ED Coding and Reimbursement Alert

The Scoop on Double Dipping:
Its OK To Count Systems in Both ROS and HPI
  ED coders have long argued whether an organ system may be counted in both the ... Read more
Rape and Assault Exams Require Attention to Detail
 It's a distressing fact in the life of emergency physicians: They occasional... Read more
Use V Codes for Anthrax Screens
Because no anthrax screening codes currently exist, ED physicians and coders face a quanda... Read more
Anthrax Diagnosis Codes
The following are six ICD-9 codes for anthrax:  022.0 cutaneous anthrax 022.1 pulmo... Read more
Reader Question:
Vital Signs by Nurse
Question: Can vital signs recorded by a nurse be counted as part of the physician exam if ... Read more
Reader Question:
Patients Leaving Without Being Seen
Question: Patients leave the emergency department several times a day without being seen b... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding Unfound Conditions
Question: What diagnosis codes should we assign when a patient presents with a suspected p... Read more
Reader Question:
Wound Exploration
Question: A young man was recently seen in our ED with a laceration that had a large sli... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Multiple Nosebleeds
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
CMS To Revive Facility Charges for Observation Care
CMS has proposed a reimbursement policy change that would allow hospitals to submit faci... Read more
Benefits of Coding Flu Symptoms Are Nothing To Sneeze At
Fall has fallen so cold and flu season can't be far behind. That means an upsurge in ... Read more
News You Can Use:
CPT 2002 Codes Announced
Among the CPT 2002 changes are two new codes describing patient transport services, alth... Read more
Reader Question:
CPR Twice in One Day
Question: One of our ED physicians performed CPR on a 55-year-old patient who came into ... Read more
Reader Question:
Date of Service
Question: Like many other 24-hour clinics, our emergency department often encounters cas... Read more
Reader Question:
Tube Change-Outs
Question: A 93-year-old patient presented to the ED from a nursing home with an indwelli... Read more
Reader Question:
Aspiration Becomes Drainage
Question: A patient presented to the ED with a peritonsillar abscess (PTA) and underwent... Read more
Reader Question:
Strapping the Shoulder
Question: A patient arrived at our ED with a shoulder fracture. The ED attending applied... Read more
Reader Question:
Signing the Charts
Question: Is a chart valid if the final diagnosis was written by someone other that the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Fiberoptic Nasolaryngoscopy
Question: What code should I use to report a fiberoptic nasolaryngoscopy?Ohio Subscriber... Read more
Reader Question:
Digital Block Is Included
Question: Our physician sutured a patient's finger and administered a digital block for ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
CHARGE Syndrome
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Unite Physician and Facility By Using Both Charts When Reporting Services
The abrupt change in coding after the implementation of APCs left many coders bewilder... Read more
Confusion With Infusion:
Get Paid For 90780
Not all CPT definitions apply equally to the ED setting. What may be appropriate for priva... Read more
Reader Question:
Diabetes as a Secondary Code
Question: A 73-year-old female presents to the ED because she is very weak. She had an i... Read more
Reader Question:
Arizona Recommends E Codes
Question: Are E codes mandatory in Arizona, and if so, why? We are using them, but our... Read more
Reader Question:
Artistic Rendering Used Toward E/M Level
Question: Does a drawing (artistic rendering) of a body part in the exam component of the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: A patient comes in for epistaxis (784.7) and has packing (30905).  Packing ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Two Physicians Share Critical-Care Case
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Receive Proper Payment:
Distinguish Between Using Modifier -25 for ED Facility Versus Professional Service
Although the advent of modifier -25 (significant, separately identifiable evaluation a... Read more
Documentation Is Crucial in Supporting Psych E/M Level
Primary psychiatric visits to the ED are common. However, the acutely suicidal or psyc... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Services
Question: Can we bill for E/M services in the ED if the patient is admitted? Because Medic... Read more
Reader Question:
Subsequent Hospital Visits
Question: What documentation is required for the history portion of subsequent hospital ... Read more
Reader Question:
Supervising Physicians
Question: We are a teaching hospital that trains residents in emergency medicine. When a r... Read more
Reader Question:
EMT Services
Question: Can I bill just the emergency medical technician (EMT) services? Where can I f... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Critical Care
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Poisoning or Adverse Effect of a Drug Steers Diagnosis Coding
The key to receiving proper reimbursement for medicatio... Read more
Coding Nonemergent ED Services for Reimbursement
Receiving reimbursement for nonemergent cases can be difficult because although the ... Read more
EMTALAs Importance
In the past, many hospitals attempted to screen out non-emergent patients and refer them b... Read more
News Brief:
HCFA Changes Name to CMS
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which administers Medicare and Medicaid p... Read more
Reader Question:
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Question: How should I code an emergency-room visit for a child with known Wolff-Parkinson... Read more
Reader Question:
Advance Beneficiary Notice
Question: Should we use advance beneficiary notices (ABNs) in the ED? Iowa Subscriber&nb... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: Is 92960 the correct code for reporting the defibrillation performed for cardiac... Read more
Reader Question:
Critical Care by Nonadmitting ED Physician
Question: If one ED physician admits a patient to observation care and another ED physic... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Eight-Hour Rule
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Use Building-Block System To Determine E/M Levels for ED Treatment of Asthma
Acute asthma results in about 1.5 million ED visits each year. ED physicians... Read more
Code Trauma Procedures Separately for Best Payment
ED physicians unfamiliar with proper coding for trauma often undercode and undercharge... Read more
Reader Question:
Ankle Strapping
Question: Can wrapping a sprained ankle with an ACE bandage be coded and billed as an ankl... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Without Patient History
Question: How should we code E/M in the ED if we are unable to obtain a patient's histor... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Avoid Undercoding:
Choose Critical Care Instead of 99285
CPT 2001 has broadened the definition of 99291 (critical care, evaluation and management o... Read more
Bill Carefully for Bedside Ultrasounds in the ED
Social and economic pressures to triage, diagnose and rapidly treat patients have fueled u... Read more
News Brief:
OIG Supports Application of Critical Care Codes in the ED
A recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) study reported that HCFAs concerns about physi... Read more
ED E/M Codes
The May 2001 issue of ED Coding Alert incorrectly stated that in-house cardiac care manage... Read more
Reader Question:
Facility E/M Levels
Question: How should I code E/M levels for a facility? Do most facilities use the same HCF... Read more
Reader Question:
Level-five Caveat
Question: Does the ED level-five caveat apply to the physical exam as well as the history... Read more
Reader Question:
Conscious Sedation
Question: Is conscious sedation with endotracheal intubation a separately billable service... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Bundled With Observation Status
Question: In the past we have collected payment for both the echocardiograph (EKG) observa... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: Is an aircast coded the same as a splint?Gloria PetersonAurora, Pa Answer: If th... Read more
Reader Question:
Place of Service
Question: We are a level-1 trauma center with a burn unit that operates around the clock. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Morning-after Diagnosis Code
Question: We have recently seen several cases of patients presenting to the ED for the mor... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Wound Repair
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Correct Ortho Codes for Fracture Care Depend On Extent of Treatment
"Coders may apply orthopedic codes for the treatment of fractures, sprains and othe... Read more
Complicated Versus Simple Foreign Body Removal:
Know the Difference Between 10120* and 10121
Because CPT does not offer specific guidelines to distinguish simple from complicated fo... Read more
Reader Question:
Tongue Piercing
Question: How should we code removal of a tongue piercing?Michigan Subscriber Answer: Ther... Read more
Reader Question:
Cardiac Code In-house
Question: How should we code when an ED physician responds to a cardiac code on an in-hous... Read more
Reader Question:
Teaching Physicians
Question: How much supervision, if any, does a teaching physician need to provide? How sho... Read more
Reader Question:
Fractured Medial Orbit Wall
Question: A patient presented with an eye injury from a softball. CT results showed medial... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: There is confusion in our emergency department about billing for thrombolytics. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -25
Question: When is it appropriate to code an initial E/M (for a new patient) without the -2... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Billing for CPR
Question: A patient presented to the ED down (in arrest). He was at the facility for 20 mi... Read more
Avoid Edits and Audits Know the Difference Between Cardioversion and Defibrillation
If you frequently see code 92960 (cardioversion, elective) coming from your ED, youre prob... Read more
Solve ROS Documentation Mystery Watch for Language Clues And Win the Reimbursement Prize
Deciphering review of systems (ROS) documentation challenges coders who struggle with the ... Read more
Perineal Tumor
The You be the Coder question in the October 2000 ED Coding Alert asked about coding excis... Read more
Reader Question:
Surgery Assistant
Question: A patient presented to the ED with a ruptured appendix and had to be taken to th... Read more
Reader Question:
Catheter Removal
Question: Would the removal of a subclavian Hickman catheter be included in the E/M level?... Read more
Reader Question:
NPs/PAs and EKGs
Question: Can nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) charge for interpre... Read more
Reader Question:
Forehead Laceration
Question: Can we report a subcuticular closure, single layer (referring to closure techniq... Read more
Reader Question:
Tongue Laceration
Question: What is the correct code for the repair of a tongue laceration? The ED physician... Read more
Reader Question:
Prolonged Services
Question: Are prolonged service codes 99354 and 99355 billable in the ED setting?Indiana S... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M for URI
Question: Which level 99282 or 99283 would I code an ED visit for a child who presented ... Read more
Reader Question:
Treatment Versus Reduction
Question: Are the terms closed reduction and closed treatment synonymous? How could you sa... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Foreign Body
