Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

37220 and More Include Distal Embolic Protection

Question: How should we code distal embolic protection performed with stenting or angioplasty?Codify MemberAnswer: Before looking for a way to code distal embolic protection, ensure that it isn't included in the code for the stenting or angioplasty.Guideline example: The lower extremity revascularization codes (such as 37220, Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, iliac artery, unilateral, initial vessel; with transluminal angioplasty) include embolic protection based on the CPT® guidelines. That means you should not report distal embolic protection separately.Code example: Certain codes also differ based on whether distal embolic protection is used, so you should simply choose the code that includes protection. For example, you may need to choose between:37215, Transcatheter placement of intravascular stent(s), cervical carotid artery, percutaneous; with distal embolic protection37216, ... without distal embolic protection.Policy example: Payers may include the placement in related services. For example, Part B MAC National Government Services (NGS) posted an article on coronary percutaneous [...]
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