ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule:
Look to Telemedicine Rather Than Transition of Care Codes for Increased Revenues
Although RVUs seem flat, the SGR and budget neutrality adjustments could impact your pay i... Read more
2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule:
Read The Rules Carefully Before Reporting Transitional Care Management (TCM) and Chronic Complex Care Coordination (CCCC) Code Use by EPs
Just Because It Doesn't Say You Can't, Doesn't Mean that You ShouldCMS, like CPT®, d... Read more
How Will Recent Media Hype On EHRs And Upcoding Impact Your Compliance Plans?
Get the facts on whether and why your ED E/M frequency distributions are shifting to the r... Read more
Reader Question:
Two Visits, Same Day -- Too Confusing!
Question: Does anyone know a successful way to get Medicare to pay for two ED visits on th... Read more
Reader Question:
Can you report an observation service if the patient is subsequently admitted?
Question: A 65-year-old patient with significant airflow limitation due to chronic bronchi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding Separate Services on Fracture Claims
Question: A 17-year-old patient reports to the ED with an injured lower left leg. The ED p... Read more
2013 CPT® Update:
Prep for Revisions to Observation and Thoracentesis Codes
Learn more about these changes to prolonged care, flu vaccines, and Appendix G assignments... Read more
Concurrent Care:
Who Gets Credit For Simultaneous Critical Care Services?
Watch the documentation of minutes carefully when multiple providers are involved with cri... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't let abscess drainage procedures needle you unnecessarily
Question: What would be the correct CPT® for the following procedure?Procedures-dent... Read more
Reader Question:
When does aspiration becomes drainage?
Question: A patient presented to the ED with a peritonsillar abscess (PTA) and underwent a... Read more
Reader Question:
Not all critical care time must be face to face
Question: Our ED physician received a call from a rural hospital looking to transfer a pat... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Burn Diagnosis Coding for Kids
Question: A parent brings a 9-year-old child into the ED with blistering burns to the left... Read more
E/M Coding:
Reasons Your Review of Systems Documentation Could Be Sabotaging Your Claims
Is "All Other Systems Negative" a ticking time bomb, set to explode your ROS cred?If you'r... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
If You Didn't Do Your Homework, You Got A Reprieve
The ICD-10 Final Rule released announces implementation delay until October 2014; but don'... Read more
Facility Coding:
Ace Your Critical Care Coding: Pay Attention to Trauma to Avoid Future Drama
Carefully documented time and resources spent is the key to accurate facility coding I... Read more
Don't Fall Apart Over E/M With Fracture Care
Question: Consider the following Chart documentation:A nine year-old patient comes in with... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider the supervision time required to determine a minor or major procedure
Question: What is the rule of supervision of a procedure in ED? Must I, the supervising ph... Read more
Reader Question:
It's the total dosage not the pill size that counts for prescription strength OTC medicines
Question: I am looking for assistance on this. I have a provider who has stated that if he... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't get too creative when counting HPI elements
Question: Can you give me the total number of elements in the HPI example that follows: 70... Read more
Reader Question:
Take a global view when dealing with typical postoperative care
Question: Our ED doctors have patients with abscess I&Ds come back multiple times duri... Read more
Compliance Strategies:
Know The Rules For Freestanding ED Or You Could Be Standing In Front Of A Judge
Definitions and certifications are vital to code correctly in these venues. Off-campus ur... Read more
Burn Coding:
Summer Turns Up The Heat On Burns, But You Can Stay Cool With These Coding Tips
Check chart documentation to determine the best codes to describe your burn care Labor Da... Read more
Burn Payment:
Choosing the right code has significant payment implications
Check out this chart to see the payment information for the burn code series. ... Read more
EHR Compliance:
Heed This Joint Commission Update On Scribe Use: PAs Are Written Back In
TJC has reversed its earlier position prohibiting scribe use by PAs If you're using scrib... Read more
Freestanding Emergency Centers
Use This Check List to Make Sure You Are In Compliance Before embarking on developing cod... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Get Hurt with A Pay Cut For Reductions Under Anesthesia
Question: An elderly man presented to our ED last week with a dislocation of the patella.... Read more
Reader Question:
Master Modifiers For Repeat CPR Sessions
Question: One of our ED physicians spent critical care time with an inpatient on two sepa... Read more
Reader Question:
Plug Up Lost Nose Revenue
Question: What is the minimum requirement for reporting 30901 (Control nasal hemorrhage, ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Should I use an established patient code for a known patient?
