Question: Do I need to include a code from category 948 on every claim for burn victims?
Michigan Subscriber
Answer: Yes. Once you locate code(s) to represent the patient's burn(s), find the appropriate code from category 948 (Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved) as a secondary diagnosis. The 948.xx codes can also serve as primary diagnoses when the documentation doesn't specify the burn site, according to ICD-9 2010.
Reason: This code helps paint a better picture of the patient's injuries: The fourth digit in the 948.xx code represents the total body surface area (TBSA) burned, and the last digit indicates how much of the TBSA suffered third-degree burns.
You'll employ the "Rule of Nines" to select the fourth and fifth digits. The Rule matches percentages and body areas as follows:
Example: Let's say a patient has a severely burned right leg.
The patient has multiple second-degree burns on the front of his right leg and additional third-degree burns to the back of his right leg, but no loss of body part. In this instance, you would list the following diagnosis codes in this order: