ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

Mark Manipulation, Make $100+ More Per Encounter
No maybes here; answer this question wrong and you will code incorrectly. When your ED ph... Read more
Hone in on HPI Elements to Spot Level 4-5 Possibilities
You cannot code higher-level E/Ms without extended HPI. Properly counting the history of ... Read more
ICD-9 2010:
Even Claims Playing Field With V Code Knowledge
V codes are never primary diagnoses, right? Wrong. When ICD-9 2010 takes effect Oct. 1, i... Read more
ICD-9 2010:
Put E Code in its Place for Maximum Effect
New version makes sports injury ICD-9s super-specific. The ICD-9 2010 section that got th... Read more
Check Off Components Before Coding Drug-Seeking E/M
Question: Occasionally, we get patients in the ED that the physician decides are engaging... Read more
Avoid Denials With 'Complicated ' Repair Smarts
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a cut in the vestibule of the mouth; it is ble... Read more
Opt for E/M on Clamp Clot Clearup
Question: A 33-year-old non-pregnant woman presented to the ED with periumbilical pain af... Read more
Find Carve Outs Before Counting Critical Care Time
Question: The ED physician treats a patient suffering from respiratory distress. Notes in... Read more
Code Pair Provides Pinpoint Pressure Ulcer Dx
Question: A 75-year-old reports to the ED for inspection of sores on her back. The nonphy... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Cyst Drainage Vs. Cyst Removal
Question: I need some help with the following operative note: "Px with CC: growth, right ... Read more
ICD-9 2010:
Prep Now for New 5th-Digit Thrombosis Diagnosis Options
Chronic or acute? You'll need to know this autumn. You'll soon need to jump through more ... Read more
Eye Claims for Cerumen Removal … and a Possible $30 Boost
Earwax treatment always equals E/M ... but sometimes it warrants a procedure, too. Listen... Read more
Use This FAQ to Nail NOPP Level, Aid E/M Coding
Here's why lining up presenting problem levels with 99281-99285 could spell trouble.... Read more
ICD-9 2010:
Master New Poisoning Codes by Learning Antidepressant Types
Come Oct. 1, say goodbye to catch-all 969.0 code. ICD-9 2010 contains several new additio... Read more
Split E/M from G Tube Fix
Question: The ED physician treats a patient with a malfunctioning gastrostomy tube (G tub... Read more
Pay Attention to Area on Shaving Claims
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a dermal lesion. Using a scalpel, the ED physi... Read more
Neglecting 948.xx Is a No-No on Burn Claims
Question: When I am diagnosis coding for burn victims, do I need to include a code from t... Read more
Roll Saw Use Into Service Level
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a sprained left ring finger; the digit is swol... Read more
Mind Location on Dental Blocks
Question: I received a denial for the following claim: Physician performs dental block on... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding ED Sedation Services
Question: A 2-year-old patient reports to the ED. The father says the baby has not defeca... Read more
Spot Treatment Depth to Get Clear Debridement Signal
Skin-deep fix could be worth $26 or $45, depending on debridement details. Remember that ... Read more
Become a Master of Time With This Critical Care FAQ
Beware: CPT, CMS differ on 'family discussion' parameters. When the physician treats a pat... Read more
Include Solid Documentation to Justify 'Discussion' Time
Code interactions with caregiver separately -- provided the physician directly discus... Read more
News You Can Use:
Assist From CPT Aids Trunk US Coding
Recent opinion lines up anatomical regions with US codes. Being that current payer policy ... Read more
Dig Into Details to Soothe Burn Concerns
Question: I am having some trouble with burn diagnosis coding. When the patient has multi... Read more
'Alterations' Do Not Equal Unconsciousness ICD-9s
Question: A 55-year-old patient reports to the ED, saying that for the past three weeks, ... Read more
Go Straight to Source for CC Info
Question: A patient comes into the ED suffering a panic attack, with complaints of chest ... Read more
Code Physician Involvement, Supervision Differently
Question: A 35-year-old patient reports to the ED having a spontaneous abortion. The fetu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Multiple Fracture Accident Patients
Question: A 30-year-old female presents to a rural ED with several injuries after the all-... Read more
Nail Toe Repair Claims by IDing Treatment Type
Beware: Fluid evacuation bundled into most other toenail procedures. Barefoot summer days... Read more
Spy Single PFSH Item to Aid High-Level ED Coding
Risk missing an element if you don't look hard for social history items. Payers reward pr... Read more
ICD-9 Choice Could Make or Break "Buddy Taping" Encounters
Sprained, bruised, broken ... avoid denials by finding out exact injury. When a patient r... Read more
News you can use :
This Fall, Swine Flu Dx Is for the Birds
Use generic flu code until Oct. 1, when H1N1 gets 488.1. The AMA is scrambling to address... Read more
Group Same-System ROS Queries Together
Question: Encounter notes indicate that during the course of an E/M, a patient complains ... Read more
Does a Single Cut Lead to Excision Exception?
Question: Our nonphysician practitioner (NPP) discovers a pair of benign lesions on a pat... Read more
Ensure Counseling Claims With Pointed Questions
Question: Can I report alcohol cessation counseling codes along with ED E/M codes, or do ... Read more
Disregard Generic Code for Plantar Wart
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a painful right foot. The ED physician finds a... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Getting to the Bottom of a SIRS Service
Question: A patient reports to the ED with complaints of fever, decreased urine output, a... Read more
Mind Location, Instrumentation, and Eye FBRs Won't Play Tricks onYou
Youll sell ED short if you cannot recognize slit lamp use. Coders s... Read more
Bust Shared Visit, Critical Care Myths to Max Out NPP's Value
When you bill under NPPs NPI, expect 15 percent less for service. E... Read more
KnowWound Characteristics to Slash Multi-Laceration Repair Miscodes
Code repairs that occur in same area separately -- sometimes. ... Read more
Check Materials on Closure Encounters
Question: A patient reports to the ED after stepping on a rusty nail at a picn... Read more
Minutes Matter on Potential 99291 Claims
Question: A patient with a stated diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea is rush... Read more
Dilation May Up Prostate Procedure Complexity
Question: A patient with a swollen prostate (prostatitis) reports to the ED co... Read more
Watch For CPT 2009 22 Error
Question: CPT 2009s inside cover states that the definition for modifier 22 is... Read more
Avoid 2-Code ClaimWithout Separate E/M Proof
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a swollen bump on her left arm. Not... Read more
Remember Formal Report on Ultrasound Claims
Question: Our ED physician recently performed a limited aortic ultrasound usin... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Coding Physician's H1N1 Flu Screen Service
Question: A patient reports to the ED worried about a fever and chills; to rul... Read more
Double Your $$ When You Spot E/M and Burn
Know the key component of 16000 and put burn coding questions on ice. ... Read more
Coding 'Comfort' Visits as Fracture Care Can Land ED in Hot Water
Specialist-caliber broken bone care elevates treatment to procedure status. ... Read more
Providing Follow-Up Patient Care an ED Exception
& but certain patient situations might make modifier 54 unnecessary. ... Read more
Separate FBRs From Rust Ring Removals
Question: Operative notes indicate that a patient reports to the ED with left ... Read more
Count HPI, or Risk Choosing Wrong E/M Level
Question: I am having some trouble understanding the elements of history of pr... Read more
Use Q6 When 'Sub' Treats Medicare Patient
Question: One of our ED physicians went on maternity leave, and we hired a sub... Read more
Check Patient Status Before Selecting ED E/M
Question: The ED physician is called to see a hospital inpatient with emphysem... Read more
Proper Dx Code Secures Post-Op 99291 Claim
Question: A patient who had heart surgery Monday is in the hospitals intensive... Read more
Flushing Confirms Ear FBR
Question: A father brings his 2-year-old son into the ED with an injury to his... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Accidents, Ultrasounds, and Pregnant Patients
Question: A 27-year-old pregnant patient reports to the ED after an accident: ... Read more
Simple Laceration Repair or E/M? The Answer Could Cost Hundreds
ID simple fixes, and you can code for procedure and E/M. Not recognizing a laceration r... Read more
Shape Time-Saving Counseling Forms Using Online Resources
Base your ED's templates on DAST, CAGE tests for alcohol/substance abuse. Use of cessat... Read more
Count Trigger Point Targets,Not Shots, and Ensure Coding Success
This FAQ will help you become the top TPI gun in your coding department. Coders who are... Read more
Use P Mod on Non-Compliant PQRI Scenarios
Question: A 68-year-old Medicare patient reports to the ED in cardiac distress. The phys... Read more
Bypassing CPAP Code a Mistake on BiPAPs
Question: The ED physician responds to a call to see a hospital inpatient suffering from... Read more
'Stick' in Notes Often IDs Venipuncture
Question: Encounter notes indicate that our nonphysician practitioner (NPP) performed a ... Read more
Check for E/M on Most ED Procedures
Question: A patient with osteoporosis reports to the ED complaining of wrist pain. The p... Read more
Use This Advice on Reporting Modifier 51
Question: I am uncertain about when I should use modifier 51. Do some carriers no longer... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Carving Up Critical Care Claims
Question: A patient reports to the ED with critical injuries to her abdomen and chest; s... Read more
Know What Separates FBR From E/M or Lose $80 in Pay
Here's why -incision- with non-scalpel instrument could be an FBR. If you cannot spot s... Read more
Observe Foot FBR Rules From the Ankle Down
Use different codes, or your ED could be footing the FBR bill. When the ED physician pe... Read more
5 Steps Ensure Your Observation Care Success
Code service only when making admittance decision to prevent denials. Although CPT offe... Read more
Show Shared Effort on Split Visits
Question: A 68-year-old Medicare patient reports to the ED with a small lump in his groi... Read more
Risk Denials Without 5th Digit on Migraine Dx
Question: I am still trying to wrap my head around the new migraine ICD-9 codes. Could y... Read more
Use V Code for Patient's Past Angioplasty
Question: A patient reports to the ED complaining of chest pain (directly over the heart... Read more
Rely on Rule of Nines for Some Burn Treatments
Question: A patient reports to the ED with extensive burns to her entire right arm. Note... Read more
ID Anesthesia Type Before Choosing Code
Question: A 34-year-old patient with a dislocated left shoulder reports to the ED. The E... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Repair Coding and Mouth Injuries
Question: A patient with a laceration on the inside of her mouth reports to the ED; the ... Read more
Affect ED's Bottom Line With Nosebleed Repair Smarts
ED coders often under-report their ED's epistaxis claims. If you can't differentiate a ... Read more
Follow 3 Steps to Establish PQRI Protocol
Remember, EDs not allowed to report on EHR measure. EDs that want to participate in Med... Read more
Track ROS to Nail E/M Levels
Multi-system reviews must exceed exam elements in HPI. If you choose the wrong review o... Read more
Reader Questions:
Physician Role Drives Debridement Coding
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the ED physician performed a partial thickness e... Read more
Reader Questions:
Submit Separate Code for G Tube Monitoring
Question: A hospice patient presents to the ED with a malfunctioning gastrostomy tube (G... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember, There Is No 'Extra' CPR Time
Question: A 56-year-old disabled patient presented to the ED with nausea, vomiting, and ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Notes Before Separating E/M, Injection
Question: A patient with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in her right wrist reports to the ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Online Errata Completes Your CPT '09 Changes
Question: My CPT manual says that the definition for modifier 22 is "unusual procedural ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Moderate Sedation and Fracture Care
Question: A patient reports to the ED with a badly injured right foot; he was using a sn... Read more
Get Pre-Removal Measurement to Maximize Excision Claims
Malignant lesion excisions reimburse at a higher rate than benign ones. If you code l... Read more
Participate in PQRI to Share in Increased Bonus Payment
When physician doesn't meet measure, P modifier ensures compliance. ED providers who wa... Read more
Know Size, Area of Lesion Before Choosing Code
CPT breaks codes into 6 size categories. There are three categories for lesion removal ... Read more
This List Guides You to ED-Relevant PQRI Measures
Here's why ERx should not be on your measures list. If you-re itching to participate in... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Symptom ICD-9s to Explain 'Emergency'
