Reader Questions:
Extra Long Visit? Consider +99354
Published on Sun Jun 27, 2010
Question: The cardiologist spent 105 minutes evaluating a new patient in the office. Is 99205 the only code I can bill?Massachusetts SubscriberAnswer: You also should look at the prolonged office visit codes +99354-+99355 (Prolonged physician service ... requiring direct [face-to-face] patient contact ... ).Here's why: Code 99205 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient ... Physicians typically spend 60 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family) notes the service typically involves 60 minutes of faceto-face time. But if your cardiologist spent 105 minutes with the patient, then you can bill 99205 for the first 60 minutes plus +99354 to capture payment for the extra time.Important: There is a 30-minute threshold time with the prolonged services codes before those codes kick in. In other words, count 30 minutes more beyond the usual time for the reported E/M service before using the prolonged services codes. [...]