California Subscriber
Answer: Review the cardiovascular nuclear studies codes (78414-78499) in CPT's cardiovascular system sub-section of the radiology chapter. Most likely, for the service the physician provided on day one, you should report 78465 (Myocardial perfusion imaging; tomographic [SPECT], multiple studies, at rest and/or stress [exercise and/or pharmacologic] and redistribution and/or rest injection, with or without quantification). But check the report documentation and ask the physician to confirm that this is accurate.
The service on day two was probably a repeat study because of a problem with the first study, such as a technical inadequacy or poor images. Because the physician performed only one study on the second day, you should report the single-study code (78464, ... tomographic [SPECT], single study at rest or stress ...).
You would not need to append modifier -76 (Repeat procedure by same physician) to 78464 because the service was provided on a separate day.