ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

You Be the Coder:

Manage Multiple Diagnoses

Question: We saw a patient who ended up having more than 12 diagnoses. Is there a way to report them all on a claim? The clearinghouse we use splits claims with multiple diagnoses and often duplicates procedure and office codes, which causes issues with payers.

Tennessee Subscriber

Answer: CMS modified form 1500 to support up to 12 diagnosis codes per claim to reduce paper and electronic claims from the splitting you describe. Twelve diagnosis codes are allowed per claim; however, only four diagnosis codes are allowed per line item for each individual procedure code. That means only four diagnosis codes can “pointed” (connected) to each procedure to per claim line.

For example: On Form CMS 1500, box 21, you may have a situation where more than four diagnosis codes on a claim is vital to documenting the full extent of a patient’s illness. While there are 12 place holders for diagnoses, only a maximum of four is allowed for each single procedure performed. So, there can be up to eight floating diagnoses that can be listed as current diagnoses for that patient, but there may be additional diagnoses related to the charges that aren’t “pointed,” as four are already pointing to the procedure or there may be additional diagnoses related to the medical decision making (MDM) of the visit as current comorbidities.

Caveat: When applicable, you should not associate the same diagnosis with each line item if the primary reason for each service is different.