Question: When should 28190* (removal of foreign body, foot; subcutaneous) be used versus ... Read more
Reader Question:
Digital Nerve Blocks
Question: Can I charge 64450 (injection, anesthetic agent; other peripheral nerve or branc... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nasal Bone Fracture
Question: An ED patient fell and broke his nose because he lost consciousness (syncope). C... Read more
Templates Offer a Viable, Accepted Solution to the ED Documentation Challenge
ED physicians who dictate charts often struggle to meet HCFAs evaluation and management (E... Read more
Is It Simple, Complex or Intermediate? Choose the Correct Laceration Repair Code to Match Reimbursement to the Work
The coders laceration repair challenge is searching the physicians documentation to dete... Read more
CPT Repair At a Glance
Use the codes in this section to designate wound closure with sutures, staples or tissue a... Read more
Reader Question:
Suspended CCI 6.3 Edits
Question: I heard that HCFA has suspended the 6.3 Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits. I... Read more
Reader Question:
Review of Symptoms vs. Past Medical History
Question: When a physician lists an organ system and documents past medical/surgical histo... Read more
Reader Question:
Conscious Sedation Followup
Question: Can conscious sedation be billed with an evaluation and management (E/M) code? C... Read more
Reader Question:
90801 vs. E/M
Question: A psychiatric patient usually comes to the ED either under court order or with t... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding From X-ray
Question: Is it appropriate to code from an x-ray if the examining physicians original dia... Read more
Reader Question:
ICD for Normal Exam
Question: What diagnosis code should we assign for patient visits with the final diagnosis... Read more
Reader Question:
Separate EKG and X-Ray Documentation
Question: To bill for electrocardiograms (EKGs) and x-rays, do the EKG and x-ray results h... Read more
Reader Question:
Saturated Oxygen
Question: When billing 94760 we have always attached modifier -26 (professional component... Read more
Reader Question:
Missing Chart Information
Question: As I reviewed a group of charts to code, I found that one physician had signed f... Read more
Reader Question:
Strapping Definition
Question: Can you define the term strapping in relation to codes 29200-29280 and 29520-295... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Modifier -54 and Fracture Care
Question: We are considering billing fracture care with a modifier -54 (surgical care only... Read more
Medical Decision-making Determines the E/M Level of an Established Migraine
Correctly applying the evaluation and management (E/M) code for a migraine depends on the ... Read more
Failed Procedures:
Reason for Halt Affects Code, Reimbursement
How should ED physicians code for a procedure that was attempted but failed? Just because ... Read more
Lacerations With an E/M Service
The You Be the Coder answer in the December ED Coding Alert, page 93, needs to be clarifie... Read more
Reader Question:
Followup Conscious Sedation
Question: How should our ED pediatrician code and bill for administering conscious sedatio... Read more
Reader Question:
Review of Systems
Question: Can a doctor use diseases as a review of systems (ROS)? For example: no renal di... Read more
Reader Question:
Admit and Discharge on Different Date
Question: A patient is held in the ED overnight to be watched and re-evaluated by a psych... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing for ECGs
Question: We are not getting paid for 93010 or 93042. Is it because we are billing them wi... Read more
Reader Question:
Physician Assistant Billing
Question: Our ED has recently received separate billing numbers for our physician assistan... Read more
Reader Question:
Discharged Patients
Question: Are there any guidelines explaining what effect discharge has on billing for 992... Read more
Reader Question:
Gastritis With Hemorrhage
Question: Are gastritis and gastrointestinal bleeding in a final diagnosis coded individua... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Question: Is closure of an acute 1-cm laceration with Surgicell coded as a wound repair or... Read more
Understand the Changes to Critical Care Services in CPT 2001 for Proper Reimbursement
CPT has revised the language for critical care and has increased relative value units (R... Read more
CPT 2001:
Medicare Revises Observation and Inpatient Hospital Care Payment Policy
Medicare has revised its payment policy for observation and inpatient hospital care servic... Read more
Reader Question:
Stab Wounds
Question: A patient presented to the ED waiting room with multiple stab wounds. From docum... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Coding
Question: Evaluation and management (E/M) has three components: history, exam and decisio... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for 99288
Question: When coding for 99288 (physician direction of emergency medical systems [EMS] em... Read more
Reader Question:
92012 and Modifier -25
Question: Does modifier -25 apply only to E/M codes with Medicare or does it also apply ... Read more
Reader Question:
90675 and 90375
Question: Are CPT codes 90675 and 90375 billable by the physician? And can we bill them to... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: One of our ED physicians has been doing ultrasounds on trauma patients. He said ... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for Hernia
Question: Is there a CPT code for inguinal hernia reduction performed in the ED under cons... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Foreign Body in Forehead
Question: How should I code for foreign body removal from scalp/forehead if the item was g... Read more
Available Years:  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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