E/M Coding & Reimbursement Alert

Bolster Your Distinct Time Billing Knowledge
Remember to bill with only one provider's number. Billing for split or shared services b... Read more
Best Practices:
Overcome 2023 E/M Update Challenges with Expert Advice
Get tips on how and when to query. For many coders, the evaluation and management (E/M) c... Read more
Specialty Spotlight:
Test Your Knowledge of Pregnant Patient Annual Exams
Be cautious about what you use for your primary diagnosis. To ethically maximize your ob... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does This Case Call for E/M and Immunotherapy Codes?
Question: A patient comes to the office for his allergy shot. He complains of an ear... Read more
Reader Questions:
Make Friends With ‘Buddy Taping’ Code
Question: If the ED physician wraps tape around an injured toe and an adjoining one ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Count Provider Minutes When Performing Phone Visits
Question: A provider had a telephone visit with a patient to refill prescriptions for... Read more
Reader Questions:
Rely on MDM Versus Time for This Fracture Encounter
Question: My physician's notes indicate that they performed an office evaluation and ... Read more
Back to Basics:
Code These 4 Things to Bill 99211 Correctly
And learn these three reasons for not reporting it. When one of your clinical staff membe... Read more
Clip and Save:
Answer the How, What, When, and Why for Preoperative Evaluations
Don't forget to check for comorbid conditions. Knowing how to navigate and select all of ... Read more
Condition Focus:
Breeze Through Spring with Denial-Proof Allergy Coding
Debunk these three myths to sail through allergy diagnosis codes. With allergy season i... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Go Par for the Golfer’s Elbow Dx Course
Question: Encounter notes that a patient reports to the orthopedist with complaints of pai... Read more
Reader Questions:
Determine Your Dx After Cancer Surgery
Question: When can we bill a visit after a surgery for cancer? My colleague says that... Read more
Reader Questions:
Identify a COPD Exacerbation Dx With PFT
Question: A patient presented with chronic cough, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.... Read more
Reader Questions:
Phone in This E/M Encounter
Question: A patient presented to the office for a follow-up appointment. When the pat... Read more
Procedure Focus:
Use These 6 Tips to Code Hearing Tests Successfully
Start by knowing what's included in an E/M visit. If your practice includes an audiologi... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Evaluate Your E/M and Spirometry Procedure Coding Knowledge
Find out if your coding skills are on point. As a pulmonology coder, evaluation and man... Read more
Specialty Spotlight:
Take a Second Look at MDM Table
Does data factor into this ED E/M claim? Given the recent and extensive changes to the ev... Read more
Coding Quiz Answers:
Check Your E/M and Spirometry Coding Answers
Find out what a ‘B' status means in the MPFS. Check to see if your answers from the que... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Keep CPR, E/M Separate
Question: Can I report an emergency department (ED) evaluation and management (E/M) c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know When Procedures Don’t Get Procedure Codes
Question: One of my providers recently removed an ear piercing, and he documented tha... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Whether QHP Performed Pump Refill
Question: If a patient has an implantable pump in their spine that the provider refil... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know How to Navigate CPO
Question: We have a patient who is eligible for home care, and our gastroenterologist... Read more
Use These Tips to Find More Efficacy With Telehealth
Plus: Save this chart for future reference. There's no denying that telehealth improves a... Read more
Consider This Leveling Advice for MDM
Evaluate all available information when determining risk. Assessing murky situations to d... Read more
Specialty Focus:
Check Your Toe Injury Coding Knowledge
Distinguish between new and existing patients to assign the appropriate E/M code. Injurie... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Count on Location for Rib Fracture X-Ray Views
Question: After a level 4 office evaluation and management (E/M) service for an esta... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Treatment Goals to Evaluate Condition Stability
Question: A patient with chronic pain presents for an evaluation and management (E/M)... Read more
Reader Questions:
Pay Attention to Diagnosis Specificity to Level E/M
Question: Does an undiagnosed new problem with uncertain diagnosis automatically mean... Read more
Reader Questions:
Rely on MDM Versus Time for This Fracture Encounter
Question: My physician's notes indicate that they performed an office evaluation and... Read more
Coding Deep Dive:
Answer the How, What, When, and Why for Pre-Operative Evaluations
Don't forget to check for comorbid conditions. Knowing how to navigate and select all of ... Read more
Seek Clarity on New Pelvic Exam Code
Find out which Medicare codes aren't compatible. Many coders may not feel confident about... Read more
Specialty Focus:
Find Security in Coding Vertebral Fractures
Hint: Consider E/M code to report the decision-making process. Coders who report surgery... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Note E/M Exception in Debridement Procedure
Question: I have a provider who uses an operating microscope to debride the ear canal of â... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Mistake These Procedures for E/M Services
Question: I noticed that the physicians at the practice I just started working at tend to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember This Modifier 25 Tip
Question: Should I always append modifier 25 for a minor procedure with an evaluation and ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand Neonate-Specific Coding Conventions
Question: Our hospital physician provided a neonate with critical care throughout the firs... Read more
Inpatient Coding:
Check In on Revisions Pertaining to Hospital Care
Review the newish codes and make sure you're doing things correctly. Coders responsible ... Read more
Procedure Focus:
Explore Options for Reporting Osteotomy
Check how the decision for surgery was made. Coders responsible for reporting osteotomy ... Read more
Knowledge Check:
Find Clarity Amidst MDM Coding Confusion
Hint: Look to MACs for guideline help. The gray areas inherent to medical decision maki... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Explore Cerebellar Abscess Diagnostic Process
Question: Notes indicate that the surgeon performed a level 4 office evaluation and m... Read more
Reader Questions:
Beware Addition of Urinalysis Code to E/M
Question: For all lab tests performed in the office, our nurse researches the history... Read more
Reader Questions:
Find CPAP Management Amidst E/M Bundle
Question: I'm new to pulmonology coding, and I have an encounter note for a recent ev... Read more
Reader Questions:
Find Synonyms for Myofibrositis
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a physician provided an office evaluation and... Read more
Procedure Deep Dive:
Clean Up Your Vasectomy Coding Claims
Use these coding hints to snip through any confusion. Coders working with urologists or ... Read more
Specialty Spotlight:
Code Pessary Encounters Confidently
Hint: You may be able to report multiple E/M services in some situations. Coding pessary ... Read more
Expert Opinion:
Find Out How Emergency Departments Might Fare With MPFS in 2024
Enjoy some long-awaited clarity on split/shared services. In 2024, the stars will align a... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Find Solution for Nursemaid Elbow
Question: A 8-year-old boy presented with a dislocated right elbow. After examination... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand When Telehealth Can Replace a Face-to-Face Visit
Question: My provider wants to bill 99350 when performing a home visit via telehealth... Read more
Reader Question:
Don’t Forget Alternate Terms for MS
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the provider treated a new patient with multi... Read more
Reader Question:
Decipher Cancer Care Follow-Up Details
Question: I have two questions regarding follow-up appointments for the prostate pat... Read more
Available Years:  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013