Question: We recently opened an urgent care clinic separate from the ED. Which E/M codes should we use to report the services at the clinic?
Codify Subscriber
Answer: To code and bill E/M services in the urgent care setting, you will use the Office or Other Outpatient E/M Level codes. The CPT® code ranges for these E/M Levels are: 99201-99205 for new patients and 99211-99215 for established patients.
Zero in on These Key E/M Component Differences: Coders whose experience is mainly with the ED E/M levels 99281-99285 should carefully review the CPT® guidelines for coding the Office and Other Outpatient Services levels, as there are some differences.
For example, for code 99204 (Office or other outpatient visit for a new patient…) the three key components required are a comprehensive history, comprehensive examination and MDM of moderate complexity, whereas the three key components for 99284 (Emergency department visit…) are a detailed history, a detailed examination and MDM of moderate complexity.
Another important coding difference you’ll need to know is that, while the ED visit levels require three key components to meet a certain level, the office and other outpatient visit levels for established patients require two of the three key components of history, examination and MDM.
Also note that typical times for the visits are listed in the individual code descriptions for the Office or Other Outpatient E/M codes, so counseling or coordination of care should be considered.
Don’t forget POS: Place of service for urgent care services can vary according to the payer guidelines and the specific characteristics of the urgent care center, so watch how you apply your POS indicator.
You will use place of service (POS) 11, 20, or 22: