Gastroenterology Coding Alert

CPT 2002 Revises Control-of-Bleeding, Adds Emerging-Tech Codes
Revisions to the control-of-bleeding and dilation codes are among the signific... Read more
Prolonged Services Codes Are Alternative to Timed E/M Visits
The codes for prolonged services with direct patient contact (99354-99357) can be used t... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Bile-Duct Sludge
Question: How should I code for an ERCP with an extension of sphincterotomy, removal of ... Read more
Reader Question:
Dry Paracentesis
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a paracentesis (49080) but didnt get any fluid ... Read more
Reader Question:
E Code for Postoperative Complications
Question: A patient had an ERCP and was sent home. Our doctor issued a prescription for th... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow-Up or Varices Dx
Question: Our doctor did a follow-up endoscopy to treat reoccurring varices. Upon examinat... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Physician Supervision During Manometry
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation befo... Read more
Add-On Services Can Lift EUS Reimbursement by 30 Percent
Gastroenterology practices that bill separately for services that are commonly perform... Read more
Commercial Payers Likely To Reimburse India Ink Tattooing
More gastroenterologists are finding that commercial payers will reimburse for India i... Read more
CMS Releases ICD-9 Codes
New diagnosis codes for constipation and esophagitis top the list of ICD-9 changes for... Read more
Catheters Considered EUS
In the September 2001 issue of Gastroenterology Coding Alert, the following reader q... Read more
Reader Question:
Code for Endoscopic Hiatal-Hernia Repair
Question: I have been presented with an endoscopic hiatal-hernia repair. Which CPT codes s... Read more
Reader Question:
Biopsy and Polypectomy With Cold Forceps
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed biopsies from the colon for histology and remov... Read more
Reader Question:
Esophageal Motility and pH Study
Question: When billing an esophageal motility and pH study, should I bill both on the sa... Read more
Reader Question:
Gastroenterology Exams and HEENT
Question: When performing a comprehensive gastroenterology examination, which elements (... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Incomplete Colonoscopy With Biopsy
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Coding for Upper GI Dilations Depends on Dilator Type and Method
Dilations are performed when a portion of the esophagus has become closed due to ailme... Read more
Through-Stoma Endoscopies Can Be Billed With Flex Sig
" Gastroenterology practices are often stymied as to how to report a colonoscopy or other ... Read more
Proposed Fee Payment Schedule for 2002 Announced
Medicare fees for many endoscopic procedures performed in an office setting will increase ... Read more
New E/M Guidelines on Hold
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson has indefinitely delayed the developmen... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow-Up Colonoscopy, No Polyp
Question: A patient was referred to us for a follow-up colonoscopy because his internist p... Read more
Reader Question:
Discontinued Banding of Varices
Question: My doctor attempted to do a banding of esophageal varices. He could not put the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Observation After ERCP
Question: Usually after an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, our gastroe... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Decompression of Colon
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Aggressive Coding Practices for ERCP Stent Placements Aim for Higher Payments
To claim better reimbursement, many gastroenterology practices are changing how they ... Read more
Tips for Using the Five Most Common Colonoscopy Codes
Although colonoscopy is one of the procedures most frequently performed by gastr... Read more
Reader Question:
ASC Reimbursement for G0121
Question: Which diagnosis code should we use when reporting HCPCS code G0121? Also, can yo... Read more
Reader Question:
Dilation With Kenalog Injection
Question: Our gastroenterologist did a dilatation on a patient who has a severe stricture.... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: A gastroenterologist who "assisted" in several surgeries was involved in a col... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for Fistulogram
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Botox Reimbursement for Achalasia and Anal Conditions Is Gaining Wider Acceptance
Reimbursement for the use of Botulinum toxin type A, commonly called Botox, to treat a... Read more
Dont Code in the Past:
Bill ERCP-EGD Combos Separately
One of the golden rules of coding for gastroenterology used to be that an endoscopic... Read more
News Brief:
HCFA Gets a New Name
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which administers Medicare and Medicaid p... Read more
News Brief:
CCI 7.2 Contains Edits for New CPT 2001 Codes
The latest version of the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI), which went into effect Ju... Read more
Reader Question:
Limited Colonoscopy to Transverse Colon
Question: A limited colonoscopy that only went as far as the transverse colon (80 cm) wa... Read more
Reader Question:
Diagnosis of Globus Sensation
Question: Which diagnosis code should we use for a patient who feels as if there is a... Read more
Reader Question:
Esophageal Manometry
Question: We want to perform esophageal manometry tests in our clinic. Now that we have ou... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Two Codes for Hemorrhoid Removal
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Tube Procedures Are Pipeline to Reimbursement
Appropriate coding for tube placements and replacements depends on coders distinguishing w... Read more
Boost Level of Follow-up E/M With Time as the Key Component
Follow-up visits with patients after an endoscopy or test are often billed as a lo... Read more
Medicare Sets Requirements for ABNs
  While advance beneficiary notices (ABN) have been used... Read more
Reader Question:
Consult Prior to Screening Colonoscopy
Question: Which ICD-9 code should be used to report a consultation performed prior to... Read more
Reader Question:
DME for Gastrostomy Tube
Question: Do we need a durable medical equipment (DME) number to bill gastrostomy tube rep... Read more
Reader Question:
