ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Reader Question:

Examine your head for the right code for this ultrasound study

Question: One of our ED doctors is asking to report limited ultrasound of the head performed to look at ventricular size. What code would I use? This is the first time I heard of this. Maryland SubscriberAnswer: CPT® includes two codes for ultrasound of the head and neck other than for ophthalmic presentations. Consider codes 76506 (Echoencephalography, real time with image documentation [gray scale] [for determination of ventricular size, delineation of cerebral contents, and detection of fluid masses or other intracranial abnormalities], including A-mode encephalography as secondary component where indicated). Based on your inquiry, it sounds like 76536 (Ultrasound, soft tissues of head and neck [e.g., thyroid, parathyroid, parotid], real time with image documentation), may be your best bet depending on additional detail that the chart suggests is being studied.
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