ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Freestanding Emergency Centers

Use This Check List to Make Sure You Are In Compliance Before embarking on developing coding policies for a freestanding emergency center, (FECC), you must first determine the following, advises Caral Edelberg, CPC, CPMA, CAC, CCS-P, CHC, President of Edelberg Compliance Associates in Baton Rouge, LA. Who owns the center? If a physician, has it been certified by the state AND Medicare as a stand-alone FECC and "bonafide" emergency department? If owned by a hospital, does it meet provider based ED requirements? Does it have its own provider agreement and is it open 24/7? Has the center qualified as a FECC through the state certification requirements by meeting all emergency provisions? If so it will be required to EMTALA standards and provide medical screening exams in addition to a long list of requirements for licensing and certification. Has the facility been approved as a provider by Medicare? Typically, physician owned [...]
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