Question: How should we report the following? The patient complains of a headache. The Hi... Read more
Documentation Guidelines:
Brush Up on Your HPI Know How and Stay Out of Audit Crosshairs With This Primer
Get the story straight on this often misunderstood but very important E/M component.If His... Read more
Regulatory Update:
The 2013 Medicare Fee Schedule Proposed Rule Estimates Emergency Medicine Payments Will Decrease by One Percent Next Year.
Read on to find out why and what other changes are proposed The proposed rule for the 2013... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Pay Attention To These Details For Rape and Assault Exams
Your documentation must satisfy billing requirements and hold up in court if needed. When ... Read more
Drill Down to These HPI Element Meanings
Check out these expert tips for deciding how to count documented HPI elementsTodd Thomas C... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember Different ED Rules for Trigger Point Injections (TPIs)
Question: A patient reports to the ED complaining of severe neck pain. He reports that two... Read more
Reader Question:
Mistaking the past history for ROS is nothing to sneeze at
Question: How should we count allergy status in determining the E/M level assigned? The ED... Read more
Reader Question:
What if they have enough forehead for four heads?
Question: I want to make sure I'm coding a simple laceration repair to the forehead correc... Read more
Reader Question:
Take a breath and think before reporting ED nebulizer treatments on the professional side
Question: Our emergency department physician often performs nebulizer treatments. What doc... Read more
Reader Question:
Pull out the right code when removing a foreign body
Question: A patient presented with a foreign body in his lower intestinal track. Our ED ph... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Discount The MDM When the NOPP Is High
Question: A 20 year-old patient presents to the ED with a fever of 105, weakness and body ... Read more
Facility Coding:
Wash Away Your Infusion, Injection and Hydration Service Confusion
Base your code selection on hierarchy and length of these hydration injection and infusion... Read more
CCI 18.2 Update:
NCCI Version 18.2 is Effective On July 1, 2012, Are You Ready To Correctly Handle these Edits?
Scope out these new CCI edits for fluoroscopy use and heparin lock proceduresProfessional ... Read more
Payment Policy Update:
New for July 1, 2012: Medicare Requires a PD Modifier During The Three Day Payment Window
Be aware of ED services provided within three days of admission to a hospital with your sa... Read more
Telemedicine Coding:
Keep Telemedicine Codes On Your Radar Screen to Beam Up Additional Revenue
Know the rules to see if you qualify for Telemedicine paymentsTelemedicine applications in... Read more
Reader Question:
You Don't Need Your Head Examined For Head and Neck Ultrasound Studies
Question: One of our ED doctors is asking to report limited ultrasound of the head. This i... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Observant In Assigning Codes For Services Crossing Midnight
Question: For observation time for professional services, do you use the 99218-99220 serie... Read more
Reader Question:
You "Kneed" To Know How To Capture The Post -- Op Portion Of This Diagnosis
Question: I recently had a chart where the patient presented to ER with knee pain, three m... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Choosing the Right Diagnosis Code for Sickle Cell Crisis
Question: A 35-year-old female presents to the ED with chest pain and a history of sickle ... Read more
Coding Strategies:
Ratchet Up Your Medical Necessity Support With V and E Codes
Expect better performing ED claims with this V & E code tune-up. When it comes to ... Read more
Facility Coding:
6 Strategies Safeguard Your Facility Coding Choices From Audit Scrutiny
Documenting timed services, reporting observation care factor into your audit-busting tact... Read more
Facility Coding:
Are You Up To Date On The 2012 APCs For Commonly Reported ED Services?
Check out these charts to make sure your facility mapping is correct There can be ... Read more
How Is Your Facility Mapping Methodology Holding Up?
Take note of these tips from Edelberg to see if you are capturing these common ED interven... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't let head trauma coding give you a headache
Question: Is minor head trauma a "99282" as it does require a detailed history and physica... Read more
Reader Question:
You don't have to be from Fargo to know about wood chipper safety
Question: Patient presents to ER with finger laceration after cleaning a wood chipper that... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't let coding for a Dens fracture be a pain in the neck.
Question: Can anyone tell me how they would code the following Fracture of the Dens. There... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check for Catheter Use Before Coding Thoracentesis
Question: A patient with shortness of breath reports to the ED. The physician obtains pert... Read more
ED Coding Alert:
Consider These Multi-Layer Compression Code Edits Before Reporting Application Services
These new and existing codes can't be reported with the code for manual therapy techniques... Read more
CCI 18.1 Update:
Handy Summary of Added and Deleted CCI Code Pairs for April 2012
Added Code Pairs:Spinal surgery codes: 22100-22865Vascular injection procedures (selective... Read more
Special Services Coding:
Don't Let Using After Hours Code 99053 Keep You Up All Night
Read on for a review of how to use this code and get the lowdown on its reimbursement real... Read more
EMR Implementation:
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of EMRs: Keep This Advice Handy And Make A Potentially Bad Situation Better
Watch out for cloned documentation, appropriate scribe attestation to be sure you are in c... Read more
Reader Question:
Take a break to get support for multiple fracture code sequencing
Question: A patient came into our ED with multiple fractures. How do I know which one to r... Read more
Reader Question:
Be alert when deciding which organ system match your physical exam elements
Question: I am reviewing some charts for Emergency Medicine and the ERMD is stating that a... Read more
Reader Question:
How to handle Medicaid patients from another state
Question: We are in St. Louis so we credential our providers with Missouri and Illinois Me... Read more
Reader Question:
When does genitalia become an extremity? It depends on who you ask.
Question: Which CPT® code is used to report the ultrasound examination of a palpable... Read more
Reader Question:
Can a MLP's procedure qualify for a "face to face" visit?
Question: My group is now using mid-level providers (MLPs) to staff our fast track. Each p... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Read Between the Lines To See If A Procedure Note Also Justifies An E/M Service
Question: How would you report the services provided in the following procedure note?The E... Read more
EMR Compliance:
Using Scribes In The ED: What Documentation Can Be Counted By The Attending Doctor?
Take note of these rules when considering what the scribe can scribble. If your ED has mov... Read more
Facility Documentation Guidelines:
Know the Rules for Mapping Professional and Facility Code Levels
Does your current mapping methodology contain the 11 elements CMS requires?CMS has no offi... Read more
Compliance Update:
Bone Up on Your Regional ZPIC's Functions And Stay Out of Trouble
Do you understand how this extra layer of investigation fits in the overall program integr... Read more
ZPIC Functions
The primary goal of ZPICs is to investigate instances of suspected fraud, waste, and abuse... Read more
Reader Question:
Score the HPI When the Patient Says there is Nothing is Wrong?
Question: Can I get an opinion on chief complaint and number of elements in this HPI?Per E... Read more
Reader Question:
Examine your head for the right code for this ultrasound study
Question: One of our ED doctors is asking to report limited ultrasound of the head perform... Read more
Reader Question:
You might be the lone "ranger" if not using a specific critical care time statement.
Question: Would a template listing a range of time spent rather than a specific time state... Read more
Reader Question:
Reporting E codes alone will be an external cause of lower reimbursement
Question: A patient presented in the ED complaining of pain in his shoulder after a basket... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't drop the signature baton in handing off a patient at change of shift
Question: When an emergency physician turns an incomplete patient encounter over to a part... Read more
You Be the Coder:
FB or Not FB, That Is the Question!
Question: What procedure and diagnosis codes would you assign to this case?A 43 -year- old... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Target These Areas To Fast Track Your ED Diagnosis Coding Transition
From extreme epistasis to dolphin bites, specificity is all important with ICD-10 How spec... Read more
ICD-10 Training Tool:
Spot the Difference: Handy List Helps You Keep ICD-9, ICD-10 Features Straight
Make your transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 easier with this rundown of the basic difference... Read more
ICD-10 Training Tool:
Use These Common Questions and Answers To Educate Providers
Advice saves you time and headaches researching ICD-10 answers.Question: When will I need ... Read more
Quick Tips Manage Your ED's ICD-10 Transition
Begin documentation improvement efforts NOW.Identify most frequent diagnoses in your ED an... Read more
ICD-10 Training Tool:
ICD-10 Implementation Checklist Helps You Get Organized
Step by step process puts you ahead of the game.1. Identify staff training needs and compl... Read more
Observation Coding:
Look to CMS Transmittal 2282 for Direction On Your Observation Claims
If you have questions about documenting observation services, you need to be familiar with... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch The Rules Rather Than The Clock In Applying Observation Time Standards
Question: Think I'm having a mental block...if time is going to be a factor, and Medicare ... Read more
Reader Question:
Listen Closely For Advice On Lancing An Ear Drum
Question: One of our ER physicians performed this on an infant with acute suppurative OM. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Talk Out Of Both Sides Of Your Mouth For Oral Laceration Repairs
Question: When a patient's mouth laceration is repaired, should I be coding intermediate r... Read more
You Be the Coder
Question: How would you code the following scenario? A patient with a past medical history... Read more
CCI 18.0 Update:
Watch for These Two Codes, Bundled into Dozens of Procedures
You need to know these edits if you report 20527 or 29582 New codes aren't the only things... Read more
Coding Strategies:
Wake Up To These Deep Sedation Insider Tips
You could be coding more deep sedation services this year in the ED, thanks to recent chan... Read more
Coding Tips:
Splinting or Strapping? These Tips Help You Decide
Hint: Look to materials to narrow down your selection.When a patient reports to the ED wit... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Open From Closed Fracture Treatment
Question:What is the difference between an open and closed fracture treatment? California ... Read more
Reader Question:
Can You Report an ED E/M And Critical Care on the Same Day?
Question:Is there official documentation where both critical care and an ED level can be b... Read more
Reader Question:
Tread Carefully When Dealing with Tarsal Fractures
Question:My physician saw a patient for a non-displaced tarsal bone fracture, which did no... Read more
Reader Question:
The CMS Shared Services Documentation Exemption Only Applies to E/M Services
Question:If an emergency physician sees a patient and performs an ED E/M service, but has ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Consider this example
Question:A 67-year-old female presents to the ED after falling off a three-step ladder. Af... Read more
2012 Physician Fee Schedule:
Prep For ED E/M Coding Adjustments, Telehealth Coverage, and Other Changes
Check these RVU changes to calculate your 2012 payments If you were hoping for a reprieve ... Read more
The 2012 Conversion Factor Remains in Limbo
2011 will conclude with a Medicare Conversion factor (the Medicare payment per RVU) of $33... Read more
2012 CPT® Errata:
Late Breaking News: Add Subsequent Observation Codes to Prolonged Services Range
Last month's issue of ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert reported on the 2012 CPT® up... Read more
Audit Proof Your History Component Coding Selections:
Here's How
See this advice on using "Non-contributory" to document a ROS of past, family, social hist... Read more
ICD-9 Coding:
Ring in the New Year with a Refresher of Alcohol Related Diagnoses
Make sure you select the right diagnosis code when alcohol is a factor an ED visitThe New ... Read more
Reader Question:
Can two emergency physicians both report critical care?
Question: A critically ill patient was seen by one emergency physician who documented 91 m... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Patient Age For Critical Care Transport
Question: Is anyone billing procedure codes for an emergency physician who rides with a pa... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Be Shocked; Is This Cardioversion or Defibrillation?
Question: How would you code the following scenario? A78 year-old-male presents to the ED ... Read more
Available Years:  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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