ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert


Try E-Charts for Quicker Coding

Question: What is the recommended cap for the time lapse between an ED encounter and the date we complete the coding and send out the claim?

Colorado Subscriber
Answer: Many issues affect the time lag between the date of service (DOS) and date you can complete the coding, including the type of physician record (paper, electronic, or dictated), the frequency of incomplete records, and the transport mechanism for the chart when it goes to the billing company.
Long time lapses usually involve an emergency department group with many incomplete records. Such a group may use a  slow-turnaround dictation service, which then mails paper records to the billing company.

Smart idea: Using electronic charts and electronic transfer of information--or on-site scanning of paper charts--speeds up the coding and billing process. Ideally, you should complete your coding 48 hours or sooner after the DOS.
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