Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Conscious Sedation

Question: Can we bill conscious sedation when doing an angio?

Deena Wojtkowski
CVA Ltd., Milwaukee

Answer: The Correct Coding Initiative does not show that conscious sedation cannot be billed. The ACC (American College of Cardiology) indicates only that conscious sedation is used with procedures that cause pain, says Wanda Oplinger, coding consultant for Cardiology Consultants Ltd. in Belleville, Ill. Medicare does not pay for conscious sedation, but some of the third-party payers will cover the service. Check with your carriers to see if they reimburse for the use of the two conscious sedation codes, 99141 (sedation with or without analgesia [conscious sedation]; intravenous, intramuscular or inhalation) and 99142 (sedation with or without analgesia [conscious sedation]; oral, rectal and/or intranasal).
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