ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

You Be the Coder:

Can You Code a Retinal Migraine?

Question: Notes indicate that the provider treated a patient with a “retinal migraine.” I’ve never come across this term, and I haven’t been able to track it down in my ICD-10 manual either. Can you help with a diagnosis code?

Colorado Subscriber

Answer: You’ve probably heard of retinal migraine by its more familiar name, migraine with aura. As far as ICD-10 is concerned, the terms are synonyms. You’ll select an ICD-10 code from the G43.1- (Migraine with aura) set for this patient.

Note: Synonyms for conditions are often listed under the primary descriptor for an ICD-10 code. Under the descriptor for migraine with aura, retinal migraine is listed along with:

  • Basilar migraine
  • Classical migraine
  • Migraine equivalents
  • Migraine preceded or accompanied by transient focal neurological phenomena
  • Migraine triggered seizures
  • Migraine with acute-onset aura
  • Migraine with aura without headache (migraine equivalents)
  • Migraine with prolonged aura
  • Migraine with typical aura.