Question: I read in the November issue that the new moderate sedation codes require a minimum threshold of 10 minutes of intraservice time to report the new codes. Does that same 10 minute threshold apply for the add-on codes if an additional 15 minutes of sedation is required?
Texas Subscriber
Answer: The time requirement chart following the revised moderate sedation code section in CPT® 2017 shows that although 10 minutes of intraservice time are required for the initial reporting, you need only exceed the midpoint of 15 minutes to qualify for reporting the add-on codes 99153 and 99157. The time chart shows 8 minute minimum intraservice time thresholds, beyond the initial 15 time blocks, to justify reporting each additional prolonged sedation code beyond the appropriate initial moderate sedation code selected. For example, 23 to 37 minutes of intraservice time would allow reporting both 99152 and 99153 if the documentation supported those code choices.