Plan ahead to be sure you have the right code for interpretations. For CMS rules, keeping up with effective dates is almost as tough as keeping up with the rules themselves. Consider Medicare Transmittal 2407, which focuses on place of service (POS) coding rules, as discussed in "CMS Update: POS 22 May Land on Your Claims More Often Starting in April" ( New effective date: The new Transmittal states: "Transmittal 2407, dated February 3, 2012, is being rescinded and replaced by Transmittal 2435 to change the effective date from April 1, 2012, to October 1, 2012, and to change the implementation date from April 2, 2012, to October 1, 2012. This delay will allow CMS to address questions received and to make any necessary changes. All other information remains the same." Area to watch: Until the new rule becomes effective, continue to follow your payer's current guidance on choosing the POS code. "Despite the implementation delay, you should review your POS coding policies" with the new transmittal instructions in mind to ensure you're ready when CMS announces the final effective date, says Resources: