Reader Question:
Don't Apply SPECT Codes for Extremities
Published on Wed Nov 05, 2003
Question: One of our physicians performed a thallium scan of a lower extremity with SPECT and planar images to rule out compartment syndrome. Should I report 78465 for this study?
Tennessee Subscriber Answer: You can report 78465 (Myocardial perfusion imaging; tomographic [SPECT], multiple studies, at rest and/or stress [exercise and/or pharmacologic] and redistribution and/or rest injection, with or without quantification) only if the physician assesses the cardiovascular system. Your lower-extremity SPECT study would not meet the requirements to report 78465, so you should instead opt for 78399 (Unlisted musculoskeletal procedure, diagnostic nuclear medicine). As with all unlisted-procedure codes, you should submit the procedure note to the insurer with your claim, along with a short letter explaining what you performed and why it was medically necessary.