Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Does 93556 Cover S&I of Grafts?

Question: My cardiologists report 75774 for supervision and interpretation of saphenous vein grafts and 75756 for internal mammary grafts when they perform a heart catheterization. Would 93556 cover this?

Oregon Subscriber

Answer: You should report 93556-26 (Imaging supervision, interpretation and report for injection procedure[s] during cardiac catheterization; pulmonary angiography, aortography, and/or selective coronary angiography including venous bypass grafts and arterial conduits [whether native or used in bypass]; professional component) for the supervision and interpretation.
You should also report 93540 (Injection procedure during cardiac catheterization; for selective opacification of aortocoronary venous bypass grafts, one or more coronary arteries) and 93539 (Injection procedure during cardiac catheterization; for selective opacification of arterial conduits [e.g., internal mammary], whether native or used for bypass) for the selective injection.

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