Cardiology Coding Alert


Check Payer for Lopressor Requirements

Question: Which HCPCS code describes intravenous Lopressor/metoprolol? West Virginia Subscriber Answer: You will need to use J3490 (Unclassified drugs) for this drug. Helpful: Many payers have lists of "not otherwise classified" drugs you should report J3490 for and may include instructions for reporting the particular drug. For example, some payers indicate they cover Lopressor (J3490) when you give it intravenously with Dobutamine during a Dobutamine stress test. You report the Dobutamine separately with J1250 (Injection, Dobutamine HCL, per 250 mg). You'll need to include additional information, as well, such as the drug name, strength, cost, National Drug Code, and perhaps the invoice.
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