Stents to Prevent Pancreatitis
Question: My doctor has recently begun placing pancreatic stents during ERCP to ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Esophagogastroscopy and Dilation
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation be... Read more
Coding Tactics for Fluoroscopy Used in GI Procedures
" The digestive section of the CPT 2001 manual contains several new cross-reference... Read more
Medicare Now Reimburses Ordering Plans of Care for Home Health Patients
Effective Jan. 1, 2001, HCFA began reimbursing gastroenterologists for doing something th... Read more
News Brief:
HCFA Announces RVU Corrections
Changes to the relative value units (RVUs) for observation care codes and magnetic resonan... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow-up E/M Visit for Endoscopy-on-demand
Question: Frequently, a primary care physician will schedule a patient with our gastroente... Read more
Reader Question:
Preoperative Colonoscopies
Question: We occasionally have patients who will be receiving liver transplants and are s... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for Rx Authorization Forms
Question: We have to complete Rx authorization forms in order to get some insurers to pay ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Diagnosis Code for Healed Gastric Ulcer
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
G0121 Will Be Reimbursed For Average-risk Screening Colonoscopies
Effective July 1, 2001, HCFA will extend the benefit of a screening colonoscopy to Medicar... Read more
Use CCI Edits to Determine When to Use Modifier -59
When part of a claim containing a combination of codes is denied by Medicare, gastroentero... Read more
Medicare Covers Intestinal Transplants
Effective April 1, 2001, Medicare covers intestinal transplants for beneficiaries with irr... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing for an ERCP Without Visualization
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an ERCP without a pancreatogram. He briefly tri... Read more
Reader Question:
14-hour pH Monitoring
Question: We tried to do a 24-hour pH monitoring of a patients esophageal acid reflux, but... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for an Endoluminal Gastroplication
Question: What codes should be used to report endoluminal gastroplication?Texas Subscriber... Read more
Get Reimbursed for Stretta Procedure With Four Crucial Steps
The Stretta procedure is a relatively new treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (G... Read more
Five Pointers for More Effective GI Billing With Modifier -22
A colonoscopy is performed on a patient with a tortuous colon. Instead of taking the usua... Read more
Reader Question:
Assisting With a Cholangiogram
Question: Our gastroenterologist is often called in to assist with the interpretation and ... Read more
Reader Question:
India Ink Tattoo
Question: What code should we use to bill for India ink tattooing of lesions?Missouri Subs... Read more
Reader Question:
Initial Hospital Care Services
Question: The three doctors in our practice rotate coverage. Doctor #1s patient comes into... Read more
Reader Question:
Achalasia Balloon
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed esophageal dilation on a patient with achalasia... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Esophageal Stent Placements
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with balloo... Read more
Use Modifiers to Secure Reimbursement for Same-day Postendoscopic Complications
Patients sometimes develop complications after an endoscopy is performed that requires a s... Read more
Gastroenterologists Fight Reduced Medicare Reimbursement for Upper GI EUS With Fine Needle Aspiration or Biopsy
Although gastroenterologists were initially pleased with the creation of several new CPT... Read more
Reader Question:
Injection Therapy of Duodenal Ulcer
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy... Read more
Reader Question:
Discussion of Nutritional Supplement
Question: Our gastroenterologist spent 45 minutes in a discussion about a patients nutriti... Read more
Reader Question:
Multiple Biopsies With Control of Bleeding
Question: Our gastroenterologist removed four lesions by hot biopsy and three by cold biop... Read more
Reader Question:
Cirrhosis Diagnosis
Question: A patients medical record reads, Cirrhosis likely secondary to alcohol depende... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code for Gold Probe
Question: What is the code for a Gold Probe? Alabama SubscriberTest your coding knowledge.... Read more
How to Identify and Code Consultations for Optimum Reimbursement
Thinking that they might be missing out on some extra reimbursement, several gastroenterol... Read more
Use G Code for Reporting Average-risk Colon Screening
Due to recent publicity campaigns about the effectiveness of preventive screenings for col... Read more
News Brief:
Average-risk Screening Added by Congress
At the end of its 2000 legislative session, the United States Congress extended the benefi... Read more
Reader Question:
Is Modifier -51 Still Required?
Question: Some coders have been telling me that modifier -51 doesnt have to be used to rep... Read more
Reader Question:
Morphology of Neoplasm Codes
Question: Can I use the morphology of neoplasm codes listed in Appendix A of the ICD-9 man... Read more
You Be the Coder:
PEG Placement
Question: How do I code when two gastroenterologists perform a percutaneous placement of... Read more
Increase Reimbursement by Expanding Use of Control-of-bleeding Codes
Coders can use control-of-bleeding codes for situations other than when a gastroenterologi... Read more
Use of Time May Boost Reimbursement for Subsequent Care Codes
The subsequent hospital care visit codes (99231-99233) are among the top 10 CPT codes repo... Read more
CPT Definitions for Subsequent Hospital Care
The CPT manual defines the three levels of subsequent hospital care as follows: 9923... Read more
Reader Question:
Same Office Consultation
Question: We are a five-physician gastroenterology practice in which one of the physicians... Read more
Reader Question:
Colonoscopy With Biopsy
Question: We did a colonoscopy with biopsy ( CPT 45380 ) on a Medicare patient. The primar... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Stretta Coding
Question: How do we code for doing a Stretta procedure?Ohio SubscriberTest your coding kno... Read more
Available Years:  2001  2000  1999  

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