Question: A patient reported to the ED complaining of spasming pain in her left calf. After performing a level-three E/M service, the physician diagnosed muscle spasms in the left calf. The ED physician administered two trigger point injections (TPIs) into the patient's calf muscle, and then instructed her on aftercare. Which TPI code applies?
Codify Subscriber
Answer: When reading through CPT®'s trigger point injection options, you'll note that the codes differ based on the number of muscles treated. Therefore, since your physician injected only one muscle, your coding would appear as follows:
Potential problem: Even if you knew every ICD-10 code in the book, you could still have problems linking a diagnosis to your TPI code if the provider isn't specific. Frequently, physicians will document only the location of the pain, such as neck pain, low back pain, or headache, but in the case of trigger point injections, they should really indicate more specifically the etiology of the pain. If you have trouble discerning the appropriate ICD-10 code on your TPI claims, go back and ask the provider for more information so you can get the coding right the first time.