Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

414.01 Answers Native Vessel CAD Question

Question: Based on the documentation for the following scenario, can you please tell us the correct ICD-9-CM code for the CAD?

Scenario: The physician documents Past Medical History: CAD with a three-vessel CABG previously.

Impression/Plan: CAD, Native vessel. We will continue current medical therapy.

Codify Member

Answer: The physician specifies the coronary artery disease (CAD) is in a native vessel. You should report 414.01 (Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery) for the CAD.

To support your coding choice, consider this excerpt from AHA’s Coding Clinic (2004, Vol. 21, No. 1). The relevant information has been bolded in the quote: "According to Coding Clinic Second Quarter 1995, page 17, and Third Quarter 1997, page 15, code 414.01 is assigned when the medical record documentation does not indicate that the patient has a history of prior coronary artery bypass surgery or the physician has documented the presence of atherosclerosis in a native coronary artery."

Bonus tip: Code V45.81 (Postsurgical aortocoronary bypass status) is appropriate to indicate the previous coronary artery bypass graft services (CABG).

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