Question: A mother brings her 6-year-old son into the ED on a Saturday afternoon; she re... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember Both Parts of FAST Exam or Lose $$
Question: Encounter notes indicate the ED physician treated a patient with contusions to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Combo Codes Mark COPD With Other Conditions
Question: The ED physician treats a patient with shortness of breath and coughing. The E... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Dwelling Status, Choose Correct Cath Code
Question: A female patient reports to the ED complaining of burning during urination and... Read more
Reader Questions:
AMA Shuts Down 'Layer Closure' Repair Descriptor
Question: I have heard that there are some new codes for intermediate closure repairs in... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding Multiple Laceration Repairs
Question: A patient who fell off a four-wheeler (all-terrain vehicle) while driving repo... Read more
Spot E/M Evidence to Gain $130 When Ventilation Management Occurs
These tips help you identify higher-paying critical care versus ED E/M. If you fail to ... Read more
CPT Update:
Check Out Your Top Changes for 2009
Latest CPT axes prolonged E/M modifier --but offers EDs no alternative strategy. Starti... Read more
News You Can Use:
Begin Prepping for More Specific ICD-10 Today
New diagnosis-code book will change seizure codes -- and everything else. If you ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Reserve CPR Code for 'Lead' Physician
Question: When more than one physician participates in a CPR service for a patient, whic... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include Catheter Code on Critical Care Claim
Question: A 22-year-old motor-vehicle accident victim reports with multiple injuries, an... Read more
Reader Questions:
Using New Migraine ICD-9? Remember 5th Digit
Question: I am having trouble navigating the new ICD-9 codes for migraines. My encounter... Read more
Reader Questions:
Global Period Drives Choice Between 25, 57
Question: I have never really understood what separated modifiers 25 and 57. Could you e... Read more
Reader Questions:
Think Twice Before Filing for Interpreter Service
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use with T1013 for using an interpreter with a M... Read more
Reader Questions:
ED Claims Cannot Contain EBV Screens
Question: A patient reports to the ED complaining of a sore throat, frequent fevers, and... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Observation or ED E/M Care?
Question: A 68-year-old patient with significant airflow limitation due to obstructive c... Read more
Find Age-Related Risks to Possibly Up Pediatric E/M Level
Plan of care should describe any refused treatments, too. Coding for pediatric patient... Read more
Clip and Save:
Pay Special Attention to These Areas of Peds PE
Here's why oral thrush could be a major issue. You can make your pediatric ED E/M codin... Read more
Go Beyond Excision Codes on Lesion Repairs
Don't count margins in 11300-11313. When applying codes 11300-11313 for shaving of epid... Read more
Reader Questions:
Specific Code Knowledge Can Build Block Smarts
Question: A patient reports to the ED complaining of a severe toothache. The physician f... Read more
Reader Questions:
ID Key Terms to Nail Down Hematoma Coding
Question: A patient presents to the ED after crushing the tip of his right thumb during ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Count Muscles on Trigger Point Injections
Question: A patient with a history of back problems reports to the ED complaining of sha... Read more
Reader Questions:
Apply 'ED Caveat' With Caution
Question: I have notes in front of me that indicate the ED physician performed a compreh... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding Separate Services on Fracture Claim
Question: A 17-year-old patient reports to the ED with an injured lower left leg. The ED... Read more
Available Years:  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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