ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Reader Question:

Coding CPR and Critical Care

Question: Can cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be coded in addition to critical care?

Arthur Gorman
Marshfield, MA

Answer: CPR should be reported in addition to services performed using its code, 92950. If an E/M service, such as critical care, is performed in conjunction with the CPR, both codes should be reported, says Painter.

Also, Medicare and many other payers require the
-25 modifier to be attached to an E/M code, particularly a critical care code, when it is reported in addition to a separate procedure.

Note: If CPR is coded in addition to a critical care E/M code, the time spent performing CPR should be subtracted from the total time reported as critical care. You might also want to check with your private payers regarding their policy of paying for CPR and critical care separately. (See the article Improve Utilization of Critical Care Codes to Increase Reimbursement for Emergency Services on page 1 of the January issue of ED Coding Alert.)