Question: A patient comes for a routine skin exam. During the exam, the patient tells the dermatologist that a specific mole has been itching and bleeding. The dermatologist spends more time with the patient than a level-two E/M service typically takes (about 10 minutes). What should our claim look like?
New Hampshire Subscriber
Answer: In this case, you should report a prolonged service code with the E/M code on this claim. The claim should read:
Tip: Use 99354 for the first 30-74 minutes of outpatient prolonged service time and +99355 (... each additional 30 minutes [list separately in addition to code for prolonged physician service]) for each additional half-hour for outpatients beyond 74 minutes.
Remember: To use the first-hour prolonged service codes, the dermatologist must provide at least 30 minutes of prolonged service beyond the CPT-allotted time for that E/M service, coding experts say.