ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

ICD-10 Training Tool:

Spot the Difference: Handy List Helps You Keep ICD-9, ICD-10 Features Straight

Make your transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 easier with this rundown of the basic differences between the old and new systems. 1. ICD-10 codes are alpha numeric and up to seven characters in length; ICD-9 codes are only three to five characters2. ICD-10-CM has 21 chapters; ICD-9 has 17.3. ICD-9-CMs V and E codes are incorporated into the main classification in the ICD-10-CM code: Placeholders (X) are required to hold places followed by additional characters. Seventh characters are required for obstetrics, injuries and external causes of injuries. Post-operative complications will now be located specific to the procedure-specific body system.4. ICD-10 will classify injuries first by specific site and then by type of injury. ICD-9 classified injuries by type.5. ICD-10-CM includes full code titles for all codes, so it is not necessary to reference back to common fourth and fifth digit categories.6. Combination codes for conditions and common symptoms or manifestations, for [...]
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