ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert
ED physicians who dictate charts often struggle to meet HCFAs evaluation and management (E/M) documentation [...]
The coders laceration repair challenge is searching the physicians documentation to determine whether the repair [...]
Modifier -54 and Fracture Care
Question: We are considering billing fracture care with a modifier -54 (surgical care only) to [...]
Use the codes in this section to designate wound closure with sutures, staples or tissue [...]
Suspended CCI 6.3 Edits
Question: I heard that HCFA has suspended the 6.3 Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits. Is [...]
Review of Symptoms vs. Past Medical History
Question: When a physician lists an organ system and documents past medical/surgical history instead of [...]
Conscious Sedation Followup
Question: Can conscious sedation be billed with an evaluation and management (E/M) code? Codes 99141 [...]
90801 vs. E/M
Question: A psychiatric patient usually comes to the ED either under court order or with [...]
Coding From X-ray
Question: Is it appropriate to code from an x-ray if the examining physicians original diagnosis [...]
ICD for Normal Exam
Question: What diagnosis code should we assign for patient visits with the final diagnosis normal [...]
Separate EKG and X-Ray Documentation
Question: To bill for electrocardiograms (EKGs) and x-rays, do the EKG and x-ray results have [...]
Saturated Oxygen
Question: When billing 94760 we have always attached modifier -26 (professional component) because the physician [...]
Missing Chart Information
Question: As I reviewed a group of charts to code, I found that one physician [...]
Strapping Definition
Question: Can you define the term strapping in relation to codes 29200-29280 and 29520-29590 (strapping, [...]