Check More Than Layers to Arrive At Correct Closure Level
Published on Thu May 19, 2011
Dig deeper into notes to get a grip on repair levels.ED coders cannot consider all closures equal, or they risk miscoding laceration repair claims.One of the nuances of coding these procedures is knowing how to distinguish one type from another. Read on for our experts' advice on how to assess the three closure levels and assign the best codes.Remember 'Simple' Doesn't Mean 'Easy'A simple repair involves primarily the dermis and epidermis. It might involve subcutaneous tissues, but not deep layers.Draw the line: How do you know when a closure might involve subcutaneous layers but is still considered a simple repair? Your provider's documentation is the key. The difference is whether the wound is closed in layers or just a single layer, experts note. The provider might decide to include the subcutaneous layer in the closure but does so by bringing the needle through the dermis into the subcutaneous and back. [...]