Question: The ED physician performs a bronchoscopy. How should I report this procedure?
AAPC Forum Subscriber
Answer: It depends on whether the bronchoscopy is diagnostic or therapeutic. For a diagnostic bronchoscopy, report 31622 (Bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; diagnostic, with cell washing, when performed (separate procedure)).
When the bronchoscopy turns therapeutic, things get much more specific. There are nearly 30 therapeutic bronchoscopy codes, ranging from 31623 (… with brushing or protected brushings) through +31654 (Bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; with transendoscopic endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) during bronchoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic intervention(s) for peripheral lesion(s) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure[s])). You’re going to want to go back and check the notes to see which type of bronchoscopy the provider performed.
Diagnostic: Encounter notes indicate that the physician performed a bronchoscopy that included fluoroscopic guidance and cell washing. Since each of these services is included in a diagnostic bronchoscopy, report 31622 for this service.
Therapeutic: Encounter notes indicate that the physician performed a bronchoscopy that included fluoroscopic guidance and placement of two tracheal stents. Since tracheal stent placement isn’t included in 31622, it’s a therapeutic bronchoscopy that you’d report with 31631 (… with placement of tracheal stent(s) (includes tracheal/bronchial dilation as required)).