ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Reader Questions:

Report Strapping for Jones

Question: Should I consider a Jones dressing a splint or a strap for coding purposes? It does immobilize the limb, so it seems to meet the definition of a splint. If the ED physician applies the Jones dressing himself, should I bill for a splint or a strap or something else?

North Carolina Subscriber

Answer: A Jones dressing, also known as a Robert Jones bandage, is really neither a splint nor a strap, but a bulky Ace bandage made of a web roll and an elastic compression bandage usually with reinforcing tape. But for coding, you should report this dressing as a strapping, because you're correct - the doctor usually uses tape to immobilize the limb.
The appropriate code for the Jones dressing depends on the area to which the physician applied the splint The most common Jones dressing is applied to immobilize the ankle/foot region and is assigned 29540 (Strapping; ankle and/or foot).

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