Question: I am confused about the proper use of the acuity caveat. I understood that we can only use it to invoke a level-five E/M, but I've recently heard that we can use it for other E/M codes, such as 99283. Is this correct usage?
Kansas Subscriber
Answer: The most direct answer to your question is that the acuity caveat in the description of code 99285 (Emergency department visit for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires these three key components within the constraints imposed by the urgency of the patient's clinical condition and/or mental status: a comprehensive history, a comprehensive exam-ination, and medical decision making of high complexity), which is highlighted in bold print, does only apply to a level five evaluation and management (E/M) code.
However, according to the 1995 documentation guidelines, there is a history caveat that states, "If the physician is unable to obtain a history from the patient or other source, the record should describe the patient's condition or other circumstance which precludes obtaining a history."
So if the physician is unable to obtain a history from the patient, but the physical examination, medical decision making, and nature of the presenting problem do not support a 99285, you can justify reporting 99282 ( expanded problem focused history, an expanded problem focused examination, and medical decision making of low complexity), 99283 ( expanded problem focused history, an expanded problem focused examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity) or 99284 (...a detailed history, a detailed examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity) by using this history caveat and assigning an E/M code based on the examination and medical decision making elements.
Tip: Be sure to document the reason why the history could not be obtained.