Question: When the dermatologist performs photodynamic therapy, can I code separately for the Levulan Kerastick? Is there a HCPCS code for the supply?
Ohio Subscriber
Answer: Report HCPCS code J7308 (Aminolevulinic acid HCl for topical administration, 20%, single unit dosage form [354 mg]) for the supply of 5-aminolevulinic acid cream (also called ALA and sold under the brand Levulan Kerastick).
Most payers will reimburse for the agent, which reacts under light to destroy lesions during the photodynamic therapy procedure (96567, Photodynamic therapy by external application of light to destroy premalignant and/or malignant lesions of the skin and adjacent mucosa [e.g., lip] by activation of photosensitive drug[s], each phototherapy exposure session).
However, you should check with your local carrier to make sure they will recognize and reimburse for the HCPCS code.