with these 3 tips
The factors you have to consider when coding colonoscopies can seem endless types of pr... Read more
Use Modifier -59 to Appeal 45380 With Multiple Procedures
Yes, you can get paid for CPT 45380 when performed with other procedures if you know th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Solve the Rectal Hemorrhage Coding Challenge
Question: When should we use 569.3 (Hemorrhage of rectum and anus) and 578.1 (Blood in sto... Read more
Reader Questions:
Learn Requirements for Lower-Risk Colonosc
Question: We received a denial for a screening colonoscopy (G0121) for a Medicare pati... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose a Modifier for Discontinued Colonoscopy
Question: I know that when billing a limited colonoscopy to Medicare I should use modifi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Clarify Hemorrhoidectomy Codes 46255 and 46260
Question: We have difficulty deciding when to use the two hemorrhoidectomy codes 46255 a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Consult Codes in the ED
Question: While on-call in the emergency department (ED), our gastroenterologist saw a 3... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Document Requests for Consults
Question: We have had instances when we have had to bill for an office consultation withou... Read more
Be a Winner With M2A Coding:
Field-Tested Tips From the Experts Ease Coding Hassles
Coding for a new procedure can be a bad dream. Ensure correct coding for M2A wirel... Read more
Variations in M2A Capsule Coding Requirements
 A sampling of several BC/BS payers shows how coding requirements for the M2Aca... Read more
Be a Confident Secca Coder
Here's How to Bill Without Doubts      If you've been using the S... Read more
Dont Let Enterra Therapy Throw You for a Loop
7 Coding Facts You Can't Afford to Miss       When billing... Read more
Be Smart About CMS
A Few Web Sites Will Do the Trick      Use these Internet sites... Read more
Identify High-Risk Diagnoses for Screening Codes G0105 and G0120
If a patient presents with a personal history of malignant neoplasm of the l... Read more
Revert to CPT Codes When Screenings Turn Surgical
A screening is just a screening, until the gastroen-terologist finds something an... Read more
Avoid 3 Costly Colonoscopy Tumor-Removal Coding Mistakes
Unless your gastroenterologist has a perfect record of clearly documenting the techn... Read more
E/M Time and Prolonged Services
 Question: One of our gastroenterologists performed a new patient examination tha... Read more
Is This a Consultation? The Answer May Surprise You
 Question: A patient we had not previously seen was referred to our office for a ... Read more
After-Hours Codes:When Can We Bill Them?
Question: Our office regularly stays open until 8 p.m. one evening per week for walk-i... Read more
Include Control of Bleeding
Question: When can we report the control of bleeding code separately from the colono... Read more
Use Number and Method to Choose Tumor Code
Question: What are the rules for reporting the proctosigmoidoscopy and tumor removal c... Read more
Report Endoscopy and Botox Codes
Question: My gastroenterologist recently injected Botox for a patient with anal fiss... Read more
Avoid 82270 and G0107 for Home Screening
Question: Our physician likes to send home a colorectal screening kit with patient... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Rule Out Problems With Proper 'Rule-Out'Diagnosis Coding
Question: We have a long-standing question in our billing office. Acouple of years ago... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Code Colonoscopy Through Stoma With 44388
Question: How should I code a colonoscopy through the stoma? What if a flexible sigm... Read more
NCCI Update:
Version 9.1 Bundles Ultrasound Guidance
It's official: The latest National Correct Coding Initiative edits bundle ultrasound... Read more
Expand Your Horizons for Upper GI Dilations
You're probably tired of staring at your physician's notes for hours trying to decip... Read more
Refresh Your Tube Placement Expertise With Some FAQs
If your gastroenterologist places a feeding tube into the small bowel instead of the... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill 43268 and 43269 for Separate Ducts
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an ERCP to facilitate obtaining a retrograd... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Biopsy of Separate Lesion
Question: Our physician performed a colonoscopy and polypectomy on a 55-year-old patie... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 91033 With pH Monitoring
Question: Regarding the Bravo pH Monitoring System, when the physician places the devi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Preoperative Clearance Exams Are Risky
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking... Read more
Part II:
Sift Through the Maze of GERD Treatment Options
If coding for the new GERD treatments leaves you dazed and confused, you need to fre... Read more
Smart MDM Worth $35 a Pop
If you've been downcoding to a level-four office visit or lower just to play it safe, ... Read more
CMS Increases Physician Payment Rates for 2003
Dry your tears, because CMS issued a regulation on Feb. 26, 2003, to boost Medicare pa... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 90782 for Multiple Injections
Question: When using 90782 for injection administration, can I use this multiple times... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Strict Screening Colonoscopy Rules
Question: What is the proper coding for a screening colonoscopy for patients over the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier -59 With EGD and Dilation
Question: What is the rule of thumb when a physician performs 43239 (Upper gastroint... Read more
Reader Question:
Scan Doctors Notes to Diagnose Repeat Biopsy
Question: What diagnosis code should I use when the doctor's notes state that the pati... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Laser Ablation Is a Hodge-Podge Code
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking... Read more
Part I:
Find a Diagnosis for Your GERD Coding Pains
It's imperative that patients undergo a variety of diagnostic tests before a phy... Read more
Real-World Coding Exposed:
Practices See Reimbursement for Hepatitis Follow-Up Care
Question: Our gastroenterologists take care of the initial hepatitis visit and couns... Read more
Find Answers for Your Shared-Service Woes
Shockwaves reverberated through the coding community when Medicare implemented its... Read more
Rely on Family to Get Through the Multiple Endoscopy Maze
Do you know how to handle coding for more than one EGD service performed at a sing... Read more
Check for Diligent Documentation of Multiple EGDs
Don't let documentation be your downfall when you code multiple EGDs. Thanks to the fr... Read more
Weigh Your Options Before Coding PEG-Tube Placement
There's more than one way to code a PEG tube placed by more than one gastroenterol... Read more
Remember 4 Things When Using Modifier -62
When two surgeons work together to perform one procedure, each physician's individual ... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Careful With Patient Medications and Injections
Question: Our gastrointestinal nurses are billing for office injections at level one... Read more
Reader Question:
RNs Bill Under Physician PIN
Question: Should our gastrointestinal nurses have PIN numbers? North Carolina Subsc... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Injections and Polypectomy Separately
Question: If we report a submucosal injection with a polypectomy, it is considered a... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Consultation Rules
Question: If our doctor sends a letter and treatment plan to a referring physician, ... Read more
Reader Question:
Discontinue ERCP,See EGD
Question: My gastroenterologist started performing an ERCP but couldn't find the ampul... Read more
Reader Question:
Determine Codes From Documentation
Question: My gastroenterologist documented performing an EGD with EUS for a patient wh... Read more
Reader Question:
Code PEG Removal by Method
Question: Can we bill for the removal of a PEG tube, or is it included in the E/M se... Read more
Reader Question:
Decipher Lingo to Apply -53
Question: How do I tell when a procedure should be coded as discontinued? For example,... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report Symptoms Versus Inconclusive Results
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Dont Solicit PEG Pay for Nurses
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking... Read more
CCI Edits 9.0:
New CPT Codes Bring Bundling Mayhem
You may think you can find your way through the bundling maze for the new CP... Read more
Use CCI to Master the Multiple-Endoscopy Rule
If you are tired of trying to decide whether to append modifier -59 or -51 to a colo... Read more
2003 National Physician Fee Schedule:
Gastroenterologists See Cuts across the Board
Look for your reimbursement to drop as much as 12 percent for some endoscopy procedure... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 9925x for Nursing Home Consultations
Question: Our gastroenterologists recently began performing consultations with nursing... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Separate Diagnosis Codes
Question: We are having trouble with claims being denied for hospital follow-up visi... Read more
Reader Question:
43239 Bundled into 44361
Question: I need clarification on the Correct Coding Initiative. Our physician perform... Read more
Reader Question:
Use V Code As Secondary Diagnosis
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a colonoscopy for a rectal bleed. The pat... Read more
Reader Question:
CMS Changes Hepatitis B Policy
Question: We have had problems reporting and receiving reimbursement for hepatitis B v... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Follow Multiple-Endoscopy Rule
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Medicare Issues New NCDs for Diagnostic Tests
A huge new batch of Medicare's National Coverage Determinations (NCD) is now on th... Read more
Debunk Laboratory Coding Myths
You can unlock the mystery behind ordering and reporting diagnosis codes for laborator... Read more
Look Closely to Solve the Observation Double Standard
If you are tired of watching the clock and feeling confused about when you can bill in... Read more
Reader Question:
Solve the M2A Capsule Enigma
Question: We recently purchased the new M2A Capsule technology to use with colonos... Read more
Reader Question:
Show Medical Necessity for Colonoscopy
Question: A patient was seen for rectal bleeding and underwent a colonoscopy with po... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Separate Codes for Hepatitis Vaccines
Question: How should I bill for hepatitis A or hepatitis B vaccinations? I have been... Read more
Reader Question:
Learn When to Bill for PA Services
Question: A patient was seen by one of our medical assistants and given an injection f... Read more
You Be the Coder How to Code PEG Versus PEJ Tube Placement
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation be... Read more
Available Years